
This module contains the Swadesh list of basic vocabulary in Phalura.

local m = {}
m['nativename'] = "paaluulaá"
m[1] = {{term = "ma"}}
m[2] = {{term = "tu"}}
m[3] = {{term = "anú", notes = "proximal"}, {term = "eenú", notes = "proximal"}, {term = "eeṛó", notes = "distal"}, {term = "eesó", notes = "remote"}}
m[4] = {{term = "be"}}
m[5] = {{term = "tus"}}
m[6] = {{term = "aní", notes = "proximal"}, {term = "eení", notes = "proximal"}, {term = "eeṛé", notes = "distal"}, {term = "eesé", notes = "remote"}}
m[7] = {{term = "anú"}, {term = "eenú"}}
m[8] = {{term = "aṛó"}, {term = "eeṛó"}, {term = "eesó", notes = "remote"}}
m[9] = {{term = "índa"}}
m[10] = {{term = "eeṛáa", notes = "visible"}, {term = "eetáa", notes = "invisible"}}
m[11] = {{term = "koó"}}
m[12] = {{term = "ga"}, {term = "gubáa"}}
m[13] = {{term = "góo"}}
m[14] = {{term = "kareé"}}
m[15] = {{term = "kanáabhe"}}
m[16] = {{term = "na"}}
m[17] = {{term = "buṭheé"}}
m[18] = {{term = "bíiḍu"}}
m[19] = {{term = "tuúš"}}
m[20] = {{term = "úču"}}
m[21] = {{term = "dúi"}}
m[22] = {{term = "áak"}, {term = "áa"}}
m[23] = {{term = "dúu"}}
m[24] = {{term = "tróo"}}
m[25] = {{term = "čúur"}}
m[26] = {{term = "páanǰ"}}
m[27] = {{term = "čóolu"}, {term = "gháanu", notes = '"large"'}, {term = "gáaḍu", notes = '"big, grown, important"'}}
m[28] = {{term = "dhrígu"}}
m[29] = {{term = "čóolu", notes = '"thick, wide, big"'}}
m[30] = {{term = "čóolu", notes = '"thick, wide, big"'}, {term = "bhakúlu", notes = '"fat, thick"'}}
m[31] = {{term = "ungúru"}}
m[32] = {{term = "léku", notes = '"small"'}, {term = "lhoóku", notes = '"small, young"'}}
m[33] = {{term = "khaṭáanu"}}
m[34] = {{term = "tang"}}
m[35] = {{term = "čúṇu", notes = '"thin, small"'}, {term = "tróku", notes = '"thin, weak"'}}
m[36] = {{term = "kúṛi"}}
m[37] = {{term = "míiš"}}
m[38] = {{term = "ǰáanu"}}
m[39] = {{term = "kuṇaák"}, {term = "lhoóku"}}
m[40] = {{term = "kúṛi"}}
m[41] = {{term = "bharíiw"}}
m[42] = {{term = "yéey"}}
m[43] = {{term = "baábu"}, {term = "mháalu"}}
m[44] = {{term = "haiwán"}, {term = "zinaawúr"}}
m[45] = {{term = "reemáts"}}
m[46] = {{term = "čalúṭi"}}
m[47] = {{term = "kučúru"}, {term = "kuṇéeki"}, {term = "kuṇóoku"}}
m[48] = {{term = "ǰhií∼", notes = "rare instance of obligatory nasal"}}
m[49] = {{term = "ǰhanduraá"}}
m[50] = {{term = "ghroónk"}}
m[51] = {{term = "muṭ"}}
m[52] = {{term = "adráx"}, {term = "zangal"}}
m[53] = {{term = "yhúṇḍi"}, {term = "lhaléemi"}, {term = "chéeṇi"}}
m[54] = {{term = "meewá"}}
m[55] = {{term = "bíi"}}
m[56] = {{term = "paalaá"}}
