

2.1 Übersetzung

to enrol = (sich) einschreiben, anmelden; aufnehmen.

enrollment = Aufnahmeverfahren/-vorgang, auch: Inskriptionszahlen.

female enrollment = Anteil der neu aufgenommenen weiblichen Studierenden

ethnic enrollment = Anteil der neu aufgenommenen Angehörigen ethnischer Minderheiten

2.2 Kollokationen

a) Exactly how many students were enrolled and from where?

b) when he graduated he enrolled in the Stanford School of Business.

c) After graduating, Giammetti enrolled in the University of Rome's architecture school,

d) I've enrolled in a workshop called "Unlock Your Psychic Powers"

e) only 11% are enrolled in an advanced maths class.

f) Harvard enrolled 16 of the top 20 high school scholars in the nation,

g) The Department of Education predicts a gradual increase in enrollments

h) a seven-fold increase in higher education enrollment in Saudi Arabia

i) there has been a notable rise in female clergy since the early 1970s, and female enrollment in seminaries in the United States has steadily increased.

j) As of April 2004, enrollment in the Honors Program was 1030, which is a slight decrease (4%) from April 2003, but a larger decrease from September 2003 when enrollment was 1200. There were a number of reasons for the decline over the academic year, including graduations and difficulty getting honors classes. With increased enrollment and decreased budgets, the Honors Program has had difficulty offering sufficient courses for all Honors students. Male enrollment continues to improve and is currently at 38%. Ethnic enrollment has declined, particularly that of African-American and Asian students, which are down 33% and 18%, respectively, since April 2003. (

2.3 Referenztexte (= Enrollment policy der Princeton University)