
Documentation for Template:coinage. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

This template indicates that a term was coined by a certain person or group of people in a certain year or other date. It links the name of the coiner to Wikipedia, so using {{w}} inside the template is unnecessary and doesn't work. Alternatively, you can pass in a Wikidata QID (e.g. Q42), which will automatically fetch the Wikipedia article, description, and name of the entity. This is especially useful for cases when a Wikidata item exists, but the corresponding Wikipedia article has not been created yet. The template will then automatically link to the article once it exists.


{{coinage|en|Josiah Willard Gibbs}}

evaluates to

Coined by Josiah Willard Gibbs

Example with more parameters:

{{coinage|en|Josiah Willard Gibbs|in=1881|nat=American|occ=scientist}}

evaluates to

Coined by American scientist Josiah Willard Gibbs in 1881

Example of automatic linking and description using a Wikidata ID:


evaluates to

Coined by American scientist Josiah Willard Gibbs

The term will also be added to the respective categories, such as Category:English coinages and Category:English terms coined by Josiah Willard Gibbs.


The language code (see Wiktionary:Languages) of the language the coined term belongs to.
The name of the person, group or other entity that coined the term. Can optionally be specified as a Wikidata ID (e.g. Q42), which will automatically link to Wikipedia and prefill a description if possible.
|w= (optional)
The name of the article to link to. Defaults to the given name of the coiner on the English Wikipedia. To specify a different language code, use the colon syntax: code: or code:article.
The link can be disabled completely by supplying - here.
|in= (optional)
The year the word was coined; will be displayed after the coiner; in=1852 will be displayed as "... in 1852."
|nationality= or |nat= (optional)
The nationality of the person, company or other entity that contained the term (such as "French", "German").
|occupation=, |occupation2= or |occ=, |occ2= (optional) …
{The occupation of the person (such as "scientist") or the type of the entity (such as "company").
|alt= (optional)
The name to display in the text, if different from the name the entry should be categorized under.
|sort= (optional)
The sort key to use for categories.
Indicates that the term was coined ex nihilo and adds entry to the relevant category.
Show the initial text with a lowercase initial letter.
Omit the initial text altogether. The first thing displayed will be the name of the coiner.
Omits the "(language) terms coined by (coiner)" category. Used particularly when the coiner has only coined that specific term to avoid one-entry "coined by" categories.
Omits both the "(language) coinages" and "(language) terms coined by (coiner)" categories. Use this when outlining the coinage of a term when the term wasn't coined in that language (e.g. in the etymology section of an English entry describing a term that was coined in German).

See also
