
Note: You may have to bypass your browser’s cache to see the changes. In addition, after saving a sitewide CSS file such as MediaWiki:Common.css, it will take 5-10 minutes before the changes take effect, even if you clear your cache.

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// <nowiki>

window.NewerEntryCreatorData = 
	generate: function(langcode, data)
		var partOfSpeechCollection = data.partOfSpeechCollection;
		var pronunciation = data.pronunciation;
		var sectionIndentation = 3;
		var hasMultipleEtymologies = partOfSpeechCollection.filter(item => item.etymologyNumber > 1).length > 0;
		if (hasMultipleEtymologies) indentation++;
		var wikitext = "";
		wikitext += "=={{subst:#invoke:languages/templates|getByCode|" + langcode + "|getCanonicalName}}==";
		if (pronunciation && pronunciation.wikitext)
			wikitext += "\n";
			wikitext += "\n";
			wikitext += "=".repeat(sectionIndentation) + "Pronunciation" + "=".repeat(sectionIndentation);
			wikitext += "\n";
			wikitext += pronunciation.wikitext;
		for(var i = 0; i < partOfSpeechCollection.length; i++)
			var section = partOfSpeechCollection[i];
			wikitext += "\n";
			wikitext += "\n";
			wikitext += "=".repeat(sectionIndentation) + section.sectionName + "=".repeat(sectionIndentation);
			wikitext += "\n";
			wikitext += section.headword;
			wikitext += "\n";
			for(var definition_index = 0; definition_index < section.definitions.length; definition_index++)
				wikitext += "\n";
				wikitext += section.definitions[definition_index].wikitext;
				if (section.definitions[definition_index].exampleWikitext)
					wikitext += "\n";
					wikitext += section.definitions[definition_index].exampleWikitext;
			for(var index = 0; index < section.subsections.length; index++)
				var subsection = section.subsections[index];
				wikitext += "\n";
				wikitext += "\n";
				wikitext += "=".repeat(sectionIndentation+1) + subsection.title + "=".repeat(sectionIndentation+1);
				wikitext += "\n";
				wikitext += subsection.wikitext;
		return wikitext;

function isTransliterationQuestionApplicable(p)
	if (p.languageConfiguration === undefined) return true; //by default all langauges need manual transliteration
	if (p.languageConfiguration.transliteration === undefined) return true;
	return p.languageConfiguration.transliteration.needsTransliteration && !p.languageConfiguration.transliteration.isAutomaticallyTransliterated;

NewerEntryCreatorData.all = 
		questions: {
			definitions: [
				{question: "definition #1", parameterName : "definition1", value: '', sortkey: 100, group: "Definition 1"},
				{question: "add example #1", parameterName : "addExample1", choices: ['yes', 'no'], value: 'no', sortkey: 101, group: "Definition 1"},
				{question: "example #1", parameterName : "example1", value: '', shouldShow: p => p.addExample1 == "yes", sortkey: 102, group: "Definition 1"},
				{question: "example transliteration #1", parameterName : "example_transliteration1", shouldShow: p => p.addExample1 == "yes" && isTransliterationQuestionApplicable(p), sortkey: 103, group: "Definition 1"},
				{question: "example translation #1", parameterName : "example_translation1", value: '', shouldShow: p => p.addExample1 == "yes", sortkey: 104, group: "Definition 1"},
				{question: "definition #2", parameterName : "definition2", value: '', shouldShow: (p) => p.definition1 != "" && p.definition1 !== undefined, sortkey: 110, group: "Definition 2"},
				{question: "add example #2", parameterName : "addExample2", choices: ['yes', 'no'], value: 'no', shouldShow: (p) => p.definition1 != "" && p.definition1 !== undefined, sortkey: 111, group: "Definition 2"},
				{question: "example #2", parameterName : "example2", value: '', shouldShow: p => p.addExample2 == "yes", sortkey: 112, group: "Definition 2"},
				{question: "example transliteration #2", parameterName : "example_transliteration2", shouldShow: p => p.addExample2 == "yes" && isTransliterationQuestionApplicable(p), sortkey: 113, group: "Definition 2"},
				{question: "example translation #2", parameterName : "example_translation2", value: '', shouldShow: p => p.addExample2 == "yes", sortkey: 114, group: "Definition 2"},
				{question: "definition #3", parameterName : "definition3", value: '', shouldShow: (p) => p.definition2 != "" && p.definition2 !== undefined, sortkey: 120, group: "Definition 3"},
				{question: "add example #3", parameterName : "addExample3", choices: ['yes', 'no'], value: 'no', shouldShow: (p) => p.definition2 != "" && p.definition2 !== undefined, sortkey: 121, group: "Definition 3"},
				{question: "example #3", parameterName : "example3", value: '', shouldShow: p => p.addExample3 == "yes", sortkey: 122, group: "Definition 3"},
				{question: "example transliteration #3", parameterName : "example_transliteration3", shouldShow: p => p.addExample3 == "yes" && isTransliterationQuestionApplicable(p), sortkey: 123, group: "Definition 3"},
				{question: "example translation #3", parameterName : "example_translation3", value: '', shouldShow: p => p.addExample3 == "yes", sortkey: 124, group: "Definition 3"},

