Note: You may have to bypass your browser’s cache to see the changes. In addition, after saving a sitewide CSS file such as MediaWiki:Common.css, it will take 5-10 minutes before the changes take effect, even if you clear your cache.

  • Mozilla / Firefox / Safari: hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (Command-R on a Macintosh);
  • Konqueror and Chrome: click Reload or press F5;
  • Opera: clear the cache in Tools → Preferences;
  • Internet Explorer: hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5.

This JavaScript is executed for Erutuon on every page load.

// <nowiki>
// See also [[m:User:Erutuon/global.js]].
/* jshint maxerr: 250, moz: true */

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var mwvalues  = mw.config.values;
if (!mwvalues) throw new TypeError("mwvalues is undefined");
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window.loadWikipediaScript = function (pageName) {
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window.withScript = function (pageName, successCallback, failureCallback) {
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window.copyWikitext = function copyWikitext(title) {
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function makeShowHideButton(toHide, precedingElement) {
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/* Scripts running only on specific pages */
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			const getSearchResultTitles = function () {
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					return e.textContent;
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				const pre = $("<pre>").text(titles.join("\n")).css("clear", "both");
	case 'MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition':
	case 'User:Erutuon/Odyssey_list':
	case 'User:Erutuon/Odyssey_list_(5-3)':
	case 'User:Erutuon/Odyssey_twice-used_list':
	case 'User:Erutuon/Odyssey_nonce_list': {
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			.filter(function (_, li) {
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				return span.lang === 'grc' && !span.firstChild.classList.contains('new');
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	case 'Special:Watchlist':
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	case 'User:Erutuon/mainspace_headers': {
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	case 'Wiktionary:AutoWikiBrowser/Script':
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window.syntaxHighlighterConfig = {
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				apiWrapper[funcName](str, function (result) {
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					try { // avoid error: currSelection is undefined
						$textbox.textSelection('replaceSelection', result);
					} catch (e) {
						$textbox.textSelection('setContents', result);
	// Insert expanded wikitext into the text box, as if from
	// [[Special:ExpandTemplates]].
	window.insertExpandedTemplate = addApiResultToTextbox('expandTemplates');
	// Replace selection in text box with the wikitext of a page.
	window.insertWikitext = addApiResultToTextbox('getWikitext');
	// Keep in sync with [[Special:AbuseFilter/68]].
	window.noHeadTempRegex = new RegExp("([=]{3,7})[ \t]*(?:" + [
		"Adjectival noun",
		"Combining form",
		"Diacritical mark",
		"Han character",
		"Ordinal number",
		"Prepositional phrase",
		"Proper noun",
		"Punctuation mark",
		"Verbal noun"
	+ ")[ \t]*\\1[^{]*?#", "g");
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		var searched = false;
		var failed = false;
		function doSearch() {
			var match = regex.exec(textbox.val());
			if (match) {
					{ start: match.index, end: match.index + match[0].length });
			return match;
		return function () {
			if (failed) {
			if (!searched) {
				noHeadTempRegex.lastIndex = 0;
			var fromStart = regex.lastIndex === 0;
			var match = doSearch();
			if (!fromStart && regex.lastIndex === 0) {
				match = doSearch();
			searched = Boolean(match);
			failed = fromStart && !match;
	if ( [ "edit", "submit" ].includes(mw.config.get("wgAction"))
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	// Not in edit conflict view.
	&& !document.querySelector(".mw-twocolconflict-changes-col")
	&& noHeadTempRegex.test($('#wpTextbox1').val())) {
			.done(function () {
			var buttons = new CleanupButtons();
				button: { text: "find missing headword-line template" },
				func: makeTextboxRegexFinder(noHeadTempRegex),

// importScript('User:Dixtosa/rhyme.js');			// [[User:Dixtosa/rhyme.js]]
// importScript('User:Dixtosa/expandASADRS.js');	// [[User:Dixtosa/expandASADRS.js]]
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importScript('User:Erutuon/scripts/sidebar.js'); //Linkback: [[User:Erutuon/scripts/sidebar.js]] Added by Script installer
importScript('User:Erutuon/scripts/editableHeading.js'); //Linkback: [[User:Erutuon/scripts/editableHeading.js]] Added by Script installer
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importScript('User:Erutuon/scripts/editTop.js'); //Linkback: [[User:Erutuon/scripts/editTop.js]] Added by Script installer

