
Latest comment: 10 years ago by ZxxZxxZ

A user removed Persion from the etymology with no explanation, yet it is clearly in the primary source listed by the reference and can be checked against Google Books. A Concise Etymological Dictionary of the English Language by Walter W. Skeat. Page 274:

Jujube, a fruit. (F.-L.-Gk.-Pers.)
M.F. jujubes, pl. (Cot.).-L.zīzyphum, a
jujube; fruit of the tree called zīzyphus.-
Gk. ζίζυφον, fruit of the tree ζίζυφος.-
Pers. zayzafūn, sīzfūn, zīzafūn, the jujube-

The source only gives transliterations for the Persian rather than the orthography, so perhaps the person who contributed the orthography got that part wrong, but that should not lead to the entire Persian part of the etymology to be removed. And if it must be removed for some reason there should be an explanation why. — hippietrail (talk) 09:44, 11 November 2013 (UTC)Reply

Persian زیزفون (zayzafūn, zīz(o)fūn) is obviously an Arabic loanword, which is apparently from Ancient Greek. --Z 10:36, 11 November 2013 (UTC)Reply

Perhaps it was removed due to confusion with the present-day Persian word for jujube, which is "annab".

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