
This template displays an inflection table for Arabic singulative nouns (nouns that represent one of an object, when associated with a collective noun). The parameters are largely the same as for the headword template {{ar-sing-noun}}, and in general it is possible to copy such a template, change its name to {{ar-decl-sing-noun}}, and get an appropriate declension table. (Ideally, delete extraneous stuff such as the gender.)

This template works very similarly to {{ar-decl-noun}}. See that template for a fuller discussion along with examples. See also {{ar-decl-coll-noun}}.


The stem used in the singulative, including vowels. Can optionally be of the form 'STEM:TYPE' with an explicitly specified inflection type (see below); otherwise the inflection type is inferred from the form of the stem. Can also be 'STEM/TR' or 'STEM/TR:TYPE' with manual transliteration supplied (note that manual transliteration can also be specified using separate parameters, as with headword templates like {{ar-sing-noun}}). Can be just 'TYPE' with irregular noun types, where the stem is known. Can be "-" for words without a singulative.
|head2=, |head3=, ...
Additional singulative stems.
|tr=, |tr2=, |tr3=, ...
Alternative way to specify manual transliteration for |1=, |head2=, |head3=, ..., respectively, instead of using the 'STEM/TR' specification. Provided for compatibility with headword templates.
|pl=, |pl2=, ...
The stem(s) used in the plural, including vowels. Can be of the form 'STEM' (inflection type inferred), 'STEM:TYPE' (with an explicitly specified inflection type, as above), or 'TYPE' (plural stem inferred from inflection type and collective stem; only works for 'sp', 'sfp', 'smp' and 'awnp'). Can also be 'STEM/TR' or 'STEM/TR:TYPE' with manual transliteration supplied.
|pltr=, |pl2tr=, ...
Alternative way to specify manual transliteration for |pl=, |pl2=, ..., respectively, instead of using the 'STEM/TR' specification. Provided for compatibility with headword templates. Similar parameters are available for collectives, duals and paucals.
|coll=, |coll2=, ...
The stem(s) used in the collective, including vowels. Same form as for plurals. Doesn't need to be present in most cases as it's inferred from the singulative. Can be "-" for words without a collective.
|d=, |d2=, ...
The stem(s) used in the dual, including vowels. Same form as for plurals. Doesn't need to be present in most cases as it's inferred from the singulative. Can be "-" for words without a dual.
|pauc=, |pauc2=, ...
The stem(s) used in the paucal, including vowels. Same form as for plurals. Doesn't need to be present in most cases as it's inferred from the singulative. Can be "-" for words without a paucal.
Explicitly control which numbers appear. The value is a comma-separated list of one of more of sing, coll, du, pauc, pl. By default, all except the plural appear, unless a particular number is disabled using "-"; the plural appears only when at least one plural is given.
Explicitly control which states appear. The value is a comma-separated list of one of more of ind, def, con (standing for indefinite, definite, construct). By default, all states appear. Currently, non-"appearing" states are displayed with a dash in place of the appropriate declension members instead of not appearing at all.
Override the morphological state. See {{ar-decl-noun}}.
If specified, omit the definite article that is otherwise automatically added in the definite state.
|nom_sing_ind=, |nom_sing_def=, |nom_sing_con=, ...
Override particular forms. The param name is a combination of case (nom/acc/gen/inf where inf is the informal form), number (sing/coll/du/pauc/pl) and state (ind/def/con). The value can have semicolons or commas (or Arabic equivalents) to separate distinct stems and a vertical bar to separate alternative spellings for a given stem (typically different possible hamza seats). When overrides are specified, the page will be placed in a category indicating irregular declension such as Category:Arabic irregular nouns, unless |noirreg= is given a value.
Override the lemma (displayed at the head of the declension table).
If specified, don't place the page in an irregular-declension category when overrides are specified.
Override the part of speech (displayed at the head of the declension table).
|mod=,|modhead2=,|modhead3=,...; |modpl=,|modpl2=,...; |modcoll=,|modcoll2=,...; |modd=,|modd2=,...; |modpauc=,|modpauc2=,...; etc. Also |idafa=. Also |modstate=, |modcase=, |modnumber=, and |modtr=,|mod2tr=,...; |modpltr=,|modpl2tr=,...; etc.
Specify another word that is declined separately as a modifier. See {{ar-decl-noun}}.
|mod2=,|mod2head2=,|mod2head3=,...; |mod2pl=,|mod2pl2=,...; |mod2coll=,|mod2coll2=,...; |mod2d=,|mod2d2=,...; |mod2pauc=,|mod2pauc2=,...; etc. Also |idafa2=. Also |mod2state=, |mod2tr=, etc.
Specify a second modifying word. See {{ar-decl-noun}}. Similarly, a third modifying word, etc. can be specified using |mod3= and derivatives, up to |mod9=.

Inflection types


See {{ar-decl-noun}}.



The following code:


generates the following: