
This is a private module sandbox of IsomorphycSandbox, for their own experimentation. Items in this module may be added and removed at IsomorphycSandbox's discretion; do not rely on this module's stability.

--the proper names begin on page 999, which due to the +5 filename offset at ARTFL is 

local first_headwords_proper = { 'abdera', 'aegina (island)', 'ameinias', 'appius', 'asine', 'baetis (river)', 'camillus', 'chalybes', 'cora', 'cythera', 'dolopia', 'erato', 'fidenae', 'haemus (mt.)', 'hermocrates', 'ion', 'laestygones', 'lycidas', 'melanippus', 'mytilene', 'oedipus', 'pamphilus', 'pelorus (cape)', 'phlegyas', 'polydorus', 'ravenna', 'scythia', 'sthenelaidas', 'tenchteri', 'thrasybulus', 'typhoeus' }

return first_headwords_proper