
Documentation for Template:sga-decl-adj-u. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

This template creates a declension table for Old Irish u-stem adjectives. It takes two positional parameters, the first obligatory and the second optional.

  • |1= the genitive singular masculine/neuter form of the adjective. This is usually the same as the page name but with the final consonant palatalized.
  • |2= the genitive singular feminine form of the adjective, minus the final -e. This can be omitted if identical to the page name. It can also end in a when the final consonant remains velarized in this form, e.g. |2=duba in the case of dubae. Or it can be a syncopated stem, e.g. |2=foils in the case of foilse.