
en	-graphic	-graphical	agegraphic	amniographic	archaeographic	archeographic	areographic	arthrographic	bronchographic	cephalographic	chemographic	cholangiographic	clinographic	cytographic	dendrographic	dermatographic	fluviographic	heliographic	histographic	homographic	ileographic	killographic	kinesiographic	laryngographic	myelographic	neurographic	opisthographic	otographic	relaxographic	thoracographic	tonographic	typographic
en	spino-	spinobrachial	spinobulbar	spinocerebellar	spinocerebellum	spinocerebral	spinocervical	spinodendritic	spinodiapophyseal	spinogenesis	spinomedullary	spinoparabrachial	spinopelvic	spinopostzygapophyseal	spinopostzygapophysial	spinoprezygapophyseal	spinoreticular	spinoreticulocerebellar	spinoreticulothalamic	spinothalamic	spinothalamically	spinothalamocortical	spinotrigeminal
en	reticulo-	reticulocerebellar	reticulocyte	reticuloendothelial	reticuloendotheliosis	reticuloendothelium	reticulofibrotic	reticulogeniculate	reticulogranular	reticulohistiocytic	reticulonodular	reticulophagy	reticulorumen	reticuloruminal	reticulospinal	reticulotegmental	reticulothalamic	reticulothalamocortical	reticulotropic	reticulotubular
en	-oan	antimonoan	arsenoan	bismuthoan	boratoan	ceroan	cobaltoan	cuproan	europoan	ferroan	mercuroan	palladoan	plumboan	stannoan	stiboan	thalloan	titanoan	vanadoan
en	-tactic	barotactic	chaetotactic	chemotactic	elasticotactic	envirotactic	eosinotactic	haptotactic	hepatotactic	hydrotactic	hygrotactic	leukotactic	lymphotactic	polarotactic	rheotactic	shearotactic	sonotactic
en	mito-	mitobiogenesis	mitoflash	mitohormesis	mitohormetic	mitoinhibition	mitoinhibitory	mitomorphology	mitonuclear	mitophagosome	mitophysiological	mitophysiology	mitoprotective	mitoribosome	mitosome	mitostress	mitotropic
en	-taxis	adipotaxis	biotaxis	ecotaxis	elasticotaxis	eosinotaxis	hemotaxis	hygrotaxis	immunotaxis	lymphotaxis	osmotaxis	polarotaxis	pseudotaxodont	rheotaxis	shearotaxis	sonotaxis
en	chloro	decachlorobiphenyl	dichlorobiphenyl	dichloroethane	heptachlorobiphenyl	hexachlorobiphenyl	monochlorobiphenyl	nonachlorobiphenyl	octachlorobiphenyl	pentachloro	pentachlorobiphenyl	perchloro	tetrachloro	tetrachlorobiphenyl	trichlorobiphenyl
en	-phagic	anthropophagic	araneophagic	coprophagic	crinophagic	erythrophagic	eukaryophagic	geophagic	hyperphagic	necrophagic	pedophagic	phytophagic	polyphagic	symbiophagic
en	acido-	acidobiont	acidogen	acidoglycoprotein	acidopeptic	acidophilous	acidophytic	acidostability	acidostabilization	acidostable	acidothermophile	acidothermophilic	acidotolerant	acidotoxicity
en	allelo-	allelocatalysis	allelocatalytic	allelochemical	allelochemically	allelomimetic	allelomorph	allelomorphic	allelomorphism	allelopath	allelopathic	allelopathy	allelotype	allelotypic
en	deca	hexadecahydroxy	hexadecaoxide	octadecacopper	octadecahydrate	pentadecacopper	pentadecahydrate	tetradecacopper	tetradecamanganese	tetradecaoxide	tridecacopper	tridecamanganese	tridecasodium	undecasulfide
en	fall seven times, stand up eight	another day, another dollar	finders, keepers	first come, first served	in for a dime, in for a dollar	in for a penny, in for a pound	in for an inch, in for a mile	least said, soonest mended	no harm, no foul	no pain, no gain	nothing ventured, nothing gained	once bitten, twice shy	out of sight, out of mind	waste not, want not
en	laugh before breakfast, cry before supper	another day, another dollar	finders, keepers	first come, first served	in for a dime, in for a dollar	in for a penny, in for a pound	in for an inch, in for a mile	least said, soonest mended	no harm, no foul	no pain, no gain	nothing ventured, nothing gained	once bitten, twice shy	out of sight, out of mind	waste not, want not
en	meningo-	meningocele	meningocerebral	meningococcus	meningoencephalocele	meningoencephalocoele	meningoencephalomyelitis	meningoencephalopathic	meningoencephalopathy	meningogenic	meningomyelitis	meningovascular	meningoventriculitis	meningovertebral
en	mo' money, mo' problems	another day, another dollar	finders, keepers	first come, first served	in for a dime, in for a dollar	in for a penny, in for a pound	in for an inch, in for a mile	least said, soonest mended	no harm, no foul	no pain, no gain	nothing ventured, nothing gained	once bitten, twice shy	out of sight, out of mind	waste not, want not
en	no body, no crime	another day, another dollar	finders, keepers	first come, first served	in for a dime, in for a dollar	in for a penny, in for a pound	in for an inch, in for a mile	least said, soonest mended	no harm, no foul	no pain, no gain	nothing ventured, nothing gained	once bitten, twice shy	out of sight, out of mind	waste not, want not
en	no cross, no crown	another day, another dollar	finders, keepers	first come, first served	in for a dime, in for a dollar	in for a penny, in for a pound	in for an inch, in for a mile	least said, soonest mended	no harm, no foul	no pain, no gain	nothing ventured, nothing gained	once bitten, twice shy	out of sight, out of mind	waste not, want not
en	no fears, no tears	another day, another dollar	finders, keepers	first come, first served	in for a dime, in for a dollar	in for a penny, in for a pound	in for an inch, in for a mile	least said, soonest mended	no harm, no foul	no pain, no gain	nothing ventured, nothing gained	once bitten, twice shy	out of sight, out of mind	waste not, want not
en	no hero, no villain	another day, another dollar	finders, keepers	first come, first served	in for a dime, in for a dollar	in for a penny, in for a pound	in for an inch, in for a mile	least said, soonest mended	no harm, no foul	no pain, no gain	nothing ventured, nothing gained	once bitten, twice shy	out of sight, out of mind	waste not, want not
en	no losers, no winners	another day, another dollar	finders, keepers	first come, first served	in for a dime, in for a dollar	in for a penny, in for a pound	in for an inch, in for a mile	least said, soonest mended	no harm, no foul	no pain, no gain	nothing ventured, nothing gained	once bitten, twice shy	out of sight, out of mind	waste not, want not
en	blepharo-	blepharectomy	blepharedema	blepharoclonus	blepharoconjunctivitis	blepharokeratoconjunctivitis	blepharonasofacial	blepharoplast	blepharoplegia	blepharospasm	blepharospastic	blepharostat	blepharotomy
en	granulo-	granulocytoplasmic	granulofibrillar	granulofilament	granulofilamentous	granulogenesis	granulogenic	granulolytic	granulomonocytic	granulonodular	granulopoietic	granulovacuolar
en	nae	couldnae	didnae	havenae	mightnae	neednae	shallnae	shouldnae	wasnae	werenae	willnae	wouldnae
en	-cytic	anomocytic	apocytic	centrocytic	ectocytic	endocytic	fibrocytic	immunocytic	laterocytic	neurocytic	odontocytic
en	-phytic	acidophytic	cryophytic	embryophytic	heliophytic	holophytic	phycophytic	rheophytic	rhizophytic	thermophytic	xylophytic
en	antiferro-	antiferrodistortion	antiferrodistortive	antiferroelectric	antiferroelectricity	antiferromagnet	antiferromagnetic	antiferromagnetism	antiferroptotic	antiferroquadrupolar	antiferroquadrupole
en	excito-	excitoglandular	excitoprotection	excitoprotective	excitoreflex	excitorepellency	excitorepellent	excitosecretory	excitotoxic	excitotoxicity	excitotoxin
en	full-	filst	fulfill	fullbring	fullburn	fullcome	fulldo	fulldriven	fullfed	fullfeed	fullfreme
en	molybdo-	molybdenum	molybdocene	molybdoenzyme	molybdoflavoprotein	molybdofornacite	molybdomenite	molybdophyllite	molybdoprotein	molybdosilicate	molybdovanadate
en	-metrics	adipometrics	cliometrics	ecometrics	faciometrics	genometrics	odontometrics	podometrics	silvimetrics	somatometrics
en	-phyllous	adenophyllous	heterophyllous	laurophyllous	megaphyllous	nanophyllous	phyllo	quadriphyllous	sclerophyllous	φύλλον
en	German playing cards	Grün	Laub	Rot	Schellen	kule	listy	zelené	červené	žaludy
