

This page contains the data for Module:sce-verb-form which implements {{sce-form-of-verb}}. To add a new suffix, add a new entry into the proper subsection (converb, participle, etc) in the following form:

suffix['<canonical suffix>'] = { name = "<name of the form>", categories = { "<category name>"}}

The <canonical suffix> is the form of the suffix (minus the hyphen) that has its own page and that other forms link to, usually it is the back unrounded harmonic variant if such exists.

The <name of the form> is the name describing the type and the function of verb forms built using this suffix.

<category name> is the name of a category that forms built using this suffix should be placed under. Multiple categories may be listed
Alternative forms of the suffixes should be entered underneath the canonical form using this syntax:

suffixes["<suffix form>"] = "<canonical form>"

local suffix = {};
local aliases = {};
suffix['suffix'] = {name="verb form"} --To disable the error on the Template page

        -- Tenses
        -- Converbs
suffix['zhi']={name="imperfective converb", categories={"converbs"}}
        -- Moods
        -- Voices
suffix['gva']={name="causative voice", categories={"causative verbs"}}

return {["suffix"] = suffix, ["aliases"] = aliases}