
This is a private module sandbox of Awesomemeeos, for their own experimentation. Items in this module may be added and removed at Awesomemeeos's discretion; do not rely on this module's stability.

-- the first set is broad, and the second set is narrow
-- munster is the primary set
local cons_munster = {
	["b"]	=	{ "bˠ", "bʲ" },
	["bh"]	=	{ "vˠ", "vʲ"},
	["bhf"]	=	{ "vˠ", "vʲ"},
	["bp"]	=	{ "bˠ", "bʲ" },
	["c"]	=	{ "k", "c" },
	["ch"]	=	{ "x", "ç" },
	["d"]	=	{ "d̪ˠ", "dʲ" },
	["dh"]	=	{ "ɣ", "j"},
	["dt"]	=	{ "d̪ˠ", "dʲ" },
	["f"]	=	{ "fˠ", "fʲ"},
	["fh"]	=	{ "", ""}, --silent
	["g"]	=	{ "ɡ", "ɟ"},
	["gc"]	=	{ "ɡ", "ɟ"},
	["gh"]	=	{ "ɣ", "j"},
	["h"]	=	{ "h", "h"},
	["l"]	=	{ "lˠ", "lʲ"},
	["ll"]	=	{ "l̪ˠ", "l̠ʲ"},
	["m"]	=	{ "mˠ", "mʲ"},
	["mb"]	=	{ "mˠ", "mʲ"},
	["mh"]	=	{ "vˠ", "vʲ"},
	["n"]	=	{ "nˠ", "nʲ"},
	["nd"]	=	{ "n̪ˠ", "n̠ʲ"},
	["ng"]	=	{ "ŋ", "ɲ"},
	["nn"]	=	{ "n̪ˠ", "n̠ʲ"},
	["p"]	=	{ "pˠ", "pʲ"},
	["ph"]	=	{ "fˠ", "fʲ"},
	["r"]	=	{ "ɾˠ", "ɾʲ" },
	["rr"]	=	{ "ɾˠ", "ɾˠ" },
	["s"]	=	{ "sˠ", "ʃ" },
	["sh"]	=	{ "h", "h"},
	["t"]	=	{ "t̪ˠ", "tʲ"},
	["th"]	=	{ "h", "h"},
	["v"]	=	{ "vˠ", "vʲ"},
	["z"]	=	{ "zˠ", "ʒ" },

	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, 'k', "c")
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, 'kh', "ch")
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, 'q', "c")
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, 'w', "v")
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, 'x', "cs")

	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, 'y', "i")

-- Connacht changes
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, '^vˠ', "w")
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, '([^ɡɣhkŋxˠ])vˠ', "%1w")

local vowels_munster = {
	["a"] = "ɑ", ["á"] = "ɑː", ["e"] = "ə", ["é"] = "eː", ["i"] = "ɪ", ["í"] = "iː", ["o"] = "ɔ", ["ó"] = "oː", ["u"] = "ʊ", ["ú"] = "uː",
	["ae"] = "ɑ", ["ai"] = "ɑ", ["ái"] = "ɑː", ["aí"] = "iː", ["ao"] = "eː", ["ea"] = "a", ["éa"] = "eː", ["ei"] = "ɛ", ["éi"] = "eː", ["eo"] = "oː", ["ia"] = "iə̯", ["io"] = "ʊ" --also ɪ ,  ["iu"] = "ʊ", ["ua"] = "uə̯", ["ue"] = "uə̯", ["ui"] = "ɪ", ["úi"] = "uː",