Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific/tg

This module handles generating the descriptions and categorization for Tajik category pages of the format "Tajik LABEL" where LABEL can be any text. Examples are Category:Bulgarian conjugation 2.1 verbs and Category:Russian velar-stem neuter-form nouns. This module is part of the poscatboiler system, which is a general framework for generating the descriptions and categorization of category pages.

For more information, see Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific/documentation.

NOTE: If you add a new language-specific module, you must add the language code to the list at the top of Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/lang-specific in order for the module to be recognized.

local labels = {}
local handlers = {}

local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("tg")

labels["compound verbs"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} {{w|light verb}} constructions consisting of a verb and a non-verbal element, such as a noun.",
	parents = {"verbs", "Category:Phrasal verbs by language", "compound terms"},

table.insert(handlers, function(data)
	local auxverb = data.label:match("^compound verbs formed with (.+)$")
	if auxverb then
		local link = require("Module:links").full_link({ lang = lang, term = auxverb }, "term")
		local altlink = require("Module:links").full_link({ lang = lang, alt = auxverb }, "term")
		return {
			description = "{{{langname}}} compound verbs formed with the {{w|light verb}} " .. link .. ".",
			displaytitle = "{{{langname}}} compound verbs formed with " .. altlink,
			breadcrumb = altlink,
			parents = {{name = "compound verbs", sort = auxverb}},

return {LABELS = labels, HANDLERS = handlers}