Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific/sk

This module handles generating the descriptions and categorization for Slovak category pages of the format "Slovak LABEL" where LABEL can be any text. Examples are Category:Bulgarian conjugation 2.1 verbs and Category:Russian velar-stem neuter-form nouns. This module is part of the poscatboiler system, which is a general framework for generating the descriptions and categorization of category pages.

For more information, see Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific/documentation.

NOTE: If you add a new language-specific module, you must add the language code to the list at the top of Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific in order for the module to be recognized.

local labels = {}
local handlers = {}

local rfind = mw.ustring.find
local rmatch = mw.ustring.match

--------------------------------- Nouns --------------------------------

local decltypes = {
	{"dub", "oak tree", "m-in", "hard"},
	{"chlap", "man", "m-an", "hard"},
	{"mesto", "city", "n", "hard"},
	{"stroj", "machine", "m-in", "soft"},
	{"kosť", "bone", "f", "soft", "a pure ''i''-stem with genitive in ''-i''"},
	{"vysvedčenie", "report card", "n", "soft", "with vocalic stem"},
	{"dlaň", "palm of the hand", "f", "soft", "a mixed ''i''-stem with genitive in ''-e''"},
	{"hrdina", "hero", "m-an", "hard", "with feminine endings"},
	{"dievča", "girl", "n", "soft", "with ''t''-stem endings outside of the nominative and accusative singular"},
	{"srdce", "heart", "n", "soft"},
	{"gazdiná", "housewife", "f", "hard", "with adjectival endings"},
	{"žena", "woman", "f", "hard"},
	{"ulica", "street", "f", "soft"},

local possible_genders = {
	["m-an"] = "masculine animate",
	["m-in"] = "masculine inanimate",
	["f"] = "feminine",
	["n"] = "neuter",

labels["nouns by declension"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} nouns categorized by the declension they follow.",
	additional = "Declensions are described using a common noun of that declension.",
	parents = {{name = "nouns by inflection type", sort = "by declension"}},
	breadcrumb = "declension",

for _, declspec in ipairs(decltypes) do
	local sample_term, meaning, gender, softhard, extra = unpack(declspec)
	labels["terms with declension " .. sample_term] = {
		description = ("{{{langname}}} nouns forming their declension like {{m|sk|%s||%s}}."):format(
			sample_term, meaning),
		additional = ("These are %s %s%s."):format(softhard, possible_genders[gender], extra and ", " .. extra or ""),
		parents = {{name = "nouns by declension", sort = sample_term}},
		breadcrumb = sample_term,
		displaytitle = ("{{{langname}}} terms with declension {{m|sk||%s}}"):format(sample_term),

local labels = {}
local handlers = {}

local rfind = mw.ustring.find
local rmatch = mw.ustring.match

--------------------------------- Adjectives --------------------------------

local adj_like_poses = {"adjective", "pronoun", "determiner", "numeral", "suffix"}
for _, pos in ipairs(adj_like_poses) do
	local plpos = require("Module:string utilities").pluralize(pos)
	for _, adjtype in ipairs { "hard", "soft" } do
		labels[adjtype .. " long " .. plpos] = {
			description = "{{{langname}}} " .. adjtype .. "-stem " .. plpos .. " ending in a long vowel.",
			breadcrumb = adjtype .. " long",
			parents = {{name = plpos .. " by inflection type", sort = adjtype .. " long"}},
		labels[adjtype .. " short " .. plpos] = {
			description = "{{{langname}}} " .. adjtype .. "-stem " .. plpos .. " ending in a short vowel.",
			additional = "The short vowel occurs due to the {{w|Slovak_orthography#Rhythmical_rule|Slovak rhythmic law}} when the preceding syllable is long.",
			breadcrumb = adjtype .. " short",
			parents = {{name = plpos .. " by inflection type", sort = adjtype .. " short"}},

--------------------------------- Misc maintenance categories --------------------------------

local function define_maint_label(lb, desc)
	labels[lb] = {
		description = desc,
		parents = {"entry maintenance"},
		breadcrumb = lb,
		hidden = true,
		can_be_empty = true,

define_maint_label("terms with obsolete declension parameters",
	"Pages are placed here if the sk-headword module receives any of the obsolete parameters: decl or declqual.")
define_maint_label("terms with obsolete inflection parameters",
	"Pages are placed here if the sk-headword module receives any of the obsolete parameters: pl, plqual, gen, genqual, genpl, or genplqual.")
define_maint_label("terms without declension paradigm",
	"Pages are placed here if the sk-decl-noun template doesn't receive a paradigm parameter.")
define_maint_label("terms with undefined animacy",
	"Pages are placed here if masculine genders in the sk-headword template don't specify animacy.")
define_maint_label("terms with IPA literal transcriptions",
	"Pages are placed here if any transcriptions in the sk-IPA template are literal.")
define_maint_label("terms with IPA predictive transcriptions",
	"Pages are placed here if any transcriptions in the sk-IPA template are not literal.")

return {LABELS = labels, HANDLERS = handlers}