This is a private module sandbox of Catonif, for their own experimentation. Items in this module may be added and removed at Catonif's discretion; do not rely on this module's stability.

local arvia_ustentu = "<Show:2> the <crop:1>";
local ukriper_fisiu_tutaper_ikuvina = "<For:1> the <Fisian:2> <Mount:1>, <for:3> the <Iguvine:4> <community:3>.";
local vatuva_ferine_fetu = "<Sacrifice:3> the <ribs:1> <on a tray:2>.";
local puni_fetu = "<Sacrifice:2> with <mead:1>.";
local kutef_pesnimu_arsepes_arves = "<Pray:2> <in a murmur:1> with <fat:3>, <grain:4>.";
local supa_sumtu = "<Take up:2> the <guts:1>.";
local heri_vinu_heri_puni = "[Sacrifice] <either:1> <with wine:2> <or:3> <mead:4>.";

return {

	--[[ 1. Taking of the auspices ]]--
	["1"] = {
		text = "1 {<𐌄𐌔𐌕𐌄>⁚<𐌐𐌄𐌓𐌔𐌊𐌋𐌖𐌌>⁚<𐌀𐌅𐌄𐌔>⁚<𐌀𐌍𐌆𐌄𐌓𐌉𐌀𐌕𐌄𐌔>⁚<𐌄𐌍𐌄𐌕𐌖>⁚} 2 {<𐌐𐌄𐌓𐌍𐌀𐌉𐌄𐌔>⁚<𐌐𐌖𐌔𐌍𐌀𐌄𐌔>⁚} .",
		t =  "<Commence:5> <this:1> <ceremony:2> <after having seen:4> the <birds:3>; <those in front:6>, <those behind:7>.",

	--[[ 2. Sacrifice pf three oxen to Juper Grabovius before the Trebulan gate ]]--
	["2"] = {
		text = "2 . {<𐌐𐌓𐌄><𐌅𐌄𐌓𐌄𐌔>⁚<𐌕𐌓𐌄𐌐𐌋𐌀𐌍𐌄𐌔>⁚} 3 {<𐌉𐌖𐌅𐌄>⁚<𐌊𐌓𐌀𐌐𐌖𐌅𐌉>⁚<𐌕𐌓𐌄>_<𐌁𐌖𐌚>⁚<𐌚𐌄𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		t = "<In front of:1> the <Trebulan:3> <gate:2> <sacrifice:8> <three:6> <oxen:7> to <Jupiter:4> <Grabovius:5>.",
	}, ["3"] = {
		text = "3 . {<𐌀𐌓𐌅𐌉𐌀>_<𐌖𐌔𐌕𐌄𐌍𐌕𐌖>⁚}",
		t = arvia_ustentu,
	}, ["4a"] = {
		text = "4 {<𐌅𐌀𐌕𐌖𐌅𐌀>_<𐌚𐌄𐌓𐌉𐌍𐌄>⁚<𐌚𐌄𐌉𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		t = vatuva_ferine_fetu,
	}, ["4b"] = {
		text = "4 . {<𐌇𐌄𐌓𐌉𐌔>⁚<𐌅𐌉𐌍𐌖>⁚<𐌇𐌄𐌓𐌉>_<𐌐𐌖𐌍𐌉>⁚}",
		t = heri_vinu_heri_puni,

