local m_links = require("Module:links")
local strutils = require("Module:string utilities")

local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("ang")

local export = {}

local cases = { "nom", "acc", "gen", "dat" }
local numbers = { "sg", "pl" }
local slots_to_accel_form = {}
for _, case in ipairs(cases) do
	for _, number in ipairs(numbers) do
		slots_to_accel_form[case .. "_" .. number] = case .. "|" .. number

local slots_to_args = {
	nom_sg = 1,
	nom_pl = 2,
	acc_sg = 3,
	acc_pl = 4,
	gen_sg = 5,
	gen_pl = 6,
	dat_sg = 7,
	dat_pl = 8,

function export.make_table(frame)
	local parent_args = frame:getParent().args
	local params = {
		["title"] = {},
		["type"] = {},
		["width"] = {},
		["style"] = {},
		["num"] = {},
		["g"] = {},
		["gender"] = {alias_of = "g"},
	for slot, arg in pairs(slots_to_args) do
		params[arg] = {list = slot}
	local args = require("Module:parameters").process(parent_args, params)
	local title = args.title or "Declension of ''" .. (frame:getParent().args[1] or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text) .. "''"
	if args["type"] then
		title = title .. " (" .. args["type"] .. ")"
	if args.g then
		title = title .. " (" .. (
			args.g == "m" and "masculine" or
			args.g == "f" and "feminine" or
			args.g == "n" and "neuter" or
			error("Unrecognized gender '" .. args.g .. "'")
		) .. ")"
	local table_args = {
		title = title,
		style = args.style == "right" and "float:right; clear:right;" or "",
		width = args.width or "30",
	local accel_lemma_sg = args[slots_to_args.nom_sg][1]
	local accel_lemma_pl = args[slots_to_args.nom_pl][1]
	local accel_lemma =
		accel_lemma_sg and accel_lemma_sg ~= "—" and accel_lemma_sg ~= "-" and accel_lemma_sg:gsub(",.*", "") or
		accel_lemma_pl and accel_lemma_pl ~= "—" and accel_lemma_pl ~= "-" and accel_lemma_pl:gsub(",.*", "") or
	for slot, accel_form in pairs(slots_to_accel_form) do
		local form_args = args[slots_to_args[slot]]
		if #form_args == 0 then
			form_args = {"—"}
		local forms = {}
		for _, form_arg in ipairs(form_args) do
			for _, form in ipairs(mw.text.split(form_arg, ", *")) do
				table.insert(forms, form)
		local table_arg = {}
		for _, form in ipairs(forms) do
			table.insert(table_arg, form == "—" and form or m_links.full_link{
				lang = lang, term = form, accel = {
					form = accel_form,
					lemma = accel_lemma,
			table_args[slot] = table.concat(table_arg, ", ")
	if args.num == "pl" then
		table_args.nom_sg = "—"
		table_args.acc_sg = "—"
		table_args.gen_sg = "—"
		table_args.dat_sg = "—"
	elseif args.num == "sg" then
		table_args.nom_pl = "—"
		table_args.acc_pl = "—"
		table_args.gen_pl = "—"
		table_args.dat_pl = "—"
	local table = [=[
<div class="NavFrame" style="{style}width:{width}em; max-width:100%;">
<div class="NavHead" style="background:#eff7ff">{title}
<div class="NavContent">
{\op}| style="background: #F9F9F9; text-align:left; width:{width}em; max-width:100%;" class="inflection-table"
! [[case|Case]]
! style="background: #EFEFFF; font-size: 90%; width: 50%"|[[singular|Singular]]
! style="background: #EFEFFF; font-size: 90%; width: 50%"|[[plural|Plural]]
! style="background: #EFEFFF; text-align: left; font-size: 90%;"| [[nominative case|nominative]]
| {nom_sg}
| {nom_pl}
! style="background: #EFEFFF; text-align: left; font-size: 90%;"| [[accusative case|accusative]]
| {acc_sg}
| {acc_pl}
! style="background: #EFEFFF; text-align: left; font-size: 90%;"| [[genitive case|genitive]]
| {gen_sg}
| {gen_pl}
! style="background: #EFEFFF; text-align: left; font-size: 90%;"| [[dative case|dative]]
| {dat_sg}
| {dat_pl}
	return strutils.format(table, table_args)

return export

-- For Vim, so we get 4-space tabs
-- vim: set ts=4 sw=4 noet: