
According to data collected by Forebears in 2014, surname-philippines-forebears is the {{{2}}} most common surname in the Philippines, occurring in {{{3}}} individuals.

This template creates a sentence related to statistics of Filipino surnames, per data collected by Forebears.


  • name - the surname mentioned
  • rank - the ranking
  • count - the number of occurence in individuals

Please note that most surnames listed at Forebears do not use letters with diacritics, so surnames like Cañete are listed under Canete, which lacks the tilde over "n". San, Santa, and Santo are in lower case on names listed, like Spanish-origin surnames containing the particle de (including those with an article, such as delas/de las, dela/de la, delos/de los, del, such as in delas Alas/de las Alas, dela Cruz/de la Cruz, delos Reyes/de los Reyes, and del Rosario)