Talk:cosmic background radiation

Major mistake


CMB or paleophotons or protophotons is the main component [only the thermal component] of cosmic background radiation. Read for more. The cosmic background radiation INCLUDES ONLY AS A PART OF IT the Cosmic Microwave Background (or paleophotons or protophotons or ultralaw thermal radiation). Gravitational waves [we are not sure yet] etc are also a part of cosmic background radiation and other higher particles and radiation.

Problem not solved


The cosmic background radiation is a wider range of things-notions than CMB (cosmic microwave background).

someone regressed the page



all that explanations are about " cosmic microwave background radiation"

The faint, uniform flux of microwave radiation that permeates all space and is the redshifted residual effect of the Big Bang

If you hate so much science, make it a synonym. Why don't you do it a synonym if things are as the text you protect claims?

Read more.

kind of you


looks better now or --- The full spectrum of the cosmic omnidirectional electromagnetic radiation. --- because it doesn't exist only in relation to Earth - but even if you dont change it, it is correct now! ; )

How to teach students so they avoid mixing terms


Some people to avoid mistakes use the terms "FULL-RANGE cosmic background radiation" vs "low thermal cosmic MICROWAVE background".

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