
grammatical terms


You'll see these terms on the Greek Wiktionary. Below is a list of how I'm translating them, with examples of what they represent in English. The examples are supposed to be a reminder, not a perfect match, so don't complain about how the present tense example isn't sufficient. Thanks in advance :-)

  • απρόσωπες εγκλίσεις - impersonal forms
  • προσωπικές εγκλίσεις - forms with person
  • απαρέμφατο - infinitive (it doesn't decline and has no person or number)
  • μετοχή - participle
  • οριστική - indicative. Example: I have a lousy memory.
  • υποτακτική - subjunctive. Example: I wish I had a better memory.
  • προστακτική - imperative. Example: Memorize this now!
  • μονολεκτικοί χρόνοι - simple tenses. Example: I slept 4 hours last night.
  • περιφραστικοί χρόνοι - compund tenses. Example: I will sleep more than 4 hours tonight.
  • ενεστώτας - present. Example: I am writing some grammar notes.
  • παρατατικός - past imperfective1. Example: I was writing some grammar notes.
  • αόριστος - past perfective2. Example: I wrote some grammar notes.
  • εξακολουθητικός μέλλοντας - future imperfective. Example: I will be writing some more grammar notes.
  • στιγμιαίος μέλλοντας - future perfective. Example: I will write some more grammar notes.
  • παρακείμενος - present perfect. Example: I have written some grammar notes.
  • υπερσυντέλικος - past perfect. Example: I had written some grammar notes...
  • συντελεσμένος μέλλοντας - future perfect. I will have written some grammar notes.

[1] If this term is used in combination with others, like "προστακτική (παρατατικός)", then it is translated simply as "imperfective" or "imperfective stem".

[2] If this term is used in combination with others, like "προστακτική (αόριστος)", then it is translated simply as "perfective" or "perfective stem".