NewerEntryCreatorData.ka =
	transliteration: {
		needsTransliteration: true,
		isAutomaticallyTransliterated: true
	pluralizeNoun: function(word) {
		if (word.slice(word.length - 1) == "ე") return word + "ები";
		else return word.substr(0, word.length - 1) + "ები";
	"Pronunciation": function() {
		return {wikitext: "* {{ka-IPA}}\n* {{ka-hyphen}}"};
	"Adjective": {
		questions : [
			{question: "comparable?", choices: ["yes", "no"], value: "yes", parameterName : "comparable"},
		generateHeadword: function(parameters)
			if (parameters.comparable == "yes") return "{{ka-adj}}";
			else return "{{ka-adj|-}}";
	"Verbal noun": {
		enableDefinitionQuestions: false,
		questions : [
			{question: "perfectness", choices: ["pf", "impf"], parameterName : "perfectness"},
			{question: "comma separated lemmas", parameterName : "verbalNounOf"},
		generateHeadword: function(parameters)
			if (parameters.perfectness)
				return "{{ka-verbal noun|" + parameters.perfectness + "}}";
				return "{{ka-verbal noun}}";
		generateDefinitions: function(parameters)
			if (parameters.verbalNounOf && parameters.verbalNounOf != "")
				var lemmas = parameters.verbalNounOf.split(",");
				return => {return {wikitext: "# {{form of|ka|verbal noun|" + lemma + "}}"}});
			return [];
		generateSubsections: function(parameters)
			var inflection = {
				title: "Inflection",
				wikitext: "{{ka-infl-noun|noplural}}",
			return [inflection];
	"Proper noun": {
		generateHeadword: function(parameters)
			return "{{ka-proper noun}}";
	"Adverb": {
		generateHeadword: function(parameters)
			return "{{ka-adv}}";
	"Noun": {
		questions : [
			{question: "countable?", value: 'yes', choices: ['yes', 'sometimes', 'no'], parameterName : "countable"},
			{question: "Is this correct?", value: (p) => NewerEntryCreatorData.ka.pluralizeNoun(p.word), parameterName : "plural", shouldShow: (p) => p.countable !== 'no'},
		generateHeadword: function(parameters)
			if (parameters.countable == 'yes')
				return "{{ka-noun|" + parameters.plural + "}}";
			else if (parameters.countable == 'sometimes')
				return "{{ka-noun|-|" + parameters.plural + "}}";
				return "{{ka-noun|-}}";
		generateSubsections: function(parameters)
			var inflection = {
				title: "Inflection",
				wikitext: "",
			if (parameters.countable == 'yes' || (parameters.countable == 'sometimes'))
				inflection.wikitext = "{{ka-infl-noun}}";
				inflection.wikitext = "{{ka-infl-noun|-}}";
			return [inflection];
	"Verb": {
		questions : [
			{question: "Is it present or future?", choices : ["present", "future"], parameterName : "tense"},
		generateHeadword: function(parameters)
			if (parameters.tense)
				return "{{ka-verb|" + parameters.tense + "}}";
				return "{{ka-verb}}";
	"Verb form": {
		enableDefinitionQuestions: false,
		questions : [
			{question: "lemma", parameterName : "lemma"},
			{question: "person?", choices : [
				{value:"1sg", text:"I"}, 
				{value:"2sg", text:"you (sg)"}, 
				{value:"3sg", text:"it"}, 
				{value:"1pl", text:"we"}, 
				{value:"2pl", text:"you (pl)"}, 
				{value:"3pl", text:"they"}
				], parameterName : "verb_form_person"},
			{question: "which form?", type: "dropdown", choices : [
				{value:"1", text:"present. რას შვრება?"},
				{value:"2", text:"imperfect. რას შვრებოდა?"},
				{value:"3", text:"present subjunctive. რას შვრებოდეს?"},
				{value:"4", text:"future. რას იზამს?"},
				{value:"5", text:"conditional. რას იზამდა?"},
				{value:"6", text:"future subjunctive. რას იზამდეს?"},
				{value:"7", text:"aorist. რა ქნა?"},
				{value:"8", text:"optative. რა ქნას?"},
				{value:"9", text:"perfect. რა უქნია?"},
				{value:"10", text:"pluperfect. რა ექნა?"},
				{value:"11", text:"perfect subjunctive. რა ექნას?"},
				], parameterName : "verb_form_id"},
		generateDefinitions: function(parameters)
			if (
				parameters.verb_form_id && parameters.verb_form_id != "" 
				&& parameters.verb_form_person && parameters.verb_form_person != ""
				&& parameters.lemma && parameters.lemma != "")
				var person = parameters.verb_form_person.substr(0, 1);
				var plurality = parameters.verb_form_person.substr(1, 2);
				var definition = "# {{ka-verb-form-of|" + person + "|" + plurality +"|" + parameters.verb_form_id + "|" + parameters.lemma + "}}";
				return [{wikitext:definition}];
			return [];

