User:Aearthrise/Arabic/Maltese Course

Flag of Malta
Map of Malta

This is Maltese, a dialect of Sicilian Arabic.



Alessandru huwa il-missier.

Alessandru he the-monsieur

Alessandru is the father.

Reġina hija il-omm.

Reġina she the-mother

Reġina is the mother

Ġużeppi huwa il-iben.

Ġużeppi he the-son.

Ġużeppi is the son.

Kalċidon huwa il-qaddej.

Kalċidon he the-servant.

Kalċidon is the servant.

Grazzju huwa il-kok.

Grazzju he the-cook.

Grazzju is the cook.

Ċerberu huwa il-kelb.

Ċerberu he the-dog.

Ċerberu is the dog.

Alessandru huwa fil-uffiċċju.

Alessandru he in the-office.

Alessandru is in the office.

Reġina hija fil-atriju.

Reġina she in the-atrium.

Reġina is in the atrium.

Ġużeppi huwa fil-kamra tal-ikel.

Ġużeppi he in the-room of the food.

Ġużeppi is in the dining room.

Kalċidon huwa fil-ġnien.

Kalċidon he in the-garden.

Kalċidon is in the garden.

Grazzju huwa fil-kċina.

Grazzju he in the-kitchen.

Grazzju is in the kitchen.

Ċerberu huwa fil-triq.

Ċerberu he in the-street.

Ċerberu is in the street.

Il-missier huwa fil-uffiċċju. Il-missier jikteb fil-uffiċċju.

The-monsieur he in the-office. The-monsieur writes in the-office.

The father is in the office. The father writes in the office.

Il-omm hija fil-atriju. Il-omm joqgħod fil-atriju.

The-mother she in the-atrium. The-mother sits in the-atrium.

The mother is in the atrium. The mother sits in the atrium.

Il-iben huwa fil-kamra tal-ikel. Il-iben jixrob fil-kamra tal-ikel.

The-son he in the room of the-food. The-son drinks in the room of the-food.

The son is in the dining room. The son drinks in the dining room.

Il-qaddej huwa fil-ġnien. Il-qaddej jaħdem fil-ġnien.

The-servant he in the-garden. The-servant works in the-garden.

The servant is in the garden. The servant works in the garden.

Il-kok huwa fil-kċina. Il-kok jaħdem fil-kċina.

The-cook he in the-cuisine. The-cook works in the-cuisine.

The cook is in the kitchen. The cook works in the kitchen.

Il-kelb huwa fil-triq. Il-kelb jorqod fil-triq.

The-dog he in the-street. The-dog sleeps in the-street.

The dog is in the street. The dog sleeps in the street.


Huwa(هُوَ‎) - he (is)

Hija(هِيَ) - she (is)

Il-missier (Messere) - The father

Il-omm (أُمّ‎) - The mother

Il-iben (اِبْن‎) - The son

Il-qaddej (كَادِح) - The servant

Il-kok (Cuoco) - The cook

Il-kelb (كَلْب‎) - The dog

Il-ikel (أَكْل‎) - The food

Fil-uffiċċju (Ufficio) - In the office

Fil-atriju (Atrio) - In the atrium

Fil-kamra tal-ikel (Camera) - In the dining room (room of food)

Fil-ġnien (جِنَان‎) - In the garden

Fil-kċina (Cucina) - In the Kitchen

Fil-triq (طَرِيق) - In the street

(Huwa) jikteb - (He) writes

(Huwa) joqgħod - (He) sits

(Huwa) jixrob - (He) drinks

(Huwa) jaħdem - (He) works

(Huwa) jorqod - (He) sleeps



Alessandru huwa fil-ġnien. Alessandru joqgħod fil-ġnien. Il-qaddej huwa fil-atriju. Il-qaddej jaħdem fil-atriju. Reġina hija fil-atriju. Reġina joqgħod fil-atriju. Ġużeppi huwa fil-uffiċċju. Ġużeppi jikteb fil-uffiċċju. Ċerberu huwa fil-triq.

