
Conjugation of {{{1}}}у (type 1, active)
present imperfect perfect imperative
1st singular {{{1}}}у
ас {{{1}}}у
(as {{{1}}}u)
2nd singular {{{1}}}с
3rd singular {{{1}}}
ас {{{1}}}
(as {{{1}}})
1st plural {{{1}}}ум
ас {{{1}}}ум
(as {{{1}}}um)
2nd plural {{{1}}}ит
3rd plural {{{1}}}ны
ас {{{1}}}ны
(as {{{1}}}ny)
participle {{{1}}}мэнус
*) The future tense is formed using the particle дъа (ða) with the present tense inflections.
**) The subjunctive mood is formed using the particle на (na) with the indicative inflections.
***) The irrealis mood is formed using the particle ан (an) with the indicative inflections.