NewerEntryCreatorProcess = {
	acceptablePartsOfSpeech: {
		'Adjective': {headword: 'adjective', sectionName: 'Adjective'}, 
		'Verb': {headword: 'verb', sectionName: 'Verb'}, 
		'Noun': {headword: 'noun', sectionName: 'Noun'}, 
		'Pronoun': {headword: 'pronoun', sectionName: 'Pronoun'}, 
		'Determiner': {headword: 'determiner', sectionName: 'Determiner'}, 
		'Adverb': {headword: 'adverb', sectionName: 'Adverb'},  
		'Proper noun': {headword:'proper noun', sectionName: 'Proper noun'},
		'Verbal noun': {headword:'verbal noun', sectionName: 'Verbal noun'},
		'Conjunction': {headword: 'conjunction', sectionName: 'Conjunction'},
		'Interjection': {headword: 'interjection', sectionName: 'Interjection'},
		'Particle': {headword: 'particle', sectionName: 'Particle'},
		'Noun form': {headword: 'noun form', sectionName: 'Noun'},
		'Verb form': {headword: 'verb form', sectionName: 'Verb'},
	generateDefinitions: function(parameters)
		var defs = [];
		def1 = {wikitext: parameters.definition1 != '' && parameters.definition1 !== undefined ? '# ' + parameters.definition1 : ""};
		def2 = {wikitext: parameters.definition2 != '' && parameters.definition2 !== undefined ? '# ' + parameters.definition2 : ""};
		def3 = {wikitext: parameters.definition3 != '' && parameters.definition3 !== undefined ? '# ' + parameters.definition3 : ""};
		if (parameters.addExample1 == "yes")
			def1.exampleWikitext = "#: {{ux|" + parameters.langcode + "|" + parameters.example1;
			if (isTransliterationQuestionApplicable(parameters))
				def1.exampleWikitext += "|tr=" + parameters.example_transliteration1;
			if (parameters.languageConfiguration.transliteration.needsTransliteration === true)
				def1.exampleWikitext += "|t=" + parameters.example_translation1;
			def1.exampleWikitext += "}}";
		if (parameters.addExample2 == "yes")
			def2.exampleWikitext = "#: {{ux|" + parameters.langcode + "|" + parameters.example2;
			if (isTransliterationQuestionApplicable(parameters))
				def2.exampleWikitext += "|tr=" + parameters.example_transliteration2;
			if (parameters.languageConfiguration.transliteration.needsTransliteration === true)
				def2.exampleWikitext += "|t=" + parameters.example_translation2;
			def2.exampleWikitext += "}}";
		if (parameters.addExample3 == "yes")
			def3.exampleWikitext = "#: {{ux|" + parameters.langcode + "|" + parameters.example3;
			if (isTransliterationQuestionApplicable(parameters))
				def3.exampleWikitext += "|tr=" + parameters.example_transliteration3;
			if (parameters.languageConfiguration.transliteration.needsTransliteration === true)
				def3.exampleWikitext += "|t=" + parameters.example_translation3;
			def3.exampleWikitext += "}}";
		if (def1.wikitext) defs.push(def1);
		if (def2.wikitext) defs.push(def2);
		if (def3.wikitext) defs.push(def3);
		return defs;
	generate: function(langcode, partOfSpeechCollectionParameters)
		var partOfSpeechCollection = [];
		for(var i = 0; i < partOfSpeechCollectionParameters.length; i++)
			var parameters = partOfSpeechCollectionParameters[i];
			if (this.acceptablePartsOfSpeech[parameters.partOfSpeech] === undefined) continue;
			var langPosSpecificFuncs = NewerEntryCreatorData[parameters.langcode][parameters.partOfSpeech];
			var headword = '{{head|' + parameters.langcode + '|' + parameters.partOfSpeech.toLowerCase() + '}}';
			if (langPosSpecificFuncs !== undefined && langPosSpecificFuncs.generateHeadword)
				headword = langPosSpecificFuncs.generateHeadword(parameters);
			var definitions = this.generateDefinitions(parameters);
			if (langPosSpecificFuncs !== undefined && langPosSpecificFuncs.generateDefinitions)
