
Latest comment: 16 years ago by Robert Ullmann

Makaze appears in the Clive Cuzzler book called 'Black Wind', and notes that the word is made up of two japanese words meaning 'Black Wind'... In other words a biological or chemical weapon in the book

A "nonsense, delete" flag was noted to have been here.Goldenrowley 03:15, 19 November 2007 (UTC)Reply
Yes, I've put it, and I'm puzzled with the logic behind it's removal. Of what possible usefulness is the comment above? Almost all (unless you count it as capitalized proper name) google and hits give the usage of makaze in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian sites/books..
I don't think that "Makaze" aka "Black Wind" as a coinage in some obscure book meets the CFI either.. Most talk pages with useless or off-topic comments are being straightforwardly deleted. --Ivan Štambuk 10:38, 19 November 2007 (UTC)Reply
It should possibly have Japanese entry; its borrowing into English is highly questionable. It is a trademark for a herbicide (ala the Clive Cussler citation) (The comment above is a legitimate citation, in CFI terms, not in any way useless.) Robert Ullmann 10:54, 19 November 2007 (UTC)Reply
As a romanized Japanese? If it really means what the author claims it does ("black wind"), it wouldn't merit inclusion either because of "sum of it's parts" policy. I would really be surprised to see it otherwise :)
Anyway, as I said, keeping alive discussion pages with no valuable content is just a waste of other contribututors' time who would on seeing it non redlinked think "Oh, someone opened a discussion, what we've got here..". At least I did.
But, if it's really that useful, let it be.. --Ivan Štambuk
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