
Documentation for Template:sga-decl-k&g. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.



This template creates a declension-table template for Old Irish velar stems, i.e. those whose genitive singular ended in *-gos or *-kos (including *-nkos) in Proto-Celtic.

  • |1= the stem-final consonant in Proto-Celtic; set to either g or k
  • |g= the gender of the noun (defaults to masculine if not specified)
  • |2= the accusative singular form (usually ending in slender g)
  • |3= the genitive singular form (usually ending in broad g for g-stems, broad ch for k-stems, or broad c(c) for nk-stems
  • |dat_sg2= the short dative singular form (usually identical to the page name) if attested
  • |acc_pl= accusative plural (specify only if distinct from |3= followed by -a)
  • |dat_pl= dative plural (specify only if distinct from |3= followed by -aib)