
Latest comment: 18 years ago by V-ball

The quote used as an example on this page originally read as follows: "'Мы, нью-йоркцы, необычайно вежливые, поэтому бываем любезны со всеми', — сказал он, комментируя результаты исследования — Вести.Ru, June 22, 2006."  Although a minor difference, there was a hyphen in the word нью-йоркцы.  I am by no means a scholar of the Russian language, but do have a fair enough command of the language to read the news and various Web sites in Russian.  A quick Google search will reveal that both the hyphenated spelling and the hyphen-less spelling are in use, although most hyphen-less spellings are on sites where formal speech is the exception and not the rule, or on non-Russian sites (stuff ending in ".org").  News sites seem to prefer the hyphenated spelling.

If someone could provide some proof as to the correctness of either version, I would be interested.  Until then, I'm reluctant to accept either way as definitively correct, although the trend in the more formal news media seems to indicate the hyphen may be preferred, even if not officially "correct."

V-ball 21:21, 25 June 2006 (UTC)Reply

The Русский орфографический словарь Российской академии наук (Отв. ред. В. В. Лопатин) says it’s ньюйоркец, not нью-йоркец. However, the adjective is нью-йоркский, not ньюйоркский. This is the same pattern as applied to all such "two-word" population names that I’m aware of, such as севернокаролинец. All of the population words and adjectives listed on these pages have been meticulously researched and entered correctly. Just because a large number of writers mishyphenate, miscapitalize, misspell or otherwise misuse a word in any language, that doesn’t make it highly recommended. —Stephen 04:52, 27 June 2006 (UTC)Reply
This is the kind of explanation I always look forward to.  Thanks for looking that up and explaining it to me. — V-ball 13:08, 27 June 2006 (UTC)Reply
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