// [[m:User:SMcCandlish/userinfo.js]]
if (namespace === 'User')

if (namespace === 'Category') {
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	if ($(".language-category-info th").length > 0)

// importScript('User:Dixtosa/highlightme.js'); //Linkback: [[User:Dixtosa/highlightme.js]] Added by Script installer
// importScript('User:Dixtosa/WhoDidThat.js'); //Linkback: [[User:Dixtosa/WhoDidThat.js]] Added by Script installer

if (mwvalues.wgCategories
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/* Scripts running based on contents of page */
if (document.querySelector('[lang=ru-Latn]') !== null)
	importScript('User:Erutuon/scripts/modifyRussianTranslit.js'); //Linkback: [[User:Erutuon/scripts/modifyRussianTranslit.js]] Added by Script installer

if (namespace === '' && document.querySelector('.translations') !== null)
	importScript('User:Erutuon/scripts/simpleTranslations.js');		// [[User:Erutuon/scripts/simpleTranslations.js]]

if (document.querySelector('[class^=inflection-table]'))
	importScript('User:Erutuon/scripts/changeCaseOrder.js'); //Linkback: [[User:Erutuon/scripts/changeCaseOrder.js]] Added by Script installer

	const grc = document.querySelectorAll("[lang=grc]");
	const wrongApostrophe = /[\'\u1FBD\u1FBF]/;
	var count = 0;
	for (var i = 0, len = grc.length; i < len; ++i) {
		const innerText = grc[i].innerText;
		if ( innerText && wrongApostrophe.test(innerText) ) {
			mw.notify("Wrong apostrophe detected in Ancient Greek text: " + innerText + ".");
			if (++count > 5)

// id="templatesandbox-editform" is always on edit pages, but only on
// template and module pages is it in a fieldset tag.
var templateSandboxEditform = document.getElementById("templatesandbox-editform");
if (templateSandboxEditform && templateSandboxEditform.tagName === "FIELDSET") {

if (namespace == 'Category') {
	$("div.CategoryTreeTag").find("a.CategoryTreeLabel").html(function(index, content) {
		return content.replace(
			/^Requests for (?:verification|deletion|cleanup) in (.+) entries$/,
	** On category pages, remove "0 c" or "0 e" from parentheses in listing of
	** subcategories.
	document.querySelectorAll('.CategoryTreeItem span').forEach(function (elem) {
		if (elem.title.startsWith('Contains')) {
			elem.innerHTML = elem.innerHTML
				.replace(/(?:, )?0 [ce](?:, )?/, '');

$(":lang(uk-Latn)").html(function(index, content) {
	return content.replace(/v/g, "w");

var $example4ListItems = $("#example4 ul li");
if ($example4ListItems.length > 0) {
	var getListItemsToHide = function ($listItems, columnCount, rowsInShowState) {
		var count = $listItems.length;
		var itemsPerColumn = Math.ceil(count / columnCount);
		var $elemsToHide = $();
		if (itemsPerColumn > rowsInShowState) {
			for (var i = 0; i < columnCount; ++i) {
				var columnStart = i * itemsPerColumn;
				$elemsToHide = $elemsToHide
					.add($listItems.slice(columnStart + rowsInShowState, columnStart + itemsPerColumn));
		return $elemsToHide;
	getListItemsToHide($example4ListItems, 3, 3)
		'"' + String.fromCodePoint(0x1F47B) + '"'); // JSHint doesn't like codepoint escapes ("\u{1F47B}").

window.getCodePointNames = function (str) {
	if (typeof str !== 'string')
		throw new Error("expected string, got " + typeof str);
	withScript('User:Erutuon/scripts/apiWrapper', function () {
			'{{#invoke:User:Erutuon/sandbox|get_code_point_names|' + str + '}}',
			function (wikitext) {
				var names = JSON.parse(wikitext);

Object.getPrototypeOf(localStorage).keys = function () {
	return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this);

// [[w:User:Anomie/previewtemplatelastmod.js]]
// loadWikipediaScript('User:Anomie/previewtemplatelastmod.js');

// [[w:User:קיפודנחש/searchPersistence.js]]