	--[[ 3. Sacrifice of three pregnant sows to Trebus Jovius behind the Trebulan gate ]]--
	["5a"] = {
		text = "5 {<𐌖𐌊𐌓𐌉𐌐𐌄𐌓>⁚<𐌚𐌉𐌔𐌉𐌖>⁚<𐌕𐌖𐌕𐌀𐌐𐌄𐌓>⁚<𐌉𐌊𐌖𐌅𐌉𐌍𐌀>⁚<𐌚𐌄𐌉𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		t = "<Sacrifice:5> <for:1> the <Fisian:2> <Mount:1>, <for:3> the <Iguvine:4> <community:3>.",
	}, ["5b"] = {
		text = "5 . {<𐌔𐌄𐌅𐌖𐌌>⁚ 6 <𐌊𐌖𐌕𐌄𐌚>⁚<𐌐𐌄𐌔𐌍𐌉𐌌𐌖>_<𐌀𐌛𐌄𐌐𐌄𐌔>_<𐌀𐌓𐌅𐌄𐌔>⁚}",
		t = "<Pray:3> [on] <everything:2> <in a murmur:3> with <fat:4>, <grain:5>.",
	}, ["7"] = {
        text = "7 {<𐌐𐌖𐌔><𐌅𐌄𐌓𐌄𐌔>⁚<𐌕𐌓𐌄𐌐𐌋𐌀𐌍𐌄𐌔>⁚<𐌕𐌓𐌄𐌚>_<𐌔𐌉𐌚>⁚<𐌊𐌖𐌌𐌉𐌀𐌚>⁚<𐌚𐌄𐌉𐌕𐌖>⁚} 8 {<𐌕𐌓𐌄𐌁𐌄>⁚<𐌉𐌖𐌅𐌉𐌄>⁚} .",
        t = "{<Behind:1> the <Trebulan:3> <gate:2> <sacrifice:7> <three:4> <pregnant:6> <sows:5> to <Trebus:8> <Jovius:9>.",
    }, ["8"] = {
		text = "8 . {<𐌖𐌊𐌓𐌉𐌐𐌄𐌓>⁚<𐌚𐌉𐌔𐌉𐌖>⁚<𐌕𐌖𐌕𐌀𐌐𐌄𐌓>⁚<𐌉𐌊𐌖𐌅𐌉𐌍𐌀>⁚}",
		t = ukriper_fisiu_tutaper_ikuvina,
	}, ["9a"] = {
		text = "9 {<𐌔𐌖𐌐𐌀>_<𐌔𐌖𐌌𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		t = supa_sumtu,
	}, ["9b"] = {
		text = "9 . {<𐌀𐌓𐌅𐌉𐌀>_<𐌖𐌔𐌕𐌄𐌍𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		t = arvia_ustentu,
	}, ["9c"] = {
		text = "9 . {<𐌐𐌖𐌍𐌉>_<𐌚𐌄𐌕𐌖>⁚}",
		t = puni_fetu,
	}, ["10"] = {
		text = "10 {<𐌊𐌖𐌕𐌄𐌚>_<𐌐𐌄𐌔𐌍𐌉𐌌𐌖>⁚<𐌀𐌃𐌄>_<𐌀𐌓𐌅𐌄𐌔>}",
		t = kutef_pesnimu_arsepes_arves,

	--[[ 4. Sacrifice of three oxen to Mars Grabovius before the Tesenacan gate ]]--
	["11"] = {
		text = "11 {<𐌐𐌓𐌄><𐌅𐌄𐌓𐌄𐌔>⁚<𐌕𐌄𐌔𐌄𐌍𐌀𐌊𐌄𐌔>⁚<𐌕𐌓𐌄>_<𐌁𐌖𐌚>⁚<𐌚𐌄𐌕𐌖>⁚<𐌌𐌀𐌓𐌕𐌄>⁚<𐌊𐌓𐌀𐌐𐌖/𐌅𐌉>} 12 {<𐌚𐌄𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		t = "<In front of:1> the <Tesenacan:3> <gate:2> <sacrifice:6> <three:4> <oxen:5>, <sacrifice:9> to <Mars:7> <Grabovius:8>.",
	}, ["12a"] = {
		text = "12 . {<𐌖𐌊𐌓𐌉𐌐𐌄>⁚<𐌚𐌉𐌔𐌉𐌖>⁚<𐌕𐌖𐌕𐌀𐌐𐌄𐌓>⁚<𐌉𐌊𐌖𐌅𐌉𐌍𐌀>⁚} .",
		t = ukriper_fisiu_tutaper_ikuvina,
	}, ["12b"] = {
		text = "12 . {<𐌀𐌓𐌅𐌉𐌖>⁚<𐌖𐌔𐌕𐌄𐌍𐌕𐌖>}",
		t = arvia_ustentu,
	}, ["13a"] = {
		text = "13 {<𐌅𐌀𐌕𐌖𐌅𐌀>_<𐌚𐌄𐌓𐌉𐌍𐌄>⁚<𐌚𐌄𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		t = vatuva_ferine_fetu,
	}, ["13b"] = {
		text = "13 . {<𐌐𐌖𐌍𐌉>_<𐌚𐌄𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		t = puni_fetu,
	}, ["13c"] = {
		text = "13 . {<𐌊𐌖𐌕𐌄𐌚>⁚<𐌐𐌄𐌔𐌍𐌉𐌌𐌖>⁚} 13a {<𐌀𐌃𐌐𐌄𐌔>⁚<𐌀𐌓𐌅𐌄𐌔>⁚}",
		t = kutef_pesnimu_arsepes_arves,