				definitions = langPosSpecificFuncs.generateDefinitions(parameters);
			var subsections = [];
			if (langPosSpecificFuncs !== undefined && langPosSpecificFuncs.generateSubsections)
				subsections = langPosSpecificFuncs.generateSubsections(parameters);
				sectionName: this.acceptablePartsOfSpeech[parameters.partOfSpeech].sectionName,
				headword: headword,
				definitions: definitions,
				subsections: subsections
		var langSpecificFuncs = NewerEntryCreatorData[langcode];
		var pronunciation = {};
		if (langSpecificFuncs !== undefined && langSpecificFuncs.Pronunciation)
			pronunciation = langSpecificFuncs.Pronunciation();
		return {partOfSpeechCollection: partOfSpeechCollection, pronunciation: pronunciation};
function showQuestions(questions, parameters)
	questions = questions.sort((a, b) => (a.sortkey ?? 0) - (b.sortkey ?? 0));
	var currentGroup = "adumbhack_random_string";
	var $currentGroupDiv = undefined;
	for(var question of questions)
		if (question.shouldShow && question.shouldShow(parameters) == false) continue;
		if ( != currentGroup)
			if ($currentGroupDiv !== undefined)
			$currentGroupDiv = $("<fieldset></fieldset>")
				.attr("class", "newer-entry-creator-question-group")
				.attr("id", "newer-entry-creator-question-group-" + ( ?? "defaultGroup").replace(" ", "-"))
				.append($("<legend></legend>").text(( ?? "Questions")));
		currentGroup =;
		var $questionDiv = $("<div></div>");
		if (question.choices)
			if (question.type == "dropdown")
				var $select = $('<select>').prop({
	       					id: "newer-entry-creator-" + question.parameterName,
	       					name: "newer-entry-creator-" + question.parameterName,
			        		className: 'newer-entry-creator-input'
				for(var choice of question.choices)
					var optionText = choice.text || choice;
					var optionValue = choice.value || choice;
	       					id: "newer-entry-creator-" + question.parameterName + "-" + optionValue,
							selected: optionValue == question.value,
							value: optionValue,
							text: optionText
				for(var choice of question.choices)
					var optionText = choice.text || choice;
					var optionValue = choice.value || choice;
	       					type: 'radio',
	       					id: "newer-entry-creator-" + question.parameterName + "-" + optionValue,
	       					name: "newer-entry-creator-" + question.parameterName,
			        		value: optionValue,
	       					className: 'newer-entry-creator-input',
	       					checked: optionValue == question.value
							.attr("for", "newer-entry-creator-" + question.parameterName + "-" + optionValue)
			var initialValue = (typeof question.value === "function") ? question.value(parameters) : question.value;
			console.log(typeof question.value === "function");
       				type: 'text',
       				id: "newer-entry-creator-" + question.parameterName,
       				name: "newer-entry-creator-" + question.parameterName,
		       		value: initialValue,
       				className: 'newer-entry-creator-input'
function setParametersFromInputs(parameters)
			if ($(this).attr("type") != "radio" || $(this).is(':checked'))
	 		parameters[$(this).attr("name").substr(20)] = $(this).val();
function isPrintableKeyCode(keycode)
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        keycode == 32 || keycode == 13   || // spacebar & return key(s) (if you want to allow carriage returns)
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        (keycode > 95 && keycode < 112)  || // numpad keys
        (keycode > 185 && keycode < 193) || // ;=,-./` (in order)
        (keycode > 218 && keycode < 223);   // [\]' (in order)