m[57] = {{term = "zeelái", notes = "A"}, {term = "neeṛíi", notes = "B"}}
m[58] = {{term = "pátaṛ"}}
m[59] = {{term = "ghambúri"}}
m[60] = {{term = "ǰabá"}}
m[61] = {{term = "ráaǰ"}}
m[62] = {{term = "púustu"}}
m[63] = {{term = "mhaás"}}
m[64] = {{term = "ráat"}}
m[65] = {{term = "haáḍ"}}
m[66] = {{term = "bhakúlu"}, {term = "čaáx"}, {term = "thúlu"}}
m[67] = {{term = "haṇoó"}}
m[68] = {{term = "ṣíng"}}
m[69] = {{term = "laméeṭi"}}
m[70] = {{term = "pháaṭu"}}
m[71] = {{term = "bóolu"}}
m[72] = {{term = "ṣiṣ"}}
m[73] = {{term = "kaṇ"}}
m[74] = {{term = "achíi"}}
m[75] = {{term = "náas"}}
m[76] = {{term = "dhut"}}
m[77] = {{term = "dan"}}
m[78] = {{term = "ǰip"}}
m[79] = {{term = "náang"}}
m[80] = {{term = "khur"}}
m[81] = {{term = "khúṭ"}}
m[82] = {{term = "khúṭu"}}
m[83] = {{term = "haát"}}
m[84] = {{term = "préku"}, {term = "pháaṭu"}}
m[85] = {{term = "ḍheér"}}
m[86] = {{term = "aandáaru"}}
m[87] = {{term = "máaṭu"}}
m[88] = {{term = "ḍóok"}}
m[89] = {{term = "číči"}, {term = "kiroóṛ", notes = "chest"}, {term = "siiná", notes = "chest"}}
m[90] = {{term = "híṛu"}}
m[91] = {{term = "ǰhangaár"}}
m[92] = {{term = "dhruusíi"}, {term = "píla"}}
m[93] = {{term = "khóo"}}
m[94] = {{term = "čukíi"}}
m[95] = {{term = "čuuṣíi"}}
m[96] = {{term = "thúki"}}
m[97] = {{term = "čháaḍa"}}
m[98] = {{term = "phuukíi"}}
m[99] = {{term = "šiíš ghína"}}
m[100] = {{term = "háansa"}}
m[101] = {{term = "ḍhoó díi"}, {term = "páaša"}}
m[102] = {{term = "ṣúṇa"}}
m[103] = {{term = "ǰhóona"}}
m[104] = {{term = "číta"}, {term = "dúna"}, {term = "soóč thíi"}, {term = "xiaál thíi"}}
m[105] = {{term = "ṣuumbóo"}}
m[106] = {{term = "bhíia"}}
m[107] = {{term = "níindra"}}
m[108] = {{term = "hóonsa"}}
m[109] = {{term = "máara"}}
m[110] = {{term = "mhaaríi"}}
m[111] = {{term = "bulooṣṭóo"}}
m[112] = {{term = "neečíir bíi"}}
m[113] = {{term = "ḍháaka"}, {term = "ǰíi"}, {term = "khaṇíi"}}
m[114] = {{term = "čhína"}, {term = "lúna"}, {term = "phaalíi"}, {term = "ṭoḍusóo"}}
m[115] = {{term = "bhaagíi"}}
m[117] = {{term = "karooṛíi"}, {term = "pičhóo"}}
m[119] = {{term = "bhéengi ǰíi"}}
m[118] = {{term = "karooṛíi"}}
m[120] = {{term = "phútu"}, {term = "urbhíi"}}
m[121] = {{term = "gíra"}, {term = "tíla"}}
m[122] = {{term = "nikhíi"}, {term = "ukhíi"}, {term = "whíi"}, {term = "yhíi"}}
m[124] = {{term = "bhéša"}}
m[125] = {{term = "uthíi"}}
m[126] = {{term = "gíra"}, {term = "núuṭa"}, {term = "nuuṭóo"}}
m[127] = {{term = "čhínǰa"}, {term = "díi"}, {term = "lháasa"}, {term = "šíia"}, {term = "wháida"}}
m[129] = {{term = "ghašíi"}, {term = "ṭing thíi"}}
m[128] = {{term = "díi"}}
m[130] = {{term = "tsiipíi"}}
