This template produces a formatted list for derived forms of Swahili verbs (and, in some cases, adjectives).

It takes several named parameters, which will predict the form of the derived verb, but can be overriden if they do not predict it correctly. The allowed types are appl (applicative "-ia"), aug (augmentative "-ua"), caus (causative "-isha/-za"), conv (conversive "-ua"), pass (passive "-iwa"), recip (reciprocal "-iana"), redup (reduplicative), stat (stative "-ika"), statc (static "-ima"). See Appendix:Swahili verbal derivation for more.

Any other verbal derived form can be given as vrb, and any nominal derived form can be given as nom. Subsequent forms can be given as vrb2 etc. These must be specified, as they cannot be predicted.

Any form can be given a gloss by adding -g to its name. For example, the gloss of the conversive form would be conv-g, and the gloss of the second nominal derived form would be nom-g2.

If the base form is different than the page title, it can be specified with lemma.

For examples of how the template is used demonstrated with nonsense words, see Template:sw-derivations/sandbox.