Rhymes for /əʊld.../



  1. The IPA notation /əʊ/ (SAMPA notation /@U/) represents the RP value for this phoneme and is widely used in dictionaries. In American pronunciation, the value is closer to IPA /oʊ/ (SAMPA /oU/). All of these representations refer to the same phoneme.
Rhymes ending in Example Longer endings
/əʊldən/ golden
/əʊldə(ɹ)/ boulder
/əʊldi/ oldie
/əʊldɪtʃ/ Golditch
/əʊldɪŋ/ holding
/əʊldɪʃ/ oldish
/əʊldʌk/ shoal-duck
Oldbrook, etc /əʊldb.../
Goldrick, etc /əʊldɹ.../
Goldstock, etc /əʊlds.../