en	antro-	antrectomy	antrochoanal	antroduodenal	antronasal	antropyloric	antroscope	antroscopic	antroscopy	antrotomy
en	axio-	axiobuccal	axiobuccolingual	axiogenic	axioincisal	axiolabial	axiolateral	axiolingual	axiomesial	axiopulpal
en	pallido-	pallidocortical	pallidofugal	pallidonigral	pallidoseptal	pallidostriatal	pallidosubthalamic	pallidotegmental	pallidothalamic	pallidotomy
en	-atic	Noahtic	acmatic	ecstatic	erotematic	lymphatic	melismatic	paradigmatic	theorematic
en	-genetic	adipogenetic	atherogenetic	chronogenetic	crystallogenetic	fibrogenetic	homogenetic	unigenetic	zoogenetic
en	-ition	acquisition	affinition	disposisyon	disposition	fortition	futurition	lenition	requisition
en	atmo-	atmiatry	atmocline	atmology	atmolysis	atmometer	atmophile	atmosphere	ἀτμός
en	beta ray	beta	beta particle	beta radiation	betageisli	betavoltaic	betavoltaic effect	betavoltaics	gamma ray
en	capsulo-	capsulolabral	capsulolenticular	capsulopalpebral	capsuloparietal	capsuloplasty	capsulorrhaphy	capsulotendinous	capsulotome
en	chito-	chitodextrin	chitohexose	chitooligomer	chitopentamer	chitoporin	chitosugar	chitotetraose	chitotriose
en	flavo-	flavodomain	flavoenzyme	flavoglobin	flavoglycoside	flavohemoglobin	flavohemoprotein	flavooxidase	flavoprotein
en	naphtho-	benzonaphthothiophene	carboxynaphthofluorescein	naphthochalcone	naphthodianthrone	naphthoflavone	naphthogenesis	naphthopyrone	naphthotriazole
en	peptido-	peptidogenomics	peptidoglycan	peptidoglycolipid	peptidoleukotriene	peptidomimic	peptidomimicry	peptidopolysaccharide	peptidorhamnomannan
en	thigmo-	thigmokinesis	thigmokinetic	thigmomorphogenesis	thigmomorphogenetic	thigmomorphogenic	thigmotaxis	thigmotropic	thigmotropism
en	zygomatico-	zygomaticoalveolar	zygomaticoauricular	zygomaticofacial	zygomaticofrontal	zygomaticomalar	zygomaticomaxillary	zygomaticosphenoid	zygomaticotemporal
en	-lipid	bilipidic	delipidate	dyslipidemia	hyperlipidaemia	hyperlipidemia	hypolipidaemia	mucolipidosis
en	-t-	hyletics	letter	orgastic	petter	retter	setter	vetter
en	-topy	chemotopy	eurytopy	odotopy	rhinotopy	somatotopy	spatiotopy	tonotopy
en	-voltine	bivoltine	merovoltine	multivoltine	polyvoltine	quadrivoltine	semivoltine	univoltine
en	Muslimo-	Muslim	Muslimophile	Muslimophilia	Muslimophobe	Muslimophobia	Muslimophobic	muslimonazi
en	all the money in the world	all the tea in China	za nic na świecie	za skarby świata	za żadne pieniądze	za żadne skarby	za żadne skarby świata	za żadną cenę
en	flexid	anteroflexid	entoflexid	hypoflexid	mesoflexid	metaflexid	posteroflexid	protoflexid
en	gravito-	gravitoelectric	gravitoelectromagnetism	gravitoinertial	gravitomagnetic	gravitomagnetism	gravitoturbulent	gravitoweak
en	ic	-ics	abietic acid	cobertura	kaolinitic	oligomeric	seitanic	steatopygic
en	quintuple star system	binary star system	double star system	multiple star system	quadruple star system	single star system	trinary star system	triple star system
en	radiculo-	encephalomyeloradiculoneuropathy	radiculography	radiculomyelitis	radiculomyelopathy	radiculoneuropathy	radiculopathic	radiculopathy
en	trigemino-	trigeminocardiac	trigeminocerebellar	trigeminocervical	trigeminofacial	trigeminoreticular	trigeminospinal	trigeminovascular
en	valvulo-	valvuloarterial	valvulogenesis	valvulopathic	valvulopathy	valvuloplasty	valvuloseptal	valvulotomy
en	-culture	acculturation	deculturate	deculturation	multiculturism	neoculturation	transculturation
en	-gene	-gen	-genic	heterogeneic	homogenous	hypogene	phosgene
en	-later	-λάτρης	anthropolater	hagiolater	heliolater	iconolater	pyrolater
en	-pagus	cephalothoracopagus	ischiopagus	omphalopagus	pygopagus	rachipagus	thoracopagus
en	-poietic	cardiopoietic	chylopoietic	hemangiopoietic	immunopoietic	leukocytopoietic	morphopoietic
en	-sporous	acrosporous	angiosporous	disporous	endosporous	homosporous	thecasporous
en	-tope	aerotope	agretope	chirotope	chronotope	polytope	τόπος
en	-typic	allelotypic	chronotypic	oligotypic	orthotypic	pleiotypic	rheotypic
en	Continuity IRA	IRA	Irish Republican Army	Official IRA	Old IRA	Provisional IRA	Provisionals
en	Duckburgian	Duckburg	ankkalinnalainen	donaldvillois	kaczogrodzki	paperopolese	patopolitano
en	E911	ELT	EPIRB	PLB	emergency locator transmitter	emergency position indicating radio beacon	personal locator beacon
en	Herdsman	bearherd	goatherd	hogherd	horseherd	neatherd	swineherd
en	Miles Christi	Christian soldier	Crusade	Knights Templar	Teutonic Knights	crusade	holy war
en	all the money in the universe	za nic na świecie	za skarby świata	za żadne pieniądze	za żadne skarby	za żadne skarby świata	za żadną cenę
en	bin-	bi-	binarseniate	binaural	binoculate	binotic	binoxalate
en	cavo-	cavitis	cavoatrial	cavography	cavopulmonary	cavosurface	cavotricuspid
en	diamond anniversary	diamond	diamond jubilee	golden jubilee	platinum jubilee	ruby jubilee	silver jubilee
en	didacticistic	didact	didactic	didactical	didactically	didacticism	didacticist
en	epistemonical	epistemic	epistemically	epistemological	epistemologically	epistemologist	epistemology
en	fibrino-	fibrinocellular	fibrinohaemorrhagic	fibrinohemorrhagic	fibrinolysis	fibrinonecrotic	fibrinopurulent
en	meio-	meiobenthic	meiofaunal	meiogynogenesis	meiogynogenetic	meiosporangium	meiospore
en	negative pole	N-pole	S-pole	north pole	north-seeking pole	south pole	south-seeking pole
en	positive pole	N-pole	S-pole	north pole	north-seeking pole	south pole	south-seeking pole
en	psile	Osee	oxia	spiritus lenis	ψιλότης	ἀ	᾿
en	psychoto-	psychotogenesis	psychotogenic	psychotoid	psychotolytic	psychotomimesis	psychotomimetic
en	racing pigeon	English Carrier	carrier pigeon	feral pigeon	homing instinct	homing pigeon	king of the doos
en	refuse collector	bin man	dustman	garbage man	garbo	garbologist	trashman
en	structure words	Appendix:Lojban/gismu	Appendix:Lojban/ma'o	Appendix:Lojban/noi	Appendix:Lojban/selma'o	Appendix:Lojban/tanru	selma'o
en	stylid	ectostylid	mesostylid	metastylid	parastylid	posterostylid	protostylid
en	thorough-	thoroughfare	thoroughgo	thoroughlane	thoroughpass	thoroughway	þurh-
en	vermi-	vermian	vermicide	vermicompost	vermiculture	vermifuge	vermistabilization
en	-chronous	heterochronous	homeochronous	homochronous	metachronous	orthochronous
en	-lobe	bilobar	multilobar	trilobar	trilobite	unilobar
en	-metal	bimetallist	demetallization	monometallism	monometallist	transmetallation
en	-motor	branchiomotor	bronchomotor	cardiomotor	oromotor	venomotor
en	-paraffin	deparaffination	deparaffined	deparaffinisation	deparaffinization	deparaffinize
en	-phoric	euphoric	gametophoric	hemophoric	osmophoric	trophophoric
en	-phosphate	dephosphatase	hyperphosphataemia	hyperphosphaturia	hypophosphaturia	normophosphatemia
en	-plasm	-plasia	alloplasm	centroplasm	myoplasm	neoplasm
en	-plastic	-plasia	fibroplastic	neuroplasticity	nucleoplastic	spheroplastic
en	-ploidy	-ploid	alloploidy	dysploidy	hyperploidy	symploidy
en	-protein	deproteinate	deproteinise	deproteinize	hyperproteinemia	microproteinemia
en	-religion	dereligionise	dereligionization	dereligionize	irreligionism	irreligionist
en	-stoma	amphistomous	branchiostoma	cryptostomy	plagiostomy	tracheostoma
en	-uric	hyperuricaemia	hyperuricemia	hypouricaemia	lysinuric	mercapturic
en	-us	-a	-um	Appendix:Glossary	incuba	non sequituri
en	5	5-cell	Cat 5	Five	MI5	Unsupported titles/Five-bar gate tally
en	Belgian Shepherd	Belgian Groenendael	Belgian Laekenois	Belgian Malinois	Belgian Sheepdog	Belgian Tervuren
en	Belgian Shepherd Dog	Belgian Groenendael	Belgian Laekenois	Belgian Malinois	Belgian Sheepdog	Belgian Tervuren
en	CNB	CGB	EBL	cosmic gravitational-wave background	cosmic neutrino background	extragalactic background light
en	Digby County	Centreville	Freeport	Mount Pleasant	Salmon River	Westport
en	French Quarter	Chinatown	French	Koreatown	Little Saigon	Little Tokyo
en	G7	G2	G20	G8	P5	P5+1
en	G7+1	G2	G20	G8	P5	P5+1
