User:Denazz/Derived Terms Tool

import requests

def get_page_content(title):

   params = {
       'action': 'query',
       'format': 'json',
       'titles': title,
       'prop': 'revisions',
       'rvprop': 'content',
   response = requests.get('', params=params)
   data = response.json()
   page = next(iter(data['query']['pages'].values()), None)
   if page and 'revisions' in page:
       return page['revisions'][0]['*']

def add_derived_terms(title, derived_terms):

   content = get_page_content(title)
   # Process the content to add derived terms
   # Update the content with the new derived terms
   # Make an edit using the API
  1. Example usage

base_word = 'example' new_derived_terms = ['example1', 'example2']

add_derived_terms(base_word, new_derived_terms)