
Odd, no gradation
infinitive {{{1}}}it
1st sing. present {{{1}}}av
1st sing. past {{{1}}}iv
infinitive {{{1}}}it
present participle {{{1}}}iddje
past participle {{{1}}}am
present indicative past indicative imperative
1st singular {{{1}}}av {{{1}}}iv
2nd singular {{{1}}}a {{{1}}}i {{{1}}}a
3rd singular {{{1}}} {{{1}}}ij {{{1}}}is
1st dual {{{1}}}in {{{1}}}ijma {{{1}}}inˈno
2nd dual {{{1}}}ihppe {{{1}}}ijda {{{1}}}ihtte
3rd dual {{{1}}}ibá {{{1}}}ijga {{{1}}}iska
1st plural {{{1}}}ip {{{1}}}ijma {{{1}}}ip
2nd plural {{{1}}}ihpit {{{1}}}ijda {{{1}}}ihtit
3rd plural {{{1}}}i {{{1}}}in {{{1}}}isá
connegative {{{1}}}a {{{1}}}a
conditional potential optative
1st singular {{{1}}}aluluv {{{1}}}ittjav
2nd singular {{{1}}}alulu {{{1}}}ittja {{{1}}}u
3rd singular {{{1}}}aluluj {{{1}}}isj {{{1}}}us
1st dual {{{1}}}alulujma {{{1}}}ittjin {{{1}}}unˈno
2nd dual {{{1}}}alulujda {{{1}}}ittjabihtte {{{1}}}uhtuda
3rd dual {{{1}}}alulujga {{{1}}}ittjaba {{{1}}}uska
1st plural {{{1}}}alulujma {{{1}}}ittjap {{{1}}}up
2nd plural {{{1}}}alulujda {{{1}}}ittjabihtit {{{1}}}uhtut
3rd plural {{{1}}}alulun {{{1}}}ittji {{{1}}}usá
connegative {{{1}}}alulu {{{1}}}ittja {{{1}}}u

This template shows an inflection table for Lule Sami verbs that follow the odd inflection. These verbs have an infinitive form with stress on the third-last syllable. The consonants following the last stressed syllable do not undergo gradation.

This template uses Module:smj-verbs as a back-end.


The stem. This is the infinitive without the final -it.