en	Hispanophilia	Hispanic	Hispanicize	Hispanophile	Hispanophobia	Spaniard
en	Hispanophilic	Hispanic	Hispanicize	Hispanophile	Hispanophobia	Spaniard
en	Hispanophobe	Hispanic	Hispanicize	Hispanophile	Hispanophobia	Spaniard
en	Hispanophobic	Hispanic	Hispanicize	Hispanophile	Hispanophobia	Spaniard
en	Hispanophonia	Hispanic	Hispanicize	Hispanophile	Hispanophobia	Spaniard
en	Homo sapiens	Homo sapien	Homo sovieticus	homo	humankind	sapiens
en	Inverness County	Centreville	Glencoe	Glenville	Kingsville	Mount Pleasant
en	Invocavit Sunday	Judica Sunday	Laetare Sunday	Oculi Sunday	Quadragesima Sunday	Reminiscere Sunday
en	Local Arm	Local Fluff	Local Group	Local Supercluster	Local Volume	Orion Arm
en	North Ayrshire	Ardrossan	Dalry	Irvine	Largs	West Kilbride
en	Saharan Africa	Central Africa	East Africa	North Africa	Southern Africa	West Africa
en	Spinoza	Spinozan	Spinozian	Spinozism	Spinozist	Spinozistic
en	Tourette	Touretter	Tourettic	Tourettish	Tourettism	Touretty
en	Twink	correcteur liquide	correction fluid	correction tape	tipex	típex
en	amido-	amidohydrolase	amidohydrolysis	amidohydrolytic	amidolysis	amidolytic
en	antthrush	antbird	mrówkodrozd	mrówkojad	mrówkowód	mrówkołów
en	ballisto-	ballistocardiac	ballistocardiogram	ballistocardiograph	ballistocardiography	ballistospore
en	blae	blaeberry	blaeness	blawort	blue	blár
en	bulbo-	bulbosacral	bulbospinal	bulbospongious	bulbourethral	bulboventricular
en	cargo elevator	monta-cargas	montacargas	montacarichi	monte-charge	service lift
en	cargo lift	monta-cargas	montacargas	montacarichi	monte-charge	service lift
en	cerato-	ceratobranchial	ceratohyal	ceratohyoid	ceratoid	ceratophyte
en	co-grandmother-in-law	co-grandfather-in-law	co-grandmother	co-grandparent	co-in-law	co-parent-in-law
en	cristid	entocristid	hypocristid	metacristid	paracristid	protocristid
en	dacry-	dacryohemorrhea	dacryolith	dacryoma	dacryostenosis	dacryphilia
en	dasia	Osee	oxia	spiritus asper	δασεῖα	῾
en	flow of meaning	Picture Sorts	copy sort	episodic memory	flow of attention	flow of emotion
en	folliculo-	folliculogenic	folliculometry	folliculostellate	folliculotropic	folliculotropism
en	freight elevator	monta-cargas	montacargas	montacarichi	monte-charge	service lift
en	gaison	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gaisnijaz	geason	geazon	geson	gæsne
en	gessen	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gaisnijaz	geason	geazon	geson	gæsne
en	goods elevator	monta-cargas	montacargas	montacarichi	monte-charge	service lift
en	goods lift	monta-cargas	montacargas	montacarichi	monte-charge	service lift
en	gyne-	gynemimesis	gynemimetic	gynephile	gynephilia	gynephilic
en	in-migration	emigration	immigration	inmigration	migration	outmigration
en	issue date	best-before date	best-by date	expiration date	expiry date	use-by date
en	leio-	angioleiomyoma	angiolipoleiomyoma	leiomyoblastoma	leiomyoma	leiomyosarcoma
en	mackinaw shirt	mackinaw	mackinaw boat	mackinaw coat	mackinaw skiff	mackinaw trout
en	medicinable finger	gold-finger	leech-finger	marriage finger	physic finger	physical finger
en	melissic	melene	melissate	melissene	melissyl	melissylene
en	metabo-	metabogenome	metabogenomic	metabogenomics	metabosensitive	metabosensory
en	nympho-	nympholepsy	nympholeptic	nymphophile	nymphophilia	nymphotomy
en	optical disc drive	disk drive	floppy disk drive	hard disk	hard disk drive	optical drive
en	oscillo-	oscillogenesis	oscillogram	oscillograph	oscillometer	oscillometrically
en	out-migration	emigration	immigration	inmigration	migration	outmigration
en	papillo-	papillectomy	papillogenesis	papillomacular	papillorenal	papillotubular
en	perispomene	oxia	perispome	῀	῁	ῇ
en	platinum anniversary	diamond jubilee	golden jubilee	platinum jubilee	ruby jubilee	silver jubilee
en	postal carrier	letter carrier	mailman	mailperson	postman	postperson
en	ruby anniversary	diamond jubilee	golden jubilee	platinum jubilee	ruby jubilee	silver jubilee
en	sanitation engineer	bin man	dustman	garbage man	garbo	trashman
en	semi-automatic transmission	CVT	automatic transmission	column shifter	continuously variable transmission	paddle shifter
en	septenniad	novennium	octennium	septennium	septuennium	year
en	service elevator	monta-cargas	montacargas	montacarichi	monte-charge	service lift
en	servo-	servocontrolled	servomechanism	servopneumatic	servosphere	servoventilation
en	solar filament	coronal hole	coronal mass ejection	solar flare	solar prominence	superflare
en	spongio-	spongiofibrosis	spongionecrosis	spongiosclerosis	spongiostratum	spongiotrophoblast
en	staphylo-	staphyloplasty	staphylorrhaphy	staphylotome	staphylotomy	staphyloxanthin
en	stellar magnetosphere	heliopause	heliosheath	heliosphere	stellar wind	termination shock
en	stepgrandparent	stepgrandchild	stepgranddaughter	stepgrandfather	stepgrandmother	stepgrandson
en	swill-box	swill-belly	swill-bowl	swill-flagon	swill-pot	swill-tub
en	swill-can	swill-belly	swill-bowl	swill-flagon	swill-pot	swill-tub
en	swill-pail	swill-belly	swill-bowl	swill-flagon	swill-pot	swill-tub
en	tectono-	tectonomagmatic	tectonomorphological	tectonophysicist	tectonophysics	tectonostratigraphy
en	thild	Geduld	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þuldiz	patience	thole	þyld
en	thio	dithiocarbonate	dithioether	dithiophosphate	tetrathiophosphate	trithiophosphate
en	typo-	typographic	typography	typomaniac	typometric	typometry
en	ulno-	ulnocarpal	ulnohumeral	ulnoradial	ulnotrochlear	ulnovolar
en	vago-	vagoaccessory	vagomimetic	vagosympathetic	vagotomy	vagovagal
en	valvo-	valvocopula	valvometer	valvometry	valvopathy	valvoplasty
en	vesiculo-	vesiculobullous	vesiculogenesis	vesiculogenic	vesiculopustular	vesiculotubular
en	β	beta particle	beta radiation	betavoltaic	betavoltaic effect	betavoltaics
en	-allele	diallelic	interallelic	multiallelism	polyallelism
en	-biontic	alkalibiontic	epibiontic	eurybiontic	protobiontic
en	-capsule	decapsulate	encapsulate	encapsulization	incapsulate
en	-clasis	autoclasis	cytoclasis	karyoclasis	osteoclasis
en	-clastic	-clast	chondroclastic	encephaloclastic	erythroclastic
en	-clock	anti-clockwise	beclocked	counterclockwise	unclockable
en	-e	-y	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-aną	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-jô	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-ōną
en	-ella	Annella	Nutella	acanthella	legionella
en	-fast	bedfast	colorfast	earth-fast	soothfast
en	-gender	degenderize	multigenderism	postgenderism	postgenderist
en	-itan	Ecumenopolitan	Megapolitan	ecumenopolitan	megapolitan
en	-kine	angiokine	embryokine	lipokine	midkine
en	-melia	arachnomelia	dolichostenomelia	macromelia	meromelia
en	-myelin	demyelinate	demyelinization	hypomyelinosis	remyelination
en	-nomial	-nomio	Appendix:English polynomial degrees	multinomial	polynomial
en	-omic	effectoromic	mechanomic	signalomic	toxinomic
en	-ped	biped	cheliped	imped	quadruped
en	-peptide	depeptidize	endopeptidase	exopeptidase	transpeptidation
en	-purine	allopurinol	depurinate	depurination	depurinization
en	-sperm	aspermous	asthenospermia	dysspermia	polyspermal
en	-spore	carpospore	isosporic	perisporium	polysporic
en	-tic	bureaucratic	sigmatic	メルヘンチック	的
en	-triglyceride	hypertriglyceridaemia	hypertriglyceridemia	hypotriglyceridemia	normotriglyceridemia
en	-tronics	Frippertronics	immunotronics	piezotronics	valleytronics
en	-virgin	devirgination	revirginate	revirginization	revirginize
en	-vital	panvitalism	panvitalist	revitalise	revitalize
en	12-metre class	AC45	AC72	AC90	IACC
en	2-methoxy-2-methylpropane	MTBE	methyl t-butyl ether	methyl tert-butyl ether	methyl tertiary butyl ether
en	African bush elephant	African elephant	African forest elephant	African savannah elephant	elephant
en	Alto Adige	altoatesina	altoatesino	atesina	atesino
en	Bruce County	Brockton	Kincardine	Paisley	Ripley
en	Ch Supt	CS	SP	SSP	supt.
en	DSupt	CSP	SP	SSP	supt.