	--[[ 5. Sacrifice of three suckling pigs to Fisus Sancius behind the Tesenacan Gate ]]--
	["14"] = {
		text = "14 {<𐌐𐌖𐌔><𐌅𐌄𐌓𐌄𐌔>⁚<𐌕𐌄𐌔𐌄𐌍𐌀𐌊𐌄𐌔>⁚<𐌕𐌓𐌄𐌚>⁚<𐌔𐌉𐌚>⁚<𐌚𐌄𐌋𐌉𐌖𐌚>⁚<𐌚𐌄𐌕𐌖>⁚} 15 {<𐌚𐌉𐌔𐌄>_<𐌔𐌀𐌜𐌉>⁚} .",
		t = "<Behind:1> the <Tesenacan:3> <gate:2> <sacrifice:7> <three:4> <suckling:6> <pigs:5> to <Fisus:8> <Sancius:9>.",
	}, ["15"] = {
		text = "15 . {<𐌖𐌊𐌓𐌉𐌐𐌄𐌓>⁚<𐌚𐌉𐌔𐌉𐌖>⁚<𐌕𐌖𐌕𐌀𐌐𐌄𐌓>⁚<𐌉𐌊𐌖𐌅𐌉𐌍𐌀>⁚}",
		t = ukriper_fisiu_tutaper_ikuvina,
	}, ["16a"] = {
		text = "16 {<𐌐𐌖𐌍𐌉>⁚<𐌚𐌄𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		t = puni_fetu,
	}, ["16b"] = {
		text = "16 . {<𐌔𐌖𐌐𐌀>⁚<𐌔𐌖𐌌𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		t = supa_sumtu,
	}, ["16c"] = {
		text = "16 . {<𐌀𐌓𐌅𐌉𐌖>⁚<𐌖𐌔𐌕𐌄𐌍𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		t = arvia_ustentu,

	--[[ 6. Supplementary offerings to Fisovius Sancius ]]--
	["16d"] = {
		text = "16 . {<𐌌𐌄𐌚𐌀>⁚} 17 {<𐌅𐌄𐌔𐌕𐌉𐌜𐌀>⁚<𐌖𐌔𐌕𐌄𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		t = "<Present:3> a <''mefa'' cake:1> and a <libation:2>.",
	}, ["17"] = {
		text = "17 . {<𐌚𐌉𐌉𐌖𐌅𐌉>⁚<𐌚𐌄𐌕𐌖>⁚<𐌖𐌊𐌓𐌉𐌐𐌄𐌓>⁚<𐌚𐌉𐌔𐌉𐌖>⁚<𐌚𐌄𐌕𐌖>⁚}",
		t = "<Sacrifice:2> to <Fisovius:1>, <sacrifice:5> <for:3> the <Fisian:4> <Mount:3>.",
	}, ["18"] = {
		text = "18 {<𐌊𐌀𐌐𐌉𐌃>_<𐌐𐌖𐌓𐌕𐌉𐌕𐌀𐌚>⁚<𐌔𐌀𐌊𐌓𐌄𐌚>⁚<𐌄𐌕𐌓𐌀𐌚>⁚<𐌐𐌖𐌓𐌕𐌉𐌕𐌀𐌚>⁚<𐌄𐌕𐌓𐌀𐌚>⁚} 19 {<𐌔𐌀𐌊𐌓𐌄𐌚>⁚} .",
		-- TODO: translation
	}, ["19a"] = {
		text = "19 . {<𐌕𐌖𐌕𐌀𐌐𐌄𐌓>⁚<𐌉𐌊𐌖𐌅𐌉𐌍𐌀>⁚} .",
		t = "<For:1> the <Iguvian:2> <community:1>.",
	}, ["19b"] = {
		text = "19 . {<𐌊𐌖𐌕𐌄𐌚>⁚<𐌐𐌄𐌔𐌍𐌉𐌌𐌖>⁚<𐌀𐌃𐌄𐌐𐌄𐌔>⁚<𐌀𐌓𐌅𐌄𐌔>⁚}",
		t = kutef_pesnimu_arsepes_arves,

