
Note: You may have to bypass your browser’s cache to see the changes. In addition, after saving a sitewide CSS file such as MediaWiki:Common.css, it will take 5-10 minutes before the changes take effect, even if you clear your cache.

  • Mozilla / Firefox / Safari: hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (Command-R on a Macintosh);
  • Konqueror and Chrome: click Reload or press F5;
  • Opera: clear the cache in Tools → Preferences;
  • Internet Explorer: hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5.

Provides some methods to more simply access parts of the MediaWiki API so I don't have to remember the sometimes complicated structure of the objects.

mw.loader.using("mediawiki.api", function apiWrapperInnards() {
"use strict";

var apiWrapper = Object.create(null);
window.apiWrapper = apiWrapper;

function check(wikitext, callback) {
	if (typeof wikitext !== "string")
		throw new TypeError("Expected string");
	if (typeof callback !== "function")
		throw new TypeError("Expected function");

apiWrapper.parse = function (wikitext, callback, pageName) {
	check(wikitext, callback);
	return new mw.Api().get({
		action: "parse",
		text: wikitext,
		prop: "text",
		title: pageName || mw.config.get("wgPageName"),
	}).done(function (data) {
		var text = data.parse.text["*"];
		// Remove parsing information.
		text = text.replace(
			/^<div.+?>([^\0]+)<!--[^\0]+-->\n<!--[^\0]+-->\n<\/div>$/, "$1");

apiWrapper.expandTemplates = function (wikitext, callback, pageName) {
	check(wikitext, callback);
	return new mw.Api().get({
		action: "expandtemplates",
		title: pageName || mw.config.get("wgPageName"),
		text: wikitext,
		prop: "wikitext",
	}).done(function (data) {
		var expanded = data.expandtemplates.wikitext;

apiWrapper.getWikitext = function (pageName, callback) {
	check(pageName, callback);
	return new mw.Api().get({
		action: "query",
		prop: "revisions",
		rvprop: "content",
		titles: pageName,
		rvlimit: 1,
		rvslots: "*",
	}).done(function (data) {
		var pages = data.query.pages;
		if (pages[-1])
			throw new Error("Page not found"); // maybe?
		for (var pageId in pages) {
			// Why so complicated?
			var wikitext = pages[pageId].revisions[0].slots.main["*"];

// See also [[w:MediaWiki:Gadget-libLua.js]].
apiWrapper.callLua = function (expression, callback) {
	check(expression, callback);
	return new mw.Api().postWithToken('csrf', {
		action: 'scribunto-console',
		title: 'Example',
		content: '',
		question: '= ' + expression,
		clear: true
	}).then(function (data) { // This is much more complicated.
		if (data.type === "error")
			throw new Error(data.message);

// new mw.Api().get({ action: 'query', meta: 'siteinfo', siprop: 'interwikimap', format: 'json' }).done(data => window.interwiki = data.query.interwikimap)