en	Eastern provinces	Atlantic provinces	Maritime provinces	Prairie provinces	Western provinces
en	GBP	GBX	GBp	UKP	pound sterling
en	Ibsen	Ibsenesque	Ibsenian	Ibsenic	Ibsenism
en	J-class	AC45	AC72	AC90	IACC
en	J. Random User	Jane Doe	Joe Average	Joe Public	John Q. Public
en	Latin Quarter	Chinatown	Koreatown	Little Saigon	Little Tokyo
en	Local Wall	Local Fluff	Local Group	Local Supercluster	Local Volume
en	Lubavitch	Chabad	Lubavitcher	Lyubavichi	Любавичи
en	Luxemburgian	Letzeburgesh	Luxembourger	Luxemburg	Luxemburger
en	Marconi	Marconian	Marconism	marconigram	marconigraph
en	Mencken	Menckenese	Menckenesque	Menckenian	Menckenism
en	No. 10	10 Downing Street	Number 11	Number Eleven	Number Ten
en	Oaxaca City	Acuej³	Londaꞌa	Luláꞌ	Oaxaca
en	Oblomov	Oblomovian	Oblomovism	Oblomovist	Oblomovitis
en	Old Labour	Blairism	Blairite	Brownism	Labour Party
en	Palestino-	Palestinocentric	Palestinophile	Palestinophilia	Palestinophilic
en	Pan-Am	Am	Can-Am	NorAm	Pan-American
en	Shabbos Goy	Shabbat	Shabbos	shabbos	shabbos goy
en	St John's	Saint John	St John	St. John	St. John's
en	Tellus	Gaea	Mother Earth	Terra	tellurium
en	Torne	Meänkieli	Northern Sami	Torne Valley Finnish	Tornionjoki
en	UTF-32	UTF	UTF-16	UTF-7	UTF-8
en	Vir SC	Local Supercluster	VirSC	Virgo SC	Virgo Supercluster
en	absolute geometry	geometry	imaginary geometry	non-Euclidean geometry	parallel postulate
en	adelpho-	adelphic	adelphogamy	adelphophagy	adelphopoiesis
en	aldo-	aldohexose	aldopentose	aldotetrose	aldotriose
en	alumino	hexaalumino	hexalumino	tetralumino	trialumino
en	amygdalo-	amygdalofugal	amygdalohippocampal	amygdalopiriform	amygdalostriatal
en	anatomo-	anatomofunctional	anatomopathologically	anatomopathologist	anatomopathology
en	anti-matter rocket	fission rocket	fusion rocket	nuclear rocket	nuclear-pulse rocket
en	anti-metaphysical	ametaphysical	antimetaphysics	nonmetaphysical	unmetaphysical
en	archery tag	dart tag	laser tag	paintball	tagball
en	arthr-	arthral	arthrectomy	arthritis	arthro-
en	astero-	asteroseismic	asteroseismical	asteroseismological	asterseismology
en	beat the piss out of	beat the crap out of	beat the daylights out of	beat the pants off	beat the shit out of
en	beat the snot out of	beat the crap out of	beat the daylights out of	beat the pants off	beat the shit out of
en	bridged nucleic acid	deoxyribonucleic acid	locked nucleic acid	nucleic acid	ribonucleic acid
en	carboxy-	carboxyl	carboxymyoglobin	carboxynaphthofluorescein	oxy-
en	chaeto-	chaetoblast	chaetogenesis	chaetotactic	chaetotaxy
en	chao-	chaophilic	chaotolerance	chaotolerant	chaotropic
en	chrome PC	chromebase	chromebit	chromebook	chromebox
en	clono-	clonogen	clonogenesis	clonogenic	clonotypically
en	coenosis	biocoenosis	ichnocoenosis	phytocoenosis	thanatocoenosis
en	colorado claro	claro	colorado	maduro	oscuro
en	colorado maduro	claro	colorado	maduro	oscuro
en	contratenor altus	alto	castrato	contralto	countertenor
en	cooking canopy	cooker hood	extractor hood	kitchen hood	range hood
en	coscet	cosset	cot	cottager	cotter
en	cot-betty	betty	cot-quean	henhussy	househusband
en	cupreo-	cupreous	cupric	cupro-	cuprous
en	daughter-out-law	brother-out-law	father-out-law	mother-out-law	sister-out-law
en	demisemiquaver rest	half rest	minim rest	semibreve rest	whole rest
en	dentaria	liverwort	lungwort	spleenwort	woundwort
en	double claro	claro	colorado	maduro	oscuro
en	double maduro	claro	colorado	maduro	oscuro
en	electric chimney	cooker hood	extractor hood	kitchen hood	range hood
en	exhaust hood	cooker hood	extractor hood	kitchen hood	range hood
en	extraction hood	cooker hood	extractor hood	kitchen hood	range hood
en	farado-	faradocontractility	faradomuscular	faradopalpation	faradotherapy
en	flori-	florigen	florivore	florivorous	florivory
en	front cover	back cover	back page	capa	front page
en	fume extractor	cooker hood	extractor hood	kitchen hood	range hood
en	geniculo-	geniculocortical	geniculoextrastriate	geniculohypothalamic	geniculostriate
en	get on with it	beat around the bush	cut to the chase	get to the point	go around the houses
en	gonado-	gonadosomatic	gonadotoxic	gonadotoxicity	gonadotropism
en	grandparent-in-law	granddaughter-in-law	grandfather-in-law	grandmother-in-law	grandson-in-law
en	graywater	blackwater	gray water	greywater	water
en	grey water	gray water	greywater	water	água cinza
en	gypsum plaster	cement board	drywall	lath	wallboard
en	hemidemisemiquaver rest	half rest	minim rest	semibreve rest	whole rest
en	heteropygous	isopygous	macropygous	micropygous	subisopygous
en	houve	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hūbǭ	howve	huif	silly-how
en	hyal	ceratohyal	hypohyal	thyrohyal	tympanohyal
en	hydrobike	aquabike	water bicycle	water bike	waterbike
en	hypertender	hypertendre	supertendre	ultratender	ultratendre
en	iSCSI	ATA	ISCSI	SATA	Small Computer Systems Interface
en	in-trans	in transition	post-op	postop	pre-op
en	infant baptism	baptism	credobaptism	paedobaptism	pedobaptism
en	iodo	diiodo	iodoarene	iodoethane	periodo
en	lesbo-	lesbophile	lesbophilia	lesbophobe	lesbophobia
en	linear measure	فرسخ	قصبة	قيراط	مرحلة
en	mackinaw jacket	mackinaw	mackinaw boat	mackinaw skiff	mackinaw trout
en	mastigote	amastigote	epimastigote	promastigote	zoomastigote
en	medullo-	medulloepithelioma	medullopapillary	medullosphere	medullospinal
en	mixo-	mixoglossia	mixoploid	mixotroph	mixotrophy
en	nitroso-	nitro-	nitrosoprotein	nitrosoproteome	nitrosoproteomic
en	null determiner	bare noun	determiner	null	Ø
en	patro-	patri-	patrocladistic	patrocladistics	patrocladogram
en	pentalumino	pentaaluminium	pentaaluminum	pentaluminium	pentaluminum
en	planto-	plantography	plantolateral	plantomedial	plantomedially
en	plug-in hybrid electric vehicle	PHEVLER	fuel cell vehicle	voiture hybride rechargeable	véhicule hybride rechargeable
en	pole hammer	martel	polearm	poleaxe	war hammer
en	ponto-	pontobulbar	pontocerebellar	pontomedullary	pontomesencephalic
en	ppi	characters per inch	cpi	dots per inch	dpi
en	pro-deather	antilifer	pro-abort	pro-choicer	proabortionist
en	quaver rest	half rest	minim rest	semibreve rest	whole rest
en	quede	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/kwēdą	kwood	quaad	quid
en	quintennium	quadrennium	quinquennium	tetraeterid	year
en	rhombo-	rhomboclase	rhombohedral	rhombohedron	rhombomere
en	rhombus star	Moravian star	Star of David	Star of Life	hexagram
en	segge	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/sagjaz	secg	seg	segge
en	semi-manual transmission	CVT	column shifter	continuously variable transmission	paddle shifter
en	semiquaver rest	half rest	minim rest	semibreve rest	whole rest
en	sexennium	novennium	quinquennium	septennium	year
en	shoul	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skuflō	schovel	shool	shovel
en	social contact	esquiva	esquivamento	esquivança	esquivez
en	son-out-law	brother-out-law	father-out-law	mother-out-law	sister-out-law
en	spelling mistake	misspelling	mistake	spelling	stavefeil
en	spoligo-	spoligoforest	spoligopattern	spoligoprofile	spoligotype
en	steam tractor	steam engine	steam shovel	steamroller	traction engine
en	stove hood	cooker hood	extractor hood	kitchen hood	range hood
en	sudoresis	diaphoresis	hidrosis	sudation	sudor
en	supermillionaire	megamillion	megamillionaire	millionaire	multimillionaire
en	symbio-	symbiophagic	symbiophagy	symbiostasis	symbiotrophic
en	thallo-	thallium	thallogen	thalloid	thallotoxicosis
en	that's the way the world wags	that's the way it goes	that's the way life is	that's the way the ball bounces	that's the way the mop flops
en	through-	through-shine	throughgang	throughgoing	þurh-
en	toilet bag	Dopp kit	nesessääri	toilet	toilettas
en	triunitarianism	antitrinitarian	binitarianism	monotheism	trinitarianism
en	underntide	noon	terce	undern	undertide
en	unlocked nucleic acid	deoxyribonucleic acid	locked nucleic acid	nucleic acid	ribonucleic acid
en	vegeto-	vegetoanimal	vegetotherapeutic	vegetotherapist	vegetotherapy
en	ventilation hood	cooker hood	extractor hood	kitchen hood	range hood
en	water divide	Maanselkä	Suomenselkä	maanselkä	watershed
en	yek	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gaukaz	geac	yeke	ȝek
en	zonula occludens	occludin	tight junction	zonula	zonulin
en	-Raphael	Pre-Raphaelite	preraphaelism	preraphaelite
en	-acy	curacy	leucophlegmacy	supremacy
en	-alia	gardenalia	kitchenalia	micronalia
en	-amide	alafenamide	transamidase	transamidation
en	-annual	semi-annually	semiannually	triannually
en	-asphalt	deasphalted	deasphalter	deasphaltization
