

It is safest to confine 'drivel's etymology to that of the entry. This is the only form that may be compared with late Celtic DEVER[7] (flowing water), from Proto-Celtic *DUBROS[7]*, to which, compare Gaelic TOBAR[4] (well), and DOVER[7] (sea port in Kent).

[0] means 'Absolutely not; [1] means 'Exceedingly unlikely'; [2] means 'Very dubious'; [3] means 'Questionable'; [4] means 'Possible'; [5] means 'Probable'; [6] means 'Likely'; [7] means 'Most Likely' or *Unattested; [8] means 'Attested'; [9] means 'Obvious' - only used for close matches within the same language or dialect, at linkable periods.
  • Dr. Ken George KESVA Breton orientated Unified Cornish Dictionary.

Andrew H. Gray 20:29, 5 October 2015 (UTC) Andrew (talk)

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