Template:RQ:Smith Generall Historie/documentation

Documentation for Template:RQ:Smith Generall Historie. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.



This template may be used in Wiktionary entries to format quotations from John Smith's work The Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles (1st edition, 1624). It can be used to create a link to the following online versions of the work at Google Books and the Internet Archive:



The template takes the following parameters:

  • |edition=mandatory in some cases: use |edition=1632 if quoting from the 1632 edition of the work. If this parameter is omitted, the template defaults to the 1966 facsimile of the 1st edition (1624).
  • |author= or |authors= – if the author(s) of the chapter quoted from are stated at the end of the chapter, these parameters may be used to specify the name(s) of the author(s). If there is more than one author, separate the authors' names with semicolons.
  • |1= or |chapter= – the name of the chapter quoted from.
  • |date=, or (|month= and) |year= – if quoting from a part of the work which has a separate date, use |date= to specify it in the format 1 January 1600 or January 1, 1600. The date will be converted from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar. If only the month and year, or year alone, of the sermon is known, use |month= and/or |year= to specify this information.
  • |url= – if quoting from an unnumbered page, use this parameter to specify the URL of the webpage to be linked to, like this: |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=OpfWAAAAMAAJ&pg=PP15
  • |2= or |book=mandatory: the work is subdivided into six books. Use this parameter to specify the book quoted from in Arabic numerals, from |book=1 to |book=6.
  • |3= or |page=, or |pages=mandatory in some cases: the page number(s) quoted from. When quoting a range of pages, note the following:
    • Separate the first and last pages of the range with an en dash, like this: |pages=10–11.
    • You must also use |pageref= to specify the page number that the template should link to (usually the page on which the Wiktionary entry appears).
You must specify this information to have the template link to an online version of the work.
  • |4=, |text=, or |passage= – the passage to be quoted.
  • |footer= – a comment on the passage quoted.
  • |brackets= – use |brackets=on to surround a quotation with brackets. This indicates that the quotation either contains a mere mention of a term (for example, "some people find the word manoeuvre hard to spell") rather than an actual use of it (for example, "we need to manoeuvre carefully to avoid causing upset"), or does not provide an actual instance of a term but provides information about related terms.


Quoting from the 1624 (1st) edition
  • Wikitext:
    • {{RQ:Smith Generall Historie|author=[[w:Richard Grenville|Richard Grenvill[e]]]|chapter=Sir Richard Grenuills Voyage to Virginia, for Sir {{w|Walter Raleigh}}. 1585.|book=1|page=5|passage=Touching the moſt remarkeable things of the Country and our proceeding from the 17 of ''Auguſt'' 1585. till the 18. of ''Iune'' 1586. vve made ''[[w:Roanoke Colony|Roanoack]]'' our habitation. The vtmoſt of our diſcouery Southvvard vvas ''{{w|Secotan}}'' as vve eſteemed 80. leagues from ''Roanoacke''. The paſſage from thence vvas thought a broad ſound vvithin the maine, being vvithout '''kenning''' of land, yet full of flats and [[shoals|ſhoulds]] that our Pinnaſſe could not paſſe, {{...}}}}; or
    • {{RQ:Smith Generall Historie|author=[[w:Richard Grenville|Richard Grenvill[e]]]|Sir Richard Grenuills Voyage to Virginia, for Sir {{w|Walter Raleigh}}. 1585.|1|5|Touching the moſt remarkeable things of the Country and our proceeding from the 17 of ''Auguſt'' 1585. till the 18. of ''Iune'' 1586. vve made ''[[w:Roanoke Colony|Roanoack]]'' our habitation. The vtmoſt of our diſcouery Southvvard vvas ''{{w|Secotan}}'' as vve eſteemed 80. leagues from ''Roanoacke''. The paſſage from thence vvas thought a broad ſound vvithin the maine, being vvithout '''kenning''' of land, yet full of flats and [[shoals|ſhoulds]] that our Pinnaſſe could not paſſe, {{...}}}}
  • Result:
  • Wikitext: {{RQ:Smith Generall Historie|authors=Richard Pots; William Tankard; G. P.; William Simons, compiler|chapter=Chapter XII. The Arrivall of the Third Supply.|book=3|page=89|passage=TO redreſſe thoſe '''jarres''' and ill proceedings, the Treaſurer, Councell, and Company of ''Virginia'', not finding that returne, and profit they expected; and them ingaged there, not having meanes to ſubſiſt of themſelues, made meanes to his Maieſtie, to call in their Commiſſion, {{...}}}}
  • Result:
    • 1624, Richard Pots, William Tankard, G. P., William Simons, compiler, “Chapter XII. The Arrivall of the Third Supply.”, in Iohn Smith, The Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles: [], London: [] I[ohn] D[awson] and I[ohn] H[aviland] for Michael Sparkes, →OCLC, book 3; reprinted in The Generall Historie of Virginia, [...] (Bibliotheca Americana), Cleveland, Oh.: The World Publishing Company, 1966, →OCLC, page 89:
      TO redreſſe thoſe jarres and ill proceedings, the Treaſurer, Councell, and Company of Virginia, not finding that returne, and profit they expected; and them ingaged there, not having meanes to ſubſiſt of themſelues, made meanes to his Maieſtie, to call in their Commiſſion, []
  • Wikitext: {{RQ:Smith Generall Historie|author=Daniel Baker|chapter=The Examination of ''Daniel Baker'', Late Steward to Captaine ''Iohn Smith'', in the Returne of ''Plimoth'', Taken before Sir ''[[w:Lewis Stukley|Lewis Stukeley]]'' Knight, the Eighth of December, 1615|date=8 December 1615|book=6|pages=224–225|pageref=225|passage=VVithin a day or tvvo after, vve met a ''VVest-Indies'' man of vvarre, of one hundred and ſixtie tuns, a fore noone vvee fought vvith her, and then tooke her vvith one thouſand one hundred Hides, fiftie Cheſts of '''Cutchanele''', foureteene Coffers of vvedges of Siluer, eight thouſand Rialls of eight, and ſix Coffers of the King of ''Spaines'' Treaſure, beſides the good pillage and rich Coffers of many rich Paſſengers.}}
  • Result:
    • 1615 December 18 (Gregorian calendar), Daniel Baker, “The Examination of Daniel Baker, Late Steward to Captaine Iohn Smith, in the Returne of Plimoth, Taken before Sir Lewis Stukeley Knight, the Eighth of December, 1615”, in Iohn Smith, The Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles: [], London: [] I[ohn] D[awson] and I[ohn] H[aviland] for Michael Sparkes, published 1624, →OCLC, book 6; reprinted in The Generall Historie of Virginia, [...] (Bibliotheca Americana), Cleveland, Oh.: The World Publishing Company, 1966, →OCLC, pages 224–225:
      VVithin a day or tvvo after, vve met a VVest-Indies man of vvarre, of one hundred and ſixtie tuns, a fore noone vvee fought vvith her, and then tooke her vvith one thouſand one hundred Hides, fiftie Cheſts of Cutchanele, foureteene Coffers of vvedges of Siluer, eight thouſand Rialls of eight, and ſix Coffers of the King of Spaines Treaſure, beſides the good pillage and rich Coffers of many rich Paſſengers.
Quoting from the 1632 edition