    return valid;
function refreshUi(e){
	console.log("In RefreshUi. " + e.keyCode);
	if (e.ctrlKey || (e.keyCode !== undefined && !(isPrintableKeyCode(e.keyCode) || e.keyCode == 8 /*backspace*/ || e.keyCode == 46 /*del*/))) return;
	var focusedName = $(this).attr("id");
	var langcode = $("[name='newer-entry-creator-langcode']").val();
	var partOfSpeech = $("[name='newer-entry-creator-partOfSpeech']").val();
	var parameters = {word: mw.config.values.wgPageName, languageConfiguration: NewerEntryCreatorData[langcode]};
	if (NewerEntryCreatorData[langcode] === undefined) return;
	var definitionQuestions = NewerEntryCreatorData.all.all.questions.definitions || [];
	var questions = [];
	if (NewerEntryCreatorData[langcode][partOfSpeech] !== undefined)
		if (NewerEntryCreatorData[langcode][partOfSpeech].enableDefinitionQuestions !== false)
			questions = questions.concat(definitionQuestions || []);
			questions = questions.concat(NewerEntryCreatorData[langcode][partOfSpeech].questions || []);
		questions = questions.concat(definitionQuestions || []);
	showQuestions(questions, parameters);
	console.log("setting parameters back");
		var oldValue = parameters[$(this).attr("name").substr(20)];
		if (oldValue === undefined) return;
		if ($(this).attr("type") == "radio")
			$(this).prop('checked', $(this).attr("value") == oldValue);
	setParametersFromInputs(parameters); //an event could make a new input with default value appear
	$(".newer-entry-creator-input").bind('change keyup', refreshUi);
	//$("[name='" + focusedName + "']").focus();
	$("#" + focusedName).focus();
	var generatedWikitext = window.NewerEntryCreatorData.generate(langcode, NewerEntryCreatorProcess.generate(langcode, [parameters]));

function addCss()
		//.css("border", "1px solid black")
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function createNewerEntryCreator()
	$("<div id='newer-entry-creator'></div>").insertBefore($("#mw-content-text"));
	$("#newer-entry-creator").append($("<datalist id = 'parts-of-speech'></datalist>"));
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	$("#newer-entry-creator").append($("<input type='text' class = 'newer-entry-creator-input' name='newer-entry-creator-langcode'/>")); 
	$("#newer-entry-creator").append($("<span>part of speech:</span>"));
	$("#newer-entry-creator").append($("<input type='text' class = 'newer-entry-creator-input' name='newer-entry-creator-partOfSpeech' list='parts-of-speech'/>")); 
	if (mw.config.values.wgRelevantArticleId != 0) return;

// </nowiki>