Template:RQ:Smile Investigations/documentation

Documentation for Template:RQ:Smile Investigations. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.



This template may be used on Wiktionary entry pages to quote Elton Romeo Smilie's (also referred to as E.R. Smilie, R. Elton Smile, or R.E. Smilie) work Investigations and Experience of M. Shawtinbach, at Saar Soong, Sumatra. A Ret or Sequel to "The Manatitlans.", published by Joseph Winterrurn & Company, Printers and Electrotypers in 1879 in San Francisco. There are actually no coherent or sensible chapters, or divisions in this book from a first glance, the closest being the "Chata", but these are cut by "Diareticals", Letters, and other divisions, so for simplicity, you do not need to specify the chapter or any such division. Of note is that pages 1-2 seem to either be missing or, more likely, non-existent, as it goes straight from the Dedicatorial Index to the first real page. Also of note is that this is the second work in a duology, the first being The Manatitlans; or a Record of Scientific Explorations in the Andean La Plata, S. A.. The online version of this work is available at the Internet Archive:



The template takes the following parameters:

  • |1= or |page=; or |pages= - the page number(s) quoted from.
  • |text= or |passage= - the passage to be quoted.

