
Documentation for Template:he-prep-inflection. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.



This template is used to create inflection tables for Hebrew prepositions.


  • heading — optional — the table heading. (Defaults to "Inflection table".)
  • base — the "base" or "standalone" form.
  • 1s — the form including a first-person singular personal pronoun as object.
  • 1p — the form including a first-person plural personal pronoun as object.
  • 2ms — the form including a second-person masculine singular personal pronoun as object.
  • 2fs — the form including a second-person feminine singular personal pronoun as object.
  • 2mp — the form including a second-person masculine plural personal pronoun as object.
  • 2fp — the form including a second-person feminine plural personal pronoun as object.
  • 3ms — the form including a third-person masculine singular personal pronoun as object.
  • 3fs — the form including a third-person feminine singular personal pronoun as object.
  • 3mp — the form including a third-person masculine plural personal pronoun as object.
  • 3fp — the form including a third-person feminine plural personal pronoun as object.
  • notes — optional — any notes to appear in an extra row at the bottom of the table. (If omitted or blank, the row is not created.)

The parameters are flexible. Ideally, forms should be specified using a template such as {{he-l}} that allows nikúd (vowels), defective spellings, and transliterations to be indicated, while linking to the regular spelling. If multiple variants exist for a single form, they can be listed together (separated by a comma or by "or" or whatnot). Parameters can include code such as <sup>2</sup> (which generates 2) to refer to notes.

For a fairly thorough example, see the entry for the preposition עִם (im).