
Latest comment: 12 years ago by AnWulf

It is also a programming comman in Perl:

while (1) {

   while(<STDIN>) {
       print $sock $_;         # send parent's command/data to daemon
       last if /^$EOF$/;
   my(@data) = ( );
   $SIG{ALRM} = \&timeout;     # reset handler
   alarm 60;
   while (<$sock>) {
       push @data, $_;         # accumulate command's reply
       last if /^$EOF$/;
   alarm 0;
   print (/^$EOF$/ ? @data : "4 Daemon Failure\n$EOF\n");

} # whilend --AnWulf ... Ferþu Hal! 11:45, 28 December 2011 (UTC)Reply

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