
This module contains data on the pronunciation of in the reconstruction of Old Chinese by Baxter-Sagart. See Wiktionary:About Proto-Sino-Tibetan § Reconstruction by Baxter-Sagart (2014) for more information.

If you see an error, please post an edit request in the Tea Room.

return {
	{ "cān", "tshom", "*[tsʰ]ˤ[u]m", "accumulate" }, 
	{ "cēn", "tsrhim", "*[tsʰr][u]m", "參差 tsrhim.tsrhje uneven" }, 
	{ "sān", "sam", "*s.rum (*s.r- > s-; infl. by 四 *s-?)", "three" }, 
	{ "shēn", "srim", "*srum (should be *s.rum)", "the constellation Orion’ (named for the three stars in Orion’s belt)" },