	--[[ 7. Sacrifice of three oxen with white foreheads to Vofionus Grabovius before the Veian gate ]]--
	["20"] = {
		text = "20 {<𐌐𐌓𐌄><𐌅𐌄𐌓𐌄𐌔>⁚<𐌅𐌄𐌇𐌉𐌉𐌄𐌔>⁚<𐌕𐌓𐌄𐌚>⁚<𐌁𐌖𐌚>⁚<𐌊𐌀𐌋𐌄𐌃𐌖𐌚>⁚<𐌚𐌄𐌕𐌖>⁚<𐌅𐌖𐌚𐌉𐌖𐌍𐌄>} 21 {<𐌊𐌓𐌀𐌐𐌖𐌅𐌉⁚>} .",
		t = "<In front of:1> the <Vehian:3> <gate:2> <sacrifice:7> <three:4> <oxen:5> <with white foreheads:6> to <Vofionus:8> <Grabovius:9>."
	}, ["21"] = {
		text = "21 . {<𐌖𐌊𐌓𐌉𐌐𐌄𐌓>⁚<𐌚𐌉𐌔𐌉𐌖>⁚<𐌕𐌖𐌕𐌀𐌐𐌄𐌓>⁚<𐌉𐌊𐌖𐌅𐌉𐌍𐌀>⁚}",
		t = ukriper_fisiu_tutaper_ikuvina,
	}, ["22a"] = {
		text = "22 {<𐌅𐌀𐌕𐌖𐌅𐌀>⁚<𐌚𐌄𐌓𐌉𐌍𐌄>⁚<𐌚𐌄𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		t = vatuva_ferine_fetu,
	}, ["22b"] = {
		text = "22 . {<𐌇𐌄𐌓𐌉>⁚<𐌅𐌉𐌍𐌖>⁚<𐌇𐌄𐌓𐌉>⁚<𐌐𐌖𐌍𐌉>⁚}",
		t = heri_vinu_heri_puni,
	}, ["23a"] = {
		text = "23 {<𐌀𐌓𐌅𐌉𐌖>⁚<𐌖𐌔𐌕𐌄𐌍𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		t = arvia_ustentu,
	}, ["23b"] = {
		text = "23 . {<𐌊𐌖𐌕𐌄𐌚>⁚<𐌐𐌄𐌔𐌍𐌉𐌌𐌖>⁚<𐌀𐌃𐌄𐌐𐌄𐌔>⁚<𐌀𐌓𐌅𐌄𐌔>⁚}",
		t = kutef_pesnimu_arsepes_arves,