Alessandru is in the garden. Alessandru sits in the garden. The servant is in the atrium. The servant works in the atrium. Reġina is in the atrium. Reġina sits in the atrium. Ġużeppi is in the office. Ġużeppi writes in the office. Ċerberu is in the street.

Il-kok huwa fil-kċina. Il-kok jorqod fil-kċina. Ċerberu jidħol. Ċerberu jesplora. Il-ikel huwa fuq il-mejda. Il-kelb jaqbeż. Il-kelb jqum fuq il-mejda. Grazzju jonħor. Il-kelb jinbaħ. Grazzju jqajjem. Il-kok huwa irrabjat. "Bhima! Serrieq!" il-kok jgħajjat. Ċerberu jitlaq.

The cook is in the kitchen. The cook sleeps in the kitchen. Ċerberu enters. Ċerberu explores. The food is on the table. The dog jumps. The dog stands on the table. Grazzju snores. The dog barks. Grazzju awakens. The cook is angry. "Beast! Thief!" the cook yells. Ċerberu leaves.


(Huwa) jidħol - (He) enters

(Huwa) jesplora - (He) explores

Il-ikel (أَكْل‎) - The food

Fuq il-mejda (مائِدة) - On the table

(Huwa) jaqbeż - (He) jumps

(Huwa) jqum - (He) stands up

(Huwa) jonħor - (He) snores

(Huwa) jinbaħ - (He) barks

(Huwa) jqajjem - (He) awakens

Irrabjat (Arrabiato) - Angry

Il-bhima (بَهِيمَة) - The beast

Il-serrieq (سَارِق) - The thief

(Huwa) jgħajjat - (He) yells

(Huwa) jitlaq - (He) leaves





Alessandru huwa fil-atriju.

Alessandru he in the-atrium

Alessandru is in the atrium.

Il-ħabib jsellem lil-Alessandru.

The-friend greets to the-Alessandru

The friend greets Alessandru.

Reġina hija fil-atriju.

Reġina she in the-atrium

Reġina is in the atrium.

Il-ħabib jsellem lil-Reġina .

The-friend greets to the-Reġina

The friend greets Reġina.

Ġużeppi huwa fil-atriju.

Ġużeppi he in the-atrium

Ġużeppi is in the atrium.

Il-ħabib jsellem lil-Ġużeppi.

The-friend greets to the-Ġużeppi

The friend greets Ġużeppi.

Il-qaddej huwa fil-atriju.

The-servant he in the-atrium

The servant is in the atrium.

Il-ħabib jsellem lil-qaddej.

The-friend greets to the-servant

The friend greets the servant.

Il-kelb huwa fil-atriju.

The-dog he in the-atrium

The dog is in the atrium.

Il-ħabib jsellem lil-kelb.

The-friend greets to the-dog

The friend greets the dog.



Il-kok huwa fil-kċina.

The-cook he in the-cuisine

The cook is in the kitchen.

Reġina jidħol fil-kċina.

Reġina enters in the-cuisine

Reġina enters the kitchen.

Grazzju jaħdem.

Grazzju works

Grazzju works.

Reġina jara lil-Grazzju.

Reġina watches to the-Grazzju

Reġina watches Grazzju.

Il-ikel huwa ppreparat.

The-food he prepared

The food is prepared.

Reġina jtiegħem il-ikel.

Reġina tastes the-food

Reġina tastes the food.

Grazzju huwa anzjuż.

Grazzju he anxious

Grazzju is anxious.

Reġina jofħor lil-Grazzju.

Reġina praises to the-Grazzju

Reġina praises Grazzju.

Il-ħabib huwa fil-ġnien.

The-friend he in the-garden

The friend is in the garden.

Reġina jsejjaħ lil-ħabib.

Reġina calls to the-friend

Reġina calls the friend.


Id-dar (دَار‎) - The home

Il-ħabib (حَبِيب‎) - The friend

(Huwa) jsellem - (He) greets

(Huwa) jara - (He) watches

Ppreparat (Preparato) - Prepared

(Huwa) jtiegħem - (He) tastes

Anzjuż (Ansioso) - Anxious

(Huwa) jofħor - (He) praises

(Huwa) jsejjaħ - (He) calls

