This seems pretty dubious to me. Any citations or other form of backup? — Hippietrail 12:53, 5 Apr 2005 (UTC)

I first saw it in print in Liar's Poker, I believe. Ah ... here it is (Amazon's "search inside this book" feature rocks!). Page 71: "The Human Piranha came from governments and was typical not so much of the department as of the entire Fuckspeak movement on the Salomon trading floor." and again on 182: "It was the grand master of Fuckspeak, the Human Piranha." I'm 99% sure I've also seen it in print elsewhere. Liar's Poker was one of the most popular and influential financial books of its time, so one would expect its more memorable usages to get picked up.
If not, a couple of the 24 google hits look good enough (used in running text, independent sources). For example [1] and [2] -dmh 19:26, 5 Apr 2005 (UTC)
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