en	-c-	cockneycality	multiplicatory	simplificatory
en	-canthus	ectocanthion	endocanthion	exocanthion
en	-capnia	eucapnia	hypercapnia	isocapnia
en	-capnic	acapnic	isocapnic	poikilocapnic
en	-capsid	decapsidate	encapsidate	encapsidation
en	-chlorine	dechlorinase	dechlorinate	dehydrochlorinase
en	-cholesterol	hypercholesterolemia	hypocholesterolaemia	hypocholesterolemia
en	-cytosis	ectocytosis	exocytosis	myelocytosis
en	-dyne	heterodyne	homodyne	intradyne
en	-ecious	-oecious	androecious	phytoecious
en	-ester	interesterification	transesterase	transesterification
en	-familiar	defamiliarisation	refamiliarise	refamiliarize
en	-fer	alkanofer	pygofer	sudoriferous
en	-functional	defunctionalize	neofunctionalism	neofunctionalist
en	-gamic	gamic	karyogamic	xenogamic
en	-ganglion	aganglionosis	hypoganglionosis	periganglionitis
en	-geneic	homogeneic	syngeneic	xenogeneic
en	-genital	degenitalization	degenitalize	hypogenitalism
en	-gonad	agonadism	hypergonadism	hypogonadism
en	-gynous	amphigynous	gynæc-	heptagynous
en	-gyre	dextrogyre	levogyre	sinistrogyre
en	-historic	antihistoricist	dehistoricization	transhistoricity
en	-human	dehumanization	transhumanist	transhumanize
en	-istan	Buttfuckistan	Dearbornistan	Uyghuristan
en	-ized	Appendix:List of shibboleths	existentialized	pearlized
en	-ketone	hyperketonaemia	hyperketonemia	hypoketonemia
en	-lithic	archaeolithic	osteolithic	rhyolithic
en	-logous	allologous	autologous	heterologous
en	-molecular	demolecularize	intramolecularity	polymolecularity
en	-nesse	-ness	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/-nassuz	propensenesse
en	-noise	denoised	denoiser	denoising
en	-pathia	arthropathia	cerebropathia	dermatopathia
en	-phonia	presbyphonia	rhinophonia	xenophonia
en	-phoretic	autophoretic	necrophoretic	spectrophoretic
en	-phorous	cystophorous	oophorous	symbiontophorous
en	-phosphatase	hyperphosphatasemia	hypophosphatasemia	hypophosphatasia
en	-pore	acanthopore	actinoporin	colporate
en	-precedent	unprecedental	unprecedented	unprecedently
en	-renin	hyperreninemia	hyperreninism	hyporeninemia
en	-somal	altosomal	archaeosomal	macrosomal
en	-spermia	bacteriospermia	leukocytospermia	zoospermia
en	-sulfur	desulfurase	desulfuration	unsulfured
en	-taxic	antitaxic	pneumotaxic	porotaxic
en	-tely	bradytely	horotely	tachytely
en	-theca	bibliotheca	hyperthecosis	odontotheca
en	-thetic	allothetic	idiothetic	monothetic
en	-trichous	homotrichous	monotrichous	θρίξ
en	-trix	emasculatrix	joculatrix	meretricious
en	-tropia	cyclotropia	hypertropia	hypotropia
en	-tropous	allotropous	anatropous	orthotropous
en	-vaccination	anti-vaccinationist	antivaccinationism	antivaccinationist
en	-year-old	-letni	-åring	one-year-old
en	16-bit	8-bit	bit	word
en	24	24-cell	24mo	Sussex Drive
en	60	0-60	60-0	Appendix:List of E numbers
en	:/	backslash	glucose/fructose	per
en	AAVS1	AAV	AAV8	adeno-associated virus
en	AIDS-related complex	AIDS	acquired immune deficiency syndrome	human immunodeficiency virus
en	AdSeg	SCU	SHU	hole
en	Adikia	Dike	Dikê	Justitia
en	Airy integral	Airy beam	Airy equation	Airy function
en	Alba	Alba	Albany	Albyn
en	Anglicise	anglicise	anglicised	anglicism
en	Anglicize	anglicise	anglicised	anglicism
en	Arthropoda	Chân khớp	arthropodin	arthropodology
en	Aussie locker	limited-slip differential	locking differential	open differential
en	BAppSc	B.Eng.	BAS	BASc
en	BL Lacertae object	BL Lac object	active galaxy	lacertid
en	BRI	ISDN	PRI	integrated services digital network
en	Baccalaureate of Applied Science	B.Eng.	BAS	BASc
en	Baccalaureate of Engineering	B.Eng.	BAS	BASc
en	Bachelor of Engineering	B.Eng.	BAS	BASc
en	Baudelaire	Baudelairean	Baudelaireian	Baudelairian
en	Binitarianism	binitarianism	monotheism	trinitarianism
en	Black Sox	Red Sox	Sox	White Sox
en	Blue-dog Democrat	DINO	Dixiecrat	War Democrat
en	Bowdler	Bowdlerise	bowdlerise	bowdlerism
en	Brotherhood	Brother	Brothers	Sister
en	CIRB	CGB	cosmic gravitational-wave background	extragalactic background light
en	CT scan	CT	computed tomography	tietokonekerroskuvaus
en	Calleis	Charites	Pasithea	Peitho
en	Candida	candicidin	candidacidal	candidosis
en	Capital Justiciary	judge	justiciar	justiciary
en	Capua	Campania	Capua	Capuan
en	Chief Justiciary	judge	justiciar	justiciary
en	Chrysippus	Chrysippan	Χρύσιππος	εἰσαγωγή
en	City Road African	Bankside lady	Fulham virgin	Haymarket ware
en	Crotalus	crotalase	crotaline	crotoxin
en	CvB	CGB	cosmic gravitational-wave background	extragalactic background light
en	Cyrillus	Cyril	Kirill	Kyrylo
en	Cyryl	Cyril	Kirill	Kyrylo
en	Cézanne	Cézannean	Cézannesque	Cézannian
en	Danish Canadian	Canadian	Danish	Danish-Canadian
en	Diptera	-a	dipterology	dipterous
en	Divine Office	Liturgy of the Hours	divine	office
en	Drury Lane vestal	Bankside lady	Fulham virgin	Haymarket ware
en	E160b	achiote	bixin	norbixin
en	E375	niacin	nicotinamide	nicotinic acid
en	Eastern Armenia	Armenia	Greater Armenia	Lesser Armenia
en	Eastern Townships	Cantonnier	Cantons-de-l'Est	cantonnier
en	Ebola virus disease	Ebola Reston	Ebola Zaire	disease
en	Ehrlichia	ehrlichemia	ehrlichial	ehrlichiosis
en	Euthymia	Charites	Pasithea	Peitho
en	F2	F1	FE	Formula One
en	Fanon	Fanonian	Fanonism	Fanonist
en	Faroe	Faroe Islands	Faroese	Faroish
en	Fleet Street dove	Bankside lady	Fulham virgin	Haymarket ware
en	G6	G2	G20	G8
en	Giemsa stain	Wright's stain	Wright-Giemsa stain	stain
en	Glisson's capsule	Glisson	Glissonian	Glissonian capsule
en	Gorgon	Gorgonean	Gorgonesque	gorgonian
en	Greater Montreal	GMA	MMC	MUC
en	Greater Montreal Area	GTA	MMC	MUC
en	Greater Ottawa Area	National Capital Region	Ottawa-Gatineau	Ottawa-Hull
en	Greater Tibet	Inner Tibet	Outer Tibet	South Tibet
en	Gutenberg discontinuity	Mohorovicic discontinuity	Mohorovičić discontinuity	discontinuity
en	Hebraicise	Hebraic	Hebraicization	Hebraize
en	Her Worship	His Worship	Your Worship	worship
en	Heroic Age	Bronze Age	Golden Age	Iron Age
en	Hispania Tarraconensis	Hibera	Hiberus	Tarraconaise
en	Hispanicisation	Hispanic	Hispanicize	Spaniard
en	Huangpu	Shanghai	黃埔	黃浦
en	I'm cisgender	I'm a trans girl	I'm a trans guy	I'm agender
en	I'm genderfluid	I'm a trans girl	I'm a trans guy	I'm agender
en	I'm transgender	I'm a trans girl	I'm a trans guy	I'm agender
en	Insectivora	insectivore	insectivorous	insectology
en	Inupiat	Eskimo	Inuit	Inupiak
en	Kautsky	Kautskyan	Kautskyist	Kautskyite
en	Kawartha Lakes	Mariposa	Victoria County	Woodville
en	Khoi	Hottentot	Khoekhoe	Khoisan
en	Kiril	Cyril	Kirill	Kyrylo
en	Kyivite	Kievan	Kievite	Kyivan
en	Kyril	Cyril	Kirill	Kyrylo
en	Kyrill	Cyril	Kirill	Kyrylo
en	LL.B.	B.	LL.M.	LLM
en	Lamarck	Lamarckian	Lamarckism	Lamarckist
en	Landsmål	Bokmål	Norwegian	Nynorsk
en	Liberal-Conservative	Conservative	Liberal	Progressive Conservative
en	Lienkiang	Lianjiang	Lienchiang	連江
en	Lienkong	Lianjiang	Lienchiang	連江
en	Lipari	Liparan	Liparian	liparite
en	Local Void	Local Fluff	Local Group	Local Volume
en	Lords Temporal	Lord	Lords Spiritual	lord
en	Lower House	House of Lords	National Assembly	Senate
en	Lyman series	Balmer series	enormous Lyman-alpha nebula	hydrogen spectral series
en	MAppSc	M.Eng.	MAS	MASc
en	Magistrate in Applied Science	M.Eng.	MAS	MASc
en	Magistrate in Engineering	M.Eng.	MAS	MASc
en	Magistrate of Applied Science	M.Eng.	MAS	MASc
en	Magistrate of Engineering	M.Eng.	MAS	MASc
en	Marburg virus disease	Marburg disease	disease	green monkey disease
en	Masters in Applied Science	M.Eng.	MAS	MASc
en	Masters of Engineering	M.Eng.	MAS	MASc
en	Metro Ottawa	National Capital Region	Ottawa-Gatineau	Ottawa-Hull
en	Mnevis	Mnevis	mr-wr	Μνεῦις
en	Mopane	Mopan	Mopan Maya	Mopán
en	Mopán Maya	Mopan	Mopan Maya	Mopán
en	Mound City	Campbell County	Linn County	Pulaski County
en	N. Y. C.	CONY	City of New York	New York County
en	N.Y.C.	CONY	City of New York	New York County
en	Nabokov	Nabokovesque	Nabokovian	Nabokovism
en	New Iranian	Middle Iranian	Old Iranian	Proto-Iranian
en	New Low Saxon	Low German	Low Saxon	Saxon
en	New Saxon	Low German	Low Saxon	Saxon
en	No. 11	11 Downing Street	Number 10	Number Ten
en	Northern Irishwoman	Northern Ireland	Northern Irelander	Northern Irishman
en	Nyoongar	Noongar	Nyunga	Nyungar
en	Ockham	Ockhamism	Ockhamist	Ockhamistic
en	Old Czech	Czech	Proto-Czech	old
en	Origen	Origenian	Origenism	Origenist
en	Orthoptera	orthopteroid	orthopterology	orthopterous
en	P&S	DSLR	ZLR	single-lens reflex
en	Pool	Boko	Paul	Welshpool
en	Proudhon	Proudhonian	Proudhonism	Proudhonist
en	RO-RO	RORO	ro-ro	roll-on roll-off
en	RO/RO	RORO	ro-ro	roll-on roll-off
