User:Conrad.Irwin/language codes

Missing three letters with brackets (not easily importable if we want to stay away from bracketed names, but if someone suggests alternative names for these, I can import them with those):

Otherwise missing (will import):

* Template:bzt: Brithenig

* Template:dws: Dutton World Speedwords

* Template:ldn: Láadan

* Template:qya: Quenya

* Template:sjn: Sindarin

* Template:tlh: Klingon

* Template:zbl: Blissymbols

diff <(cat | cut -f 1 | sort | uniq ) <(cat output | cut -d ":" -f 2 | sort | uniq ) | grep "< ...$" | sed 's,< \(...\),\1,' | join - <(cut -f 1,4,7 | sort ) | sed 's,...,* Template:\0:,'