// [[w:fr:Utilisateur:Od1n/AddLinksJavaScriptPage.js]]
if (contentModel === 'javascript') {
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							&& parenthesis.textContent === '(' && string
							&& stringClasses.indexOf(string.className) !== -1))
					string.innerHTML = string.innerHTML.replace(/^(['"])(.+\.(?:js|css))(['"])$/,
						function (match, quote1, path, quote2) {
							link.href = mw.util.getUrl(path);
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							return quote1 + link.outerHTML + quote2;


if (contentModel === 'Scribunto' && mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId') === 0
&& /\/sandbox$/.test(pageName)) {
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window.unPercentify = function () {
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window.getNameOf = function(obj) {
	return Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);

// Adds a button after the 'refresh' link in module testcases produced by
// [[Module:UnitTests]] to hide all successful testcases (making it easier to
// find the failing ones).
if (namespace === 'Module') {
	const $unitTests = $('table.unit-tests');
	if ($unitTests.length > 2) {
		const $hideSuccessesButton = $('<span>')
			.css('cursor', 'pointer')
			.click(function() {
				this.successesShown = !this.successesShown;
			.html('(hide successes)');
		hideSuccessesButton = $hideSuccessesButton[0];
		hideSuccessesButton.successesShown = true;
		hideSuccessesButton.showHideFunc = function () {
			$unitTests.toggleClass('unit-tests-hide-passing', !this.successesShown);
			this.textContent = this.successesShown ? '(hide successes)' : '(show successes)';
			.append(' ')

window.getSearchTitles = function getSearchTitles() {
	return $('.mw-search-result-heading a').get()
		.map(function (elem) {
			return elem.textContent;

if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 0 && mw.config.get('wgRevisionId') === 0)
})(); // IIFE

// Reduce names of request categories to language name.
$(function () {
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	if (match) {
		const regex = new RegExp("Requests for " + match[1].replace(/_/g, " ") + " in (.+?) entries", "g");
		$('.CategoryTreeItem a')
			.forEach(function(e) {
				e.textContent = e.textContent.replace(regex, '$1');

if ([ "edit", "submit" ].includes(mw.config.get("wgAction"))) {
	importScript('User:Erutuon/scripts/cleanup.js'); //Linkback: [[User:Erutuon/scripts/cleanup.js]] Added by Script installer

importScript( 'User:So9q/CreateTranslation.js' ); // Backlink: [[User:So9q/CreateTranslation.js]]

if (document.querySelector('[lang="mh"]')) {
	importScript('User:Erutuon/scripts/Marshallese.js'); // [[User:Erutuon/scripts/Marshallese.js]]

window.catfixReconstructedAsterisk = true;

(function findParserReport() {
	const contentElement = document.getElementById("content");
	if (contentElement) {
		const iter = document.createNodeIterator(contentElement, NodeFilter.SHOW_COMMENT, function() { return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT; });
		var node;
		while ((node = iter.nextNode())) {
			const value = node.nodeValue;
			if (value.includes("NewPP limit report")) {; break;

// Various fixes for the trees generated by [[Module:family tree]].
// This code works with old classes (beginning with familytree) and new classes
// (beginning with ft).
$(function () {
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	$('.ft-toptoggle, .familytree-toptoggle').css('display', '');
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				if (toggledElement) {
					toggles.html( ? 'expandtext' : 'collapsetext'));
	// Change the text in the custom toggles generated by [[Module:family tree]]
	// when they are clicked.
    function (event) {
        if ('mw-customcollapsible-' + customtogglePrefix) === 0) {
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$(function() {
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window.GPE = window.GPE || {};
window.GPE.initialDeleteReason = '[[Wiktionary:Sysop deleted|--explanation of deletion--]]';

mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.cookie', 'jquery.textSelection']).done(function() {
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        { name: 'Slovincian', insertBefore: 'Polabian', html: '...' }

window.noDefaultVisibilityToggles = true;

mw.loader.using(['ext.gadget.VisibilityToggles'], function() {

function makeLocalScriptUrl(title) {
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	"ext.gadget.Editor", "ext.gadget.LegacyScriptsNewNode", "mediawiki.cookie",
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importScript('w:User:Jackmcbarn/advancedtemplatesandbox.js'); // Linkback: [[w:User:Jackmcbarn/advancedtemplatesandbox.js]]

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