en	Riverina bluebell	Lady Campbell	Patterson's curse	salvation Jane
en	RoRo	RORO	ro-ro	roll-on roll-off
en	Romanowsky stain	Wright's stain	Wright-Giemsa stain	stain
en	Secret Intelligence Service	MI6	SIS	Six
en	Shabbos goy	Shabbos	shabbos	shabbos goy
en	Shun Tak	Shunde	Shuntak	順德
en	Sihanouk	Sihanoukism	Sihanoukist	Sihanoukville
en	Silver Age	Bronze Age	Golden Age	Iron Age
en	Simcoe County	Alcona	Hillsdale	Little Falls
en	Sisterhood	Brother	Brothers	Sister
en	Sistren	Brother	Brothers	Sister
en	St. John's Wood vestal	Bankside lady	Fulham virgin	Haymarket ware
en	Stakhanov	Stakhanovian	Stakhanovism	Stakhanovite
en	Steller's sea lion	Steller	Steller sea lion	lion
en	Stirner	Stirnerian	Stirnerism	Stirnerist
en	Thurstan	Torstein	Torsten	Torsti
en	Toishanese	Hoisanese	Taishanese	Toisanese
en	Tollan	Tollan	Toltec	Tula
en	Trans-Am	Am	Can-Am	NorAm
en	Trias	Triassic	trijas	тријас
en	Trinitarianism	antitrinitarian	monotheism	trinitarianism
en	Triunitarianism	antitrinitarian	monotheism	trinitarianism
en	Turing function	Turing	Turing machine	universal Turing machine
en	USB key	USB	flash drive	pen drive
en	Ukrainian Canadian	Canadian	Ukrainian	Ukrainian-Canadian
en	Undecember	Duodecember	Duodecimber	Undecimber
en	Upper House	House of Lords	National Assembly	Senate
en	Utopia	utopist	utopía	ουτοπία
en	Vestfold	Holmestrand	Larvik	Re
en	Vicentia	Vicetia	Vicetiensis	Vicetinus
en	Vicetia	Vicetia	Vicetiensis	Vicetinus
en	Warhol	Warholesque	Warholian	Warholite
en	Western Armenia	Armenia	Greater Armenia	Lesser Armenia
en	Yk	YK	Yukon	Yukon Territory
en	Yk.	YK	Yukon	Yukon Territory
en	Yugra	Khantia-Mansia	Khanty-Mansiysk	Yamalia
en	abortion clinic	abortion	abortorium	clinic
en	acino-	acinoductal	acinonodular	acinotubular
en	adenylyl cyclase	adenyl	adenylate cyclase	adenylyl
en	administrative segregation	SCU	SHU	hole
en	adoptive parent	adoptive father	adoptive mother	adoptive sibling
en	advocatrix	-rix	advocatress	advocatrice
en	adynamic ileus	adynamia	adynamic	ileus
en	alagarto	Alligator	alligator	alligatore
en	alegarto	Alligator	alligator	alligatore
en	aligarto	Alligator	alligator	alligatore
en	alligarta	Alligator	alligator	alligatore
en	alligater	Alligator	alligator	alligatore
en	alphasyllabical	alphabetic	alphasyllabary	alphasyllabic
en	alphasyllabically	alphabetic	alphasyllabary	alphasyllabic
en	amorphous carbon	Q-carbon	buckyball	carbyne
en	analogetic	analog	prologetic	ἀναλογητικός
en	ang	Hel	away	futtock
en	annulo-	annuloaortic	annulospiral	annuloventricular
en	antenno-	antennocerebral	antennomaxillary	antennomere
en	anterio-	anteriodorsal	anteriodorsally	anterioventral
en	arabino-	arabinoglycerolipid	arabinomannan	arabinoxylooligosaccharide
en	arede	aread	arread	arædan
en	arveth	arbat	arveð	èrbot
en	asco-	ascocarp	ascogenesis	ascospore
en	away there	there	thither	yonder
en	axono-	axonotmesis	axonotrophic	axonotrophy
en	back pay	back	back payment	backpay
en	backhoe loader	backhoe	bobcat	front-end loader
en	belly sweetbread	gutbread	pancreas	sweetbread
en	bene mort	ben mort	bene	bene cove
en	bentho-	benthocosm	benthopelagic	benthophil
en	biceps curl	biceps	curl	leg curl
en	bien	beenship	bein	bene
en	bismuth strontium calcium copper oxide	bismuth	oxide	strontium
en	blue point	Siamese cat	bluepoint	colourpoint
en	bolo-	bologram	bolometer	bolometric
en	born in the purple	born to the purple	porphyrogeniture	purple
en	bra-ket notation	bra	〈	〉
en	brown lung disease	brown lung	byssinosis	disease
en	buffalo chip	chip	cow chip	cowpie
en	bunny hill	black diamond	bunny slope	puck bunny
en	burger restaurant	burger bar	hamburgueseria	hamburguesería
en	burger shop	burger bar	hamburgueseria	hamburguesería
en	burien	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/burgijaną	burian	byrgan
en	bush elephant	African elephant	African forest elephant	African savannah elephant
en	calcareo-	calcareoargillaceous	calcareobituminous	calcareosiliceous
en	call by future	call by reference	call by value	call-by-future
en	call by name	call by reference	call by value	call-by-name
en	call by need	call by reference	call by value	call-by-need
en	calybium	beech mast	beech nut	beechmast
en	capillaro-	capillarogenesis	capillaropathy	capillaroscopy
en	carbonic acid gas	CO₂	carbon dioxide	carbonic acid
en	carboxydo-	carboxydotroph	carboxydotrophic	carboxydotrophy
en	cast steel	mild steel	steel	valuteräs
en	cavel	cavil	gavel	kevel
en	cavity magnetron	cavity	cavity resonator	magnetron
en	celiac plexus	celiac	plexus	solar plexus
en	ceric oxide	ceria	ceric	oxide
en	cerium dioxide	ceria	cerium	dioxide
en	cerium oxide	ceria	cerium	oxide
en	charcoal block test	borax bead test	flame test	pyritology
en	chat shite	chat shit	talk shit	talk shite
en	cheese in a can	aerosol cheese	canned cheese	spray cheese
en	chemico-	chemicoecological	chemicoparasitic	chemicophysical
en	chieve	chevir	chive	shiv
en	chrome green	chrome	chromium sesquioxide	green
en	church windows	Marangoni effect	curtains	tears of wine
en	circumstellar habitable zone	continuously habitable zone	galactic habitable zone	habitable zone
en	cissplain	mansplain	straightsplain	whitesplain
en	climato-	climatostratigraphic	climatostratigraphy	climatotherapeutic
en	clitoro-	clitorodynia	clitoromegaly	clitoroplasty
en	closed question	multiple-choice	polar question	true-false
en	cnido-	cnidoblast	cnidogenesis	cnidophore
en	cocktail sav	cocktail	sav	saveloy
en	coelo-	coeloblastula	coelocapitular	coelodont
en	cohors	centuria	contubernium	legio
en	coke float	ice cream soda	ice-cream soda	vaca preta
en	columbite-tantalite	columbite	niobium	tantalite
en	command module	command	lunar module	module
en	commando carrier	aircraft carrier	jeep carrier	landing ship
en	conjunctivo-	conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy	conjunctivoplasty	conjunctivorhinostomy
en	copio-	copiotroph	copiotrophic	copiotrophy
en	copper indium gallium selenide	gallium	indium	selenide
en	corbie gable	corbie	corbie step	corbiestep
en	corto	lungo	normale	ristretto
en	cowboy boot	boot	cowboy hat	jackboot
en	coxo-	coxofemoral	coxosternal	coxosternum
en	csch	arcsch	coth	sech
en	curse like a sailor	curse like a pagan	swear like a pagan	swear like a trooper
en	curse like a trooper	curse like a pagan	swear like a pagan	swear like a trooper
en	cymulose	cyma	cyme	cymule
en	cytopharmacology	cyto-	cytopharmacological	pharmacology
en	danicising	Danicising	Danicizing	danicizing
en	dendrito-	dendritopoiesis	dendritosomatic	dendritosynaptic
en	deposit account	account	akont arghow	bank account
en	deuterium oxide	deuterium	heavy water	oxide
en	dialogistically	dialog	dialogistic	dialogue
en	diamond wedding	diamond	golden wedding	silver wedding
en	dichlorine heptoxide	chlorine oxide	dichlorine	heptoxide
en	dictyo-	dictyoseptate	dictyosome	dictyospore
en	dideoxy-	dideoxyadenosine	dideoxynucleoside	dideoxysugar
en	die grinder	angle grinder	grinder	wall chaser
en	diesel fuel	autogas	avgas	mogas
en	directional signal	blinker	directional	trafficator
en	disco-	discoblastula	discopathy	discospondylitis
en	disodium glutamate	disodium	monosodium glutamate	sodium glutamate
en	disunitable	divisible	separable	unitable
en	dreigh	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/dreugaz	dree	dreich
en	ec-	ecchondroma	eclabium	ex-
en	echo-	echocardiologic	echoreflective	echoreflectivity
en	ectaxonic	axonic	mesaxonic	paraxonic
en	elastico-	elasticotactic	elasticotaxis	elasticoviscous
en	elective abortion	abortion	nontherapeutic abortion	therapeutic abortion
en	electric rocket	chemical rocket	nuclear-electric rocket	nuclear-thermoelectric rocket
en	electrolytemia	dyselectrolytemia	hyperelectrolytemia	hypoelectrolytemia
en	electromechanical systems	mechatronics	microelectromechanical systems	nanoelectromechanical systems
en	elliptic geometry	geometry	imaginary geometry	non-Euclidean geometry
en	embolo-	embolomycotic	embolophrasia	embolotherapy
en	emergency ward	emergency	emergency physician	emergency room
en	ende	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/anadz	ende	ened
en	enm	blick	feelefold	gore
en	enneadecaeteris	Metonic cycle	octaeteris	year
en	ent-	ental	entepicondylar	entepicondyle
en	envase	envasar	envaser	invasare
en	epenthetical	epenthesis	epenthetic	epenthetically
en	epidermo-	epidermogenesis	epidermotropic	epidermotropism
en	episio-	episioplasty	episiorrhaphy	episiotomy
en	equivalent dose	absorbed dose	ekvivalenttiannos	radiation dose
en	ever-	everfalling	evergoing	everlearning
en	ewy	expressway	fwy	hwy
en	ewy.	expressway	fwy.	hwy.
