
This module is a data module providing a catalogue of passages from one particular book or article for each passage to demonstrate the existence of multiple Pali words. The modules returns a 3-D array (technically a Lua table), indexed as follows:

  1. The outer index is the page number.
  2. The second index is a character string serving as the name of the passage within the page - using the first word is the simplest scheme.
  3. The third index is an element number - the text (item 1), its transliteration (item 2) (optional) and its translation (item 3).

The table has one named element, "reference", that holds the name of the template (namely, {{RQ:pi:U19143}}) used to identify the source to the reader and format the quote, its transliteration and its translation.

The intention is that the word will be highlighted when selected by these three indices. Words are assigned positive numbers and their boundaries are marked up in the form {number-word}. This mark up can be nested, so that words may contain other words. Different sections may have the same number; this allows for repeated words, overlapping words, and discontiguous translations.

The words are transcluded into a page using an invocation of the form {{RQ:pi:U19143 quote|2|tatrayam|7}}; this example produces the text:

c. 450 AD, Buddhaghosa, Visuddhimagga; extract republished as Zachary Scheuren, Proposal to encode CHAKMA LETTER VAA for Pali[1] (PDF), 2019, page 2:
𑄖𑄖𑄳𑄢𑄂𑄠𑄁 𑅇𑄌𑄚𑄖𑄴𑄗𑄮𑅁 𑄌𑄢𑄚𑄴𑄖𑄨 𑄖𑄥𑄴𑄟𑄨𑄁 𑄥𑄩𑄣𑄬𑄥𑄪 𑄛𑄢𑄨𑄛𑄫𑄢𑄇𑄂𑄢𑄨𑄖𑄂𑄠 𑄛𑅇𑄖𑄴𑄖𑄚𑄴𑄖𑄩𑄖𑄨 𑄌𑄂𑄢𑄨𑄖𑄴𑄖𑄁𑅁 𑅇𑄂𑄢𑄨𑄖𑄁 𑄖𑄂𑄠𑄚𑄴𑄖𑄨 𑄢𑄇𑄴𑄈𑄚𑄴𑄖𑄨 𑄖𑄬𑄚𑄂𑄖𑄨 𑅇𑄂𑄢𑄨𑄖𑄴𑄖𑄁𑅁
tatrāyaṃ vacanattho. caranti tasmiṃ sīlesu paripūrakāritāya pavattantīti cārittaṃ. vāritaṃ tāyanti rakkhanti tenāti vārittaṃ.
Here, this is the meaning of the words: cāritta: "They behave within that, they proceed fulfilling the virtues"; vāritta: "They protect against what is avoided, they guard against it"

There is no advantage in including a passage for the sake of one word; one can use {{RQ:pi:U19143}} directly for that purpose.

local data = {}
data.reference = "RQ:pi:U19143"

data[2] = {
-- Words 11 and 15 are mentions, not usages!
tatrayam = {
	"{1-𑄖{2-𑄖𑄳𑄢𑄂}}{2-𑄠𑄁} {3-{16-𑅇}𑄌{4-𑄚}}{4-𑄖𑄴𑄗𑄮}𑅁 "..
		"{5-𑄌𑄢𑄚𑄴𑄖𑄨} {6-𑄖𑄥𑄴𑄟𑄨𑄁} {7-𑄥𑄩𑄣𑄬𑄥𑄪} {8-𑄛𑄢𑄨𑄛𑄫𑄢𑄇𑄂𑄢𑄨𑄖𑄂𑄠} {9-𑄛{16-𑅇}𑄖𑄴𑄖𑄚𑄴{10-𑄖𑄩}}{10-𑄖𑄨} {11-𑄌𑄂𑄢𑄨𑄖𑄴𑄖𑄁}𑅁 "..
		"{12-{16-𑅇𑄂}𑄢𑄨𑄖𑄁} {13-𑄖𑄂𑄠𑄚𑄴𑄖𑄨} {14-𑄢𑄇𑄴𑄈𑄚𑄴𑄖𑄨} {6-𑄖𑄬𑄚{10-𑄂}}{10-𑄖𑄨} {15-{16-𑅇𑄂}𑄢𑄨𑄖𑄴𑄖𑄁𑅁}",
   	"{1-tatr{2-ā}}{2-yaṃ} {3-{16-va}can{4-a}}{4-ttho}. "..
	    "{5-caranti} {6-tasmiṃ} {7-sīlesu} {8-paripūrakāritāya} {9-pa{16-va}ttant{10-ī}}{10-ti} "..
	    "{11-cārittaṃ}. "..
		"{12-{16-v}āritaṃ} {13-tāyanti} {14-rakkhanti} {6-ten{10-ā}}{10-ti} {15-{16-v}ārittaṃ}.",
    "{1-Here}, {2-this} is {4-the meaning} {16-}{3-of the words}: "..
    	'{11-cāritta}: {10-"}{5-They behave} {6-within that}, {9-they proceed} {8-fulfilling} '..
    	'{7-the virtues}{10-"}; '..
		'{15-vāritta}: {10-"}{13-They protect} against {12-what is avoided}, '..
		'{14-they guard against} {6-it}{10-"}'

return data