Template:IPA vowel chart/documentation

Documentation for Template:IPA vowel chart. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

Used to display an IPA vowel chart.

The parameters should be vowel specifications (four parameters each) in the following format:

  • IPA of the vowel
  • Openness of the vowel, as a number between 0 (fully closed) to 1 (fully open). A decimal number or fraction can be given.
  • Backness of the vowel, as a number between 0 (fully front) to 1 (fully back). A decimal number or fraction can be given.
  • Degree of roundness, as a number between 0 (unrounded) and 1 (rounded), which are the only currently supported values. Intermediate values can be supported later if needed.