

I removed the following from the entry, since it is not an example of the word in use. Nevertheless, it might be a useful example. Michael Z. 2008-08-07 20:13 z

"You shall manger cinque fois every day," said she; "cinque fois," she repeated.--"Humph!" said Mr. Jorrocks to himself, "what can that mean?--cank four--four times five's twenty--eat twenty times a day--not possible!" "Oui, Monsieur, cinque fois," repeated the Countess, telling the number off on her fingers--"Café at nine of the matin, déjeuner à la fourchette at onze o'clock, diner at cinque heure, café at six hour, and souper at neuf hour." — Surtees, (1830), Jorrocks' Jaunts and Jollities.

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