Paul van Rijckevorsel via Taxacom

10:06 AM (1 hour ago)

to Lorenzo, taxacom There are (at least) four options: 1) describe as a species (like Triticum aestivum, Art H.3 Ex. 3) 2) describe as a nothospecies (like Mentha ×smithiana, Art H.3 Ex. 1) 3) describe by a hybrid formula (like Agrostis stolonifera L. × Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf., Art H.2 Ex. 1). See also Rec. H.10B.1, at least its spirit. 4) describe as a cultivar

The choice between these is a matter of degree, depending on how important the newly described taxon is perceived to be. Obviously, a status as a species (non-hybrid) is only called for in case of a long-established taxon.

The general tendency is to increasingly treat hybrids as cultivars, with many former species that were well known horticulturally having been renamed to become cultivars.


To do

  • regularize placement of ×
  • synonyms for nothospecies
  • hybrid formulas
  • review main animal hybrids
  • review plant genera for hybrid species
  • find lists of nothogenera and higher-ranked nothotaxa
  • add hybrid terminology