



Blend of Shepard +‎ Liara.

Proper noun


Shiara (uncountable)

  1. (fandom slang) The ship of characters Commander Shepard and Liara T'Soni from the video game series Mass Effect.
    • 2013 May 11, @Wanderlustin, Twitter[1]:
      i'm having so many shiara feelings lately and i don't know why oh my god i love liara so much what a cutie
    • 2016 November 17, Yeehaw Todd (@AfroPrincex), Twitter[2]:
      liara and f!shepard are the best. I love them. I love my Shep and Liara, i love seeing other people's f'sheps and Liara. Shiara is too pure
    • 2021 February 25, Atrast nal Tunsha, salroka (@Illusive_s0ul), Twitter[3]:
      Daily reminder that I stan Shiara and that I live and die for them
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:Shiara.