
Latest comment: 9 years ago by

The Etymology section shows no etymology, but merely a definition. Etymology would be "from the Italic stem FU-, from IE stem *BHŪ-, as seen in Sanskrit, short for *BHEU-, to become; and suffix -turus for future active participle". The stems BHŪ- and lengthened BUD- are seen in English be, been, Anglo-Saxon beon, beom, bist (to be, am, art), German bin, bist (am, art), Old High German bim, bist, birum, birut (am, art, we are, ye are), Irish (to be) and some tenses and modes, Welsh bod (to be) and future stem byd- (bud- in Slavic and Baltic), Persian budan (to become) and its conjugation, Old Latin fuere (to become) and Greek phyein (to beget, to produce, etc., older phuein).-- 16:36, 22 May 2015 (UTC)Reply

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