m[132] = {{term = "dhóo"}}
m[133] = {{term = "pičhóo"}}
m[134] = {{term = "beeṣṭíi"}, {term = "dhrakíi"}, {term = "háara"}, {term = "traác̣ dí"}}
m[135] = {{term = "ṭookóo"}}
m[136] = {{term = "galíi"}, {term = "ṣugalíi"}}
m[137] = {{term = "ghaṇḍíi"}}
m[138] = {{term = "síla"}}
m[139] = {{term = "lekhíi"}}
m[140] = {{term = "maníi"}, {term = "thaníi"}}
m[141] = {{term = "rhoó díi"}}
m[142] = {{term = "šišoó thíi"}}
m[143] = {{term = "šišoó thíi"}}
m[145] = {{term = "šid díi"}, {term = "šid ṣáača"}}
m[146] = {{term = "pháamba"}}
m[147] = {{term = "súuri"}}
m[148] = {{term = "yúun"}}
m[149] = {{term = "tóoru"}}
m[150] = {{term = "wíi"}}
m[151] = {{term = "báaṣ"}}
m[152] = {{term = "sooṇíi"}}
m[153] = {{term = "sáar"}}
m[154] = {{term = "samandár"}}
m[155] = {{term = "lhoóṇ"}}
m[156] = {{term = "baṭ"}}
m[157] = {{term = "číčal"}}
m[158] = {{term = "dúṛi"}}
m[159] = {{term = "dharaáṇ"}}
m[160] = {{term = "áabru"}}
m[161] = {{term = "dhun"}}
m[162] = {{term = "aaghaá"}}
m[163] = {{term = "húuši"}}
m[164] = {{term = "kir"}}
m[165] = {{term = "soór"}}
m[166] = {{term = "dhuumíi"}, {term = "kaš thíi"}}
m[167] = {{term = "angóor"}}
m[169] = {{term = "daáǰa"}}
m[170] = {{term = "páand"}}
m[171] = {{term = "ɣar"}, {term = "kháaṇ"}}
m[172] = {{term = "lhóilu"}}
m[173] = {{term = "níilu", notes = '"blue, green"'}}
m[174] = {{term = "zeṛ"}}
m[175] = {{term = "paṇáaru"}}
m[176] = {{term = "kriṣíṇu"}}
m[177] = {{term = "raát"}, {term = "róot"}}
m[178] = {{term = "deés"}}
m[179] = {{term = "kaál"}}
m[180] = {{term = "táatu", notes = '"hot"'}}
m[181] = {{term = "šidáalu"}}
m[182] = {{term = "purá"}}
m[183] = {{term = "náawu"}}
m[184] = {{term = "búuḍu"}, {term = "puróoṇu"}}
m[185] = {{term = "šúi"}}
m[186] = {{term = "kháaču"}, {term = "xaraáp"}}
m[187] = {{term = "pac̣halíila"}}
m[188] = {{term = "axsaá"}, {term = "ǰhuṭá"}}
m[189] = {{term = "c̣húuṇc̣u", notes = "?"}}
m[190] = {{term = "piṇḍúuru"}}
m[191] = {{term = "tíiṇu"}}
m[192] = {{term = "búku"}}
m[194] = {{term = "síndu"}}
m[195] = {{term = "šúku"}}
m[196] = {{term = "sahí"}}
m[197] = {{term = "nhiáaṛa"}}
m[198] = {{term = "dhúura"}}
m[199] = {{term = "deec̣híṇu"}}
m[200] = {{term = "khúšu", notes = "left-handed"}}
m[201] = {{term = "sangí"}, {term = "the"}}
m[202] = {{term = "maǰí"}, {term = "šíiṭi"}, {term = "wée"}}
m[203] = {{term = "ghiní"}, {term = "kéeči"}, {term = "ki"}, {term = "sangí"}}
m[204] = {{term = "ba"}, {term = "ee"}, {term = "óo"}, {term = "oór"}, {term = "ta"}}
m[205] = {{term = "ágar"}}
m[206] = {{term = "keéki"}}
m[207] = {{term = "nóo"}}
return m