	--[[ 8. Sacrifice of three ewe lambs to Tefer Jovius behind the Veian gate ]]--
	["24"] = {
		text = "24 {<𐌐𐌖𐌔><𐌅𐌄𐌓𐌄𐌔>⁚<𐌅𐌄𐌇𐌉𐌉𐌄𐌔>⁚<𐌕𐌓𐌄𐌚>⁚<𐌇𐌀𐌐𐌉𐌍𐌀𐌚>⁚<𐌚𐌄𐌕𐌖>⁚<𐌕𐌄𐌚𐌓𐌄>⁚<𐌉𐌖𐌅𐌉𐌄>⁚}",
		t = "<Behind:1> the <Vehian:3> <gate:2> <sacrifice:6> <three:4> <ewe lambs:5> to <Tefer:7> <Jovius:8>.",
	}, ["25a"] = {
		text = "25 {<𐌖𐌊𐌓𐌉𐌐𐌄𐌓>⁚<𐌚𐌉𐌔𐌉𐌖>⁚<𐌕𐌖𐌕𐌀𐌐𐌄𐌓>⁚<𐌉𐌊𐌖𐌅𐌉𐌍𐌀>⁚} .",
		t = ukriper_fisiu_tutaper_ikuvina,
	}, ["25b"] = {
		text = "25 {<𐌐𐌖𐌔𐌕𐌄>⁚<𐌀𐌔𐌉𐌀𐌍𐌄>⁚<𐌚𐌄𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		-- TODO: translation
	}, ["25c"] = {
		text = "25 . {<𐌆𐌄𐌃𐌄𐌚>⁚<𐌚𐌄𐌕𐌖>⁚}",
		t = "<Sacrifice:2> <seated:1>.",
	}, ["26a"] = {
		text = "26 {<𐌐𐌄𐌋𐌔𐌀𐌍𐌀>⁚<𐌚𐌄𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		-- TODO: translation
	}, ["26b"] = {
		text = "26 . {<𐌀𐌓𐌅𐌉𐌀>⁚<𐌖𐌔𐌕𐌄𐌍𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		t = arvia_ustentu,
	}, ["26c"] = {
		text = "26 . {<𐌐𐌖𐌍𐌉>_<𐌚𐌄𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		t = puni_fetu,
	}, ["26d"] = {
		text = "26 . {<𐌕𐌀𐌜𐌄𐌆>⁚<𐌐𐌄𐌔𐌍𐌉𐌌𐌖|𐌐𐌄𐌔𐌍𐌉𐌌>} 27 {<𐌐𐌄𐌔𐌍𐌉𐌌𐌖|𐌖>⁚<𐌀𐌃𐌉𐌐𐌄𐌓>⁚<𐌀𐌓𐌅𐌉𐌔>⁚} .",
		t = "<Pray:3> <silently:1> with <fat:4>, <grain:5>.",
	}, ["27"] = {
		text = "27 . {<𐌀𐌐𐌉>⁚<𐌇𐌀𐌁𐌉𐌍𐌀>⁚<𐌐𐌖𐌓𐌕𐌉𐌉𐌖𐌔>⁚<𐌔𐌖𐌃𐌖𐌌>⁚<𐌐𐌄𐌔𐌖𐌍𐌕𐌓𐌖>} 28 {<𐌚𐌄𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		t = "<After:1> <having offered:3> the <ewe lambs:2>, <sacrifice:6> <pig:4>-<[???]:5>.",