en	extero-	exteropsychic	exteroreceptor	exterosensorimotor
en	extinct volcano	active volcano	dormant volcano	volcano
en	falcon-gentle	falciform	falcon	falcon-gentil
en	fast train	crack train	express	express train
en	felefold	feelefold	felafeald	fele
en	ferroso-aluminic sulfate	aluminic	ferroso-	sulfate
en	ferroso-aluminic sulphate	aluminic	ferroso-	sulfate
en	ferroso-ferric oxide	ferric	ferroso-	oxide
en	ferrous chloride	chloride	ferric chloride	ferrous
en	ferto-	fertoprotective	fertotoxic	fertotoxicity
en	fetal membrane	سابياء	سابيائي	مشيمة
en	filament of galaxies	baryon acoustic oscillation	large quasar group	supercluster
en	fixed disc	fixed disk	hard disk drive	optical drive
en	flird	fleard	flerd	flirt
en	flo	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/flainaz	flo	flone
en	fluorosulfuric acid	fluoro-	fluorosulfate	sulfuric acid
en	foeto-	foetomaternal	foetoscopic	foetotoxic
en	foster brother	foster father	foster mother	kasvattiveli
en	fourth-rate	first-rate	second-rate	tenth-rate
en	fourth-wave feminism	first-wave feminism	second-wave feminism	third-wave feminism
en	freemanship	citizenship	freedom of the city	freeman
en	freestyle skier	aerialist	alpine skier	mogulist
en	frenchify	Frenchification	Frenchify	francization
en	fuco-	fucoconjugate	fucogalactan	fucopyranose
en	gas giant planet	gas giant	jupiter	ultra-hot jupiter
en	gliran	Glires	gliriform	glirine
en	golden lion tamarin	golden	lion	ゴールデンライオンタマリン
en	gole	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/gailaz	gal	geil
en	golfer's vasculitis	golfer	heat rash	vasculitis
en	haul road	ice bridge	ice road	winter road
en	heavy infantry	marine infantry	mechanized infantry	mounted infantry
en	hebraicise	Hebraic	Hebraicization	Hebraize
en	hebraicize	Hebraic	Hebraicization	Hebraize
en	hebraise	Hebraic	Hebraicization	Hebraize
en	hebraize	Hebraic	Hebraicization	Hebraize
en	heptadeca-	heptadecagon	heptadecane	heptadecapeptide
en	here-	here	hereafterward	where-
en	high beam	country beam	high-beam	traffic beam
en	hippocampo-	hippocampofugal	hippocampopetal	hippocamposeptal
en	home sitter	homesitter	house sitter	sitter
en	hoost	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/hwōstōną	hoo	whoost
en	horripilant	horripilate	horripilated	horripilating
en	horse tranquilizer	angel dust	phencyclidine	tranquilizer
en	human intelligence	INT	SOCMINT	social media intelligence
en	husband-to-be	-to-be	bride	bridegroom
en	hydroxypropyl methylcellulose	HPMC	hydroksipropyylimetyyliselluloosa	hypromellose
en	icono-	iconolater	iconolatry	iconoscope
en	indium tin oxide	indium	oxide	tin
en	inflammo-	inflammomodulatory	inflammopathology	inflammosuppression
en	input field	field	input	text box
en	intelligence service	Canadian Security Intelligence Service	intelligence agency	tiedustelupalvelu
en	interfone	porteiro automático	portero automático	telefonillo
en	intergalactic cloud	enormous Lyman-alpha nebula	molecular cloud	nebula
en	interstellar cloud	molecular cloud	molecular core	nebula
en	interval scale	interval variable	ratio scale	välimatka-asteikko
en	iron compound	1095	5160	mild steel
en	isometric projection	isometric	isometric perspective	projection
en	keratoscopical	keratoscope	keratoscopic	keratoscopy
en	kinchin cove	cove	kinchin	kinchin mort
en	kitchen maid	cook	domestic servant	scullery maid
en	km	KM	kilometre	metric mile
en	kōhai	sư muội	sư thúc	sư đệ
en	labile affect	affect	flat affect	pseudobulbar affect
en	language-dependent	dependent	language-agnostic	language-independent
en	lavatory room	gentlemen's room	ladies' room	toilet room
en	lead tetroxide	lead	red lead	tetroxide
en	least common denominator	least	least common multiple	lowest common denominator
en	least upper bound	bound	least	supremum
en	lende	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/landį̄	lend	lenden
en	lere	laar	leer	læran
en	lessons learned	learnings	takeaway	takeaways
en	line score	box score	linescore	scorecard
en	little and often fills the purse	a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step	every little helps	many a mickle makes a muckle
en	localizor	localization	localize	localizer
en	locked differential	limited-slip differential	locking differential	open differential
en	lord mayor	mayor	mayoress	ylipormestari
en	low beam	country beam	low-beam	traffic beam
en	lunchbox locker	limited-slip differential	locking differential	open differential
en	m17n	a11y	k8s	multilingualization
en	magnesium aluminium oxide	aluminium	magnesium	oxide
en	magnesium aluminum oxide	aluminium	magnesium	oxide
en	magno-	magnocellular	magnomechanics	magnotrapezoid
en	manganoso-magnesium alum	alum	magnesium	manganese
en	maniulo	erotomaniulo	eteromaniulo	toksomaniulo
en	matter wave	matterwave	wave-particle duality	wavicle
en	menisco-	meniscofemoral	meniscometry	meniscotibial
en	metabolo-	metaboloepigenetic	metaboloepigenetics	metabologenomics
en	methano-	methanoarchaeal	methanoarchaeon	methanogenic
en	mithe	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/mīþaną	meiden	miþan
en	monarcho-	monarcho-fascism	monarcho-fascist	monarchofascist
en	mortem	antemortem	perimortem	postmortem
en	mountains classification	general classification	points classification	sprints classification
en	myrthe	merþe	mirth	mirthe
en	narrow boat	longboat	narrow	narrowboat
en	nominal scale	luokitteluasteikko	nominal variable	ratio scale
en	non-metaphysical	ametaphysical	nonmetaphysical	unmetaphysical
en	nonstandard variety	nonstandard	standard variety	variety
en	normative grammar	grammar	normative	prescriptivism
en	normocholesterolaemia	normo-	normocholesterolemia	normocholesterolemic
en	notary-at-law	Latin notary	civil law notary	notary public
en	noun adjective	adnoun	description word	noun substantive
en	nuclear test	atoomproef	kernproef	nuclear testing
en	nucleolate	anucleolate	binucleolate	multinucleolate
en	null vector	composition algebra	vector	zero vector
en	nulli-	nullifidian	nullitetrasomic	nullizygous
en	oak-apple	apple	oak	oak apple
en	obs.	obs	obstetr.	obstetrics
en	odo-	odometry	odotopic	odotopy
en	odyno-	odynometer	odynophagia	odynophobia
en	old-age home	nursing home	rest home	retirement home
en	olorine	cygnine	labutí	olorinus
en	oof-bag	oof	oof-bird	ooftish
en	op. cit.	ibid.	loc. cit.	opere citato
en	ophidio-	ophidiophobe	ophidiophobic	ophio-
en	optical isomerism	geometric isomerism	stereoisomerism	structural isomerism
en	organoponics	aeroponics	geoponics	hydroponics
en	origin myth	origin story	pourquoi story	syntysanat
en	otocony	ot-	otoconial	otoconium
en	oxido-	oxidoresistance	oxidoresistant	oxidosensitivity
en	paleornithologic	paleornithological	paleornithologist	paleornithology
en	paleornithologically	paleornithological	paleornithologist	paleornithology
en	pancreatico-	pancreaticoduodenal	pancreaticojejunal	pancreaticosplenic
en	paper flier	paper aeroplane	paper airplane	paper plane
en	paper flyer	paper aeroplane	paper airplane	paper plane
en	peculiar motion	peculiar	proper motion	radial velocity
en	pelvi-	pelviabdominal	pelviperineal	pelviureteric
en	pencil pot	pencil box	pencil case	pencil holder
en	perio-	periopathogen	periopathogenic	perioscope
en	petrol engine	bensinmotor	diesel engine	silnik o zapłonie iskrowym
en	phallologically	phallological	phallologist	phallology
en	phosphorylated adenosine	adenosine monophosphate	adenosine phosphate	adenosine triphosphate
en	pigeon fancier	homing pigeon	pigeon	pigeon fancying
en	pillar of fire	fire devil	fire whirl	firenado
