This module powers Welsh mutation tables, including automatically generating the correct mutations for a given word.


The radical form of the word. This parameter is unnamed, so can be specified by position alone.
Explicitly specify the soft mutation. If this is different to what would be expected, it will be marked as irregular.
Explicitly specify the nasal mutation. If this is different to what would be expected, it will be marked as irregular.
Explicitly specify the aspirate mutation. If this is different to what would be expected, it will be marked as irregular.
If set to a true value, e.g |nocat=1, then the resulting table will not contain any page categories. If left default or set to a false value then categories may get set, for example Welsh terms with irregular mutation in the case of mutation tables with at least one irregular value.

local export = {}

local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("cy")

local rfind = mw.ustring.find
local usub = mw.ustring.sub
local ulower = mw.ustring.lower

local PAGENAME = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
local IRREGMARKER = "<sup>△</sup>"

local mutation_rules = {
	['b'] = {"f", "m"},
	['c'] = {"g", "ngh", "ch"},
	['ch'] = {},
	['d'] = {"dd", "n"},
	['dd'] = {},
	['f'] = {},
	['g'] = {"", "ng"},
	['h'] = {},
	['j'] = {},
	['k'] = {},
	['l'] = {},
	['ll'] = {"l"},
	['m'] = {"f"},
	['n'] = {},
	['p'] = {"b", "mh", "ph"},
	['ph'] = {},
	['q'] = {},
	['r'] = {},
	['rh'] = {"r"},
	['s'] = {},
	['t'] = {"d", "nh", "th"},
	['th'] = {},
	['v'] = {},
	['x'] = {},
	['z'] = {}

function export.get_mutation_data(term)
	local data = {}
	data.radical = term
	data.initial = usub(term, 1, 2)
	data.is_uppercase = ulower(data.initial) ~= data.initial
	data.initial = ulower(data.initial) = usub(term, 3, -1)
	local mut = mutation_rules[data.initial]
	if not mut then = usub(data.initial, 2) ..
		data.initial = usub(data.initial, 1, 1)
		mut = mutation_rules[data.initial]
	data.vowel = false
	data.mut1 = nil
	data.mut2 = nil
	data.mut3 = nil
	if mut then
		data.mut1 = mut[1]
		data.mut2 = mut[2]
		data.mut3 = mut[3]
	elseif rfind(mw.ustring.toNFD(data.initial), "[aeiouwy]") then
		data.vowel = true
		data.mut3 = "h" .. data.initial
		error("no mutation rule found for this term: " .. term)

	return data

	local params = {
		[1] = {},
		["soft"] = {},
		["nasal"] = {},
		["aspirate"] = {},
		["nocat"] = {type = "boolean"},
	local parargs = frame:getParent().args
    local args = require("Module:parameters").process(parargs, params)
	local data = export.get_mutation_data(args[1] or PAGENAME)

	local function construct_mutation(accel_form, initial, override)
		local normal_mutation
		if not initial then
			normal_mutation = nil
			normal_mutation = initial ..
			if data.is_uppercase then
				normal_mutation = require("Module:string utilities").ucfirst(normal_mutation)
		local has_override = override
		if override then
			if override == "no" or override == "0" then
				override = nil
		local has_irreg_mutation = has_override and override ~= normal_mutation
		local mutation
		-- don't combine the following into A and B or C because `override` may be nil
		if has_override then
			mutation = override
			mutation = normal_mutation
		local irreg_marker = has_irreg_mutation and IRREGMARKER or ""
		if mutation then
			return require("Module:links").full_link({lang = lang, accel = {form = accel_form, lemma = data.radical}, term = mutation}) .. irreg_marker, true, has_irreg_mutation
			return "''unchanged''" .. irreg_marker, false, has_irreg_mutation

	local soft, has_soft, has_irreg_soft = construct_mutation("soft", data.mut1, args.soft)
	local nasal, has_nasal, has_irreg_nasal  = construct_mutation("nasal", data.mut2, args.nasal)
	local aspirate, has_aspirate, has_irreg_aspirate = construct_mutation(data.vowel and "h-prothesis" or "aspirate", data.mut3, args.aspirate)

	result = '{| class="inflection-table" style="display:table; width:60%; border:1px solid #b3b3b3; font-size:95%; text-align:center;"'
	result = result .. '\n|-'
	result = result .. '\n! style="background:#dafdda;" colspan=4 | [[Appendix:Welsh mutations|Welsh mutation]]'
	result = result .. '\n|-'
	result = result .. '\n! style="padding-top:4px;" | [[radical]]'
	result = result .. '\n! style="padding-top:4px;" | [[soft mutation|soft]]'
	result = result .. '\n! style="padding-top:4px;" | [[nasal mutation|nasal]]'
	result = result .. '\n! style="padding-top:4px;" | ' .. (data.vowel and '[[h-prothesis]]' or '[[aspirate mutation|aspirate]]')
	result = result .. '\n|-'
	result = result .. '\n| style="padding-bottom:4px;" | ' .. require("Module:links").full_link({lang = lang, term = data.radical})
	result = result .. '\n| style="padding-bottom:4px;" | ' .. soft
	result = result .. '\n| style="padding-bottom:4px;" | ' .. nasal
	result = result .. '\n| style="padding-bottom:4px;" | ' .. aspirate
	if has_irreg_soft or has_irreg_nasal or has_irreg_aspirate then
		result = result .. '\n|-'
		result = result .. '\n| colspan=4 | <small style="font-size:85%;">' .. IRREGMARKER .. 'Irregular.</small>'
	if has_soft or has_nasal or has_aspirate then
		result = result .. '\n|-'
		result = result .. "\n| colspan=4 | <small style=\"font-size:85%;\">''Note:'' Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.</small>"
	result = result .. '\n|}'
	if not args.nocat and (has_irreg_soft or has_irreg_nasal or has_irreg_aspirate) then
		result = result .. require("Module:utilities").format_categories({"Welsh terms with irregular mutation"}, lang)
	result = "<div style=\"overflow:auto\">\n" .. result .. "</div>"
	return result

return export