	--[[ 9. Supplementary offerings to Tefer Jovius ]]--
	["28a"] = {
		text = "28 . {<𐌄𐌔𐌌𐌉𐌊>⁚<𐌅𐌄𐌔𐌕𐌉𐌜𐌀𐌌>⁚<𐌐𐌓𐌄𐌅𐌄>⁚<𐌚𐌉𐌊𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		-- TODO: translation
	}, ["28b"] = {
		text = "28 . {<𐌕𐌄𐌚𐌓𐌉>⁚<𐌉𐌖𐌅𐌉>⁚<𐌚𐌄𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		t = "<Sacrifice:3> to <Tefer:1> <Jovius:2>.",
	}, ["28c"] = {
		text = "28 . {<𐌖𐌊𐌓𐌉:𐌖𐌊𐌓𐌉𐌐𐌄𐌓>} 29 {<𐌐𐌄𐌓:𐌖𐌊𐌓𐌉𐌐𐌄𐌓><𐌚𐌉𐌔𐌉𐌖>⁚<𐌕𐌖𐌕𐌀𐌐𐌄𐌓>⁚<𐌉𐌊𐌖𐌅𐌉𐌍𐌀>⁚} .",
		t = "<For:2> the <Fisian:3> <Mount:2>, <for:4> the <Iguvine:5> <community:4>.",
	}, ["29"] = {
		text = "29 . {<𐌕𐌄𐌔𐌕𐌓𐌖𐌊𐌖>⁚<𐌐𐌄𐌃𐌉>⁚<𐌊𐌀𐌐𐌉𐌃𐌄>_<𐌐𐌄𐌃𐌖𐌌>_<𐌚𐌄𐌉𐌕:𐌚𐌄𐌉𐌕𐌖>} 30 {<𐌖:𐌚𐌄𐌉𐌕𐌖>} .",
		-- TODO: translation
	}, ["30"] = {
		text = "30 . {<𐌀𐌐𐌉>⁚<𐌄𐌃𐌄𐌋>_<𐌐𐌖𐌓𐌕𐌉𐌉𐌖𐌔>⁚<𐌄𐌍𐌖𐌊>⁚<𐌔𐌖𐌃𐌖𐌌>⁚<𐌐𐌄𐌔𐌖𐌍𐌕𐌓𐌖𐌌>⁚<𐌚𐌄𐌉𐌕𐌖>⁚<𐌔𐌕𐌀𐌚:𐌔𐌕𐌀𐌚𐌋𐌉>} 31 {<𐌋𐌉:𐌔𐌕𐌀𐌚𐌋𐌉>⁚<𐌉𐌖𐌅(𐌄):𐌉𐌖𐌅𐌄>} .",
		-- NOTE: the final 𐌄 was not written likely as 𐌉𐌖𐌅𐌄𐌔𐌌𐌉𐌊 was made to stand for 𐌉𐌖𐌅𐌄 𐌄𐌔𐌌𐌖𐌊.
		-- TODO: translation
	}, ["31a"] = {
		text = "31 . {<𐌄𐌔𐌌𐌉𐌊>⁚<𐌅𐌄𐌔𐌕𐌉𐌜𐌀>⁚<𐌀𐌚𐌉𐌊𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		t = "<Upon it:1> <add:3> a <libation:2>.",
	}, ["31b"] = {
		text = "31 . {<𐌖𐌊𐌓𐌉𐌐𐌄𐌓>⁚<𐌚𐌉𐌔𐌉𐌖>_<𐌕𐌖𐌕𐌀𐌐𐌄𐌓>⁚<𐌉𐌊𐌖𐌅𐌉𐌍𐌐:𐌉𐌊𐌖𐌅𐌉𐌍𐌀>} 32 {<𐌀:𐌉𐌊𐌖𐌅𐌉𐌍𐌀>} .",
		-- NOTE: not a real 𐌐, just the scribe realising he didn't have enough space and stopped the 𐌀 half-way.
		t = ukriper_fisiu_tutaper_ikuvina,
	}, ["32a"] = {
		text = "32 . {<𐌚𐌄𐌉𐌕𐌖>_<𐌍𐌄𐌓𐌕𐌓𐌖𐌊𐌖>⁚<𐌐𐌄𐌃𐌉>⁚<𐌊𐌀𐌐𐌉𐌃𐌄>⁚<𐌐𐌄𐌃𐌖𐌌>⁚<𐌚𐌄𐌉𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		-- TODO: translation
	}, ["32b"] = {
		text = "32 . {<𐌐𐌖𐌍𐌉>⁚<𐌚𐌄𐌉𐌕𐌖>⁚}",
		t = puni_fetu,
	}, ["33a"] = {
		text = "33 {<𐌀𐌐𐌉>⁚<𐌔𐌖𐌃𐌖𐌚>_<𐌐𐌖𐌃𐌕𐌉𐌕𐌉𐌖𐌔>⁚<𐌄𐌍𐌖𐌊>⁚<𐌇𐌀𐌐𐌉𐌍𐌀𐌓𐌖>⁚<𐌄𐌓𐌖𐌔>⁚<𐌕𐌉𐌕𐌖>⁚} .",
		-- TODO: translation
	}, ["33b"] = {
		text = "33 . {<𐌆𐌄𐌃𐌄𐌚>} 34 {<𐌊𐌖𐌌𐌖𐌋𐌕𐌖>⁚<𐌆𐌄𐌃𐌄𐌚>⁚<𐌊𐌖𐌌𐌀𐌕𐌔>⁚<𐌐𐌄𐌔𐌍𐌉𐌌𐌖>⁚",
		-- TODO: translation
