Reconstruction:Proto-West Germanic/wankijan

This Proto-West Germanic entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.

Proto-West Germanic edit

Etymology edit

From Proto-Germanic *wankijaną (to sway), from Proto-Indo-European *weng- (to bend).

Verb edit


  1. to stagger, sway
  2. to wave
  3. to move aside

Conjugation edit

Class 1 weak
Infinitive *wankijan
1st sg. past *wankidā
Infinitive *wankijan
Genitive infin. *wankijannjas
Dative infin. *wankijannjē
Instrum. infin. *wankijannju
Indicative Present Past
1st singular *wankiju *wankidā
2nd singular *wankisi *wankidēs, *wankidōs
3rd singular *wankiþi *wankidē, *wankidā
1st plural *wankijum *wankidum
2nd plural *wankiþ *wankidud
3rd plural *wankijanþ *wankidun
Subjunctive Present Past
1st singular *wankijē *wankidī
2nd singular *wankijēs *wankidī
3rd singular *wankijē *wankidī
1st plural *wankijēm *wankidīm
2nd plural *wankijēþ *wankidīd
3rd plural *wankijēn *wankidīn
Imperative Present
Singular *wanki
Plural *wankiþ
Present Past
Participle *wankijandī *wankid

Related terms edit

Descendants edit

References edit