en	pillar of flame	fire devil	fire whirl	firenado
en	pinch-belly vengeance	belly vengeance	whip-belly vengeance	whistle-belly vengeance
en	pineapple grenade	grenade	hand grenade	pineapple
en	pizza dish	deep-dish pizza	pizza cutter	pizza oven
en	plankto-	planktotroph	planktotrophic	planktotrophy
en	platinichloride	chloride	platini-	platinochloride
en	post-perovskite	bridgmanite	perovskite	postperovskite
en	posterio-	posterioanterior	posteriolateral	posteriomedial
en	potassio-chromic sulfate	chromic	potassio-	sulfate
en	potassio-chromic sulphate	chromic	potassio-	sulfate
en	potassio-ferric sulfate	ferric	potassio-	sulfate
en	potassio-ferric sulphate	ferric	potassio-	sulfate
en	potassio-manganic sulfate	manganic	potassio-	sulfate
en	potassio-manganic sulphate	manganic	potassio-	sulfate
en	potassio-platinic chloride	chloride	platinic	potassio-
en	potassio-platinum chloride	chloride	platinum	potassio-
en	potassium sulfate	arcanite	kaliumsulfaatti	sulfate
en	power failure	Stromausfall	strømbrudd	sähkökatko
en	prep cook	cook	saucier	sous-chef
en	prepro-	preprohypocretin	prepromelanin	preprotachykinin
en	presby-	presbylarynx	presbyphonia	presbytinnitus
en	pro-Black	antiblack	antiblackness	pro-black
en	pro-White	antiwhite	pro-white	prowhite
en	prophesise	prophecize	prophesize	prophet
en	protiated water	deuterated water	light water	tritiated water
en	pulse rocket	fission rocket	fusion rocket	nuclear-pulse rocket
en	pump someone's fist	fist pump	fist-pumper	pump one's fist
en	quadrato-	quadratocranial	quadratojugal	quadratosquamosal
en	quadrinitarianism	binitarianism	monotheism	trinitarianism
en	quadru-	quad	quadri-	quadrupartite
en	quartic equation	neljännen asteen yhtälö	quartic	quartic function
en	quina	quinate	κίνα	規那
en	quintuple star	multiple star	quadruple star	quadruple star system
en	racing homer	homing instinct	homing pigeon	pigeon racing
en	raw sugar	brown sugar	raw	sugar
en	refoulement	nonrefoulement	refoul	refugee
en	relative majority	absolute majority	plurality	suhteellinen enemmistö
en	reperible	discoverable	findable	repertible
en	repro-	reprographics	reprography	reprotoxicological
en	rhenium heptasulfide	heptasulfide	heptasulphide	rhenium
en	ribosomal rRNA	rRNA	ribosomal RNA	ribosomal ribonucleic acid
en	rigid inflatable boat	RHIB	RIB	ribbie
en	ro/ro	RORO	ro-ro	roll-on roll-off
en	rocket fuel	autogas	avgas	mogas
en	rone	rine	roe	rone pipe
en	roro	RORO	ro-ro	roll-on roll-off
en	rowing club	club	roklubb	rowing
en	rural district	rural sanitary district	sanitary district	urban district
en	sabbatism	Sabbatarian	Sabbath	sabbatismus
en	sandwich shop	eating establishment	sandwich bar	sandwicherie
en	sandwich toaster	pie iron	smörgåsgrill	toastie maker
en	seadrake	drake	earthdrake	firedrake
en	sebo-	sebocyte	sebostasis	sebostatic
en	second finger	long finger	mid-finger	midsfinger
en	see a man about the plumbing	see a man	see a man about a dog	see a man about a horse
en	self-defeating prophecy	prophecy	self-defeating	self-fulfilling prophecy
en	septarianism	binitarianism	monotheism	trinitarianism
en	septenarianism	binitarianism	monotheism	trinitarianism
en	septennary	novennium	octennium	year
en	septennian	septennium	septuennium	year
en	set ablaze	set alight	set fire	set on fire
en	sex-linked trait	X-linked gene	X-linked genes	X-linked trait
en	shond	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/skandō	schonde	shand
en	short-beaked common dolphin	common dolphin	dolphin	gulflankedelfin
en	short-order cook	saucier	short order	sous-chef
en	sialyl-	sialyldisaccharide	sialylpentasaccharide	sialyltrisaccharide
en	silvi-	silvimetric	silvimetrics	silvipastoral
en	silvo-	silvofishery	silvopastural	silvopasture
en	single cream	double cream	light cream	single
en	single star	binary star	double star	multiple star
en	single-phase	single	single-phasing	three-phase
en	slush puppy	Slush Puppie	slush	slushie
en	small letter	capital letter	letter	lower case
en	smithe	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/smiþjǭ	smithy	smythe
en	snow kayak	kayak de neige	kayak sur neige	snow kayaking
en	sodium hydrogen sulfite	hydrogen	sodium bisulfite	sulfite
en	sodium hydrogen sulphite	hydrogen	sodium bisulphite	sulfite
en	sonology	neurosonology	sonological	sonologist
en	specht	Reconstruction:Old English/spiht	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/spihtaz	speight
en	spekt	Reconstruction:Old English/spiht	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/spihtaz	speight
en	spelling error	misspelling	spelling	stavefeil
en	spermo-	spermophile	spermosphere	spermospore
en	sprey	spry	spräker	sprækur
en	ssp.	subspecies	subspecific epithet	ternary name
en	start page	home page	landing page	web page
en	stoichio-	stoichiochemical	stoichiometric	stoichiometry
en	stomach sweetbread	gutbread	pancreas	sweetbread
en	stomach-wrenching	gut-wrenching	stomach-churning	stomach-turning
en	straw vote	straw	straw man	straw poll
en	strong electroweak theory	colour force	strong force	strong nuclear force
en	subsp.	subspecies	subspecific epithet	ternary name
en	sulfarsenic acid	arsenic	sulfo-	sulpharsenic acid
en	sulphate of potash	arcanite	potash	sulfate
en	supermillion	megamillion	megamillionaire	multimillion
en	supertender	hypertendre	supertendre	ultratender
en	suspended chord	major chord	minor chord	suspended
en	systems psychology	systemic therapy	systems	systems theory
en	takeover artist	angel investor	venture capitalist	vulture capitalist
en	talk someone's leg off	talk someone's arm off	talk someone's ear off	talk someone's head off
en	temporomandibular joint disorder	TMD	TMJD	temporomandibular joint dysfunction
en	teorija urote	konspirativna teorija	teorija zavere	teorija zavjere
en	terzain	cinquain	quatrain	tercet
en	tetramethylhydrazine	dimethylhydrazine	methylhydrazine	monomethylhydrazine
en	tharf-cake	cake	tharcake	tharf
en	thassen	thee sen	thi sen	thissen
en	thauma	thaumatrope	thaumavore	wonder
en	theal	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/þelą	thele	thill
en	toaze	Reconstruction:Old English/tasan	Reconstruction:Proto-Germanic/taisaną	tose
en	tongue speaker	speak in tongues	speaking in tongues	tongues-speaker
en	tongues-speaking	speak in tongues	speaking in tongues	tongues-speaker
en	translumic	lumic	sublumic	superlumic
en	trench broom	Chicago typewriter	assault rifle	submachine gun
en	triethyl aluminium	TEA	triethylaluminium	triethylaluminum
en	triethyl aluminum	TEA	triethylaluminium	triethylaluminum
en	triethyl borane	TEB	triethylborane	triethylboron
en	triethyl borate	TEB	triethylborane	triethylboron
en	triethyl boron	TEB	triethylborane	triethylboron
en	triethyl-aluminium	TEA	triethylaluminium	triethylaluminum
en	triethyl-aluminum	TEA	triethylaluminium	triethylaluminum
en	triethyl-borane	TEB	triethylborane	triethylboron
en	triethyl-borate	TEB	triethylborane	triethylboron
en	triethyl-boron	TEB	triethylborane	triethylboron
en	triethylborate	TEB	triethylborane	triethylboron
en	trimethylhydrazine	dimethylhydrazine	methylhydrazine	monomethylhydrazine
en	trinomial name	Latin name	scientific name	trinomen
en	trunk curl	crunch	curl	sit-up
en	turn indicator	blinker	directional	trafficator
en	turnaround artist	angel investor	venture capitalist	vulture capitalist
en	two-finger salute	finger	give the finger	three-finger salute
en	umbral moonshine	monstrous moonshine	moonshine	umbral
en	undocumented alien	illegal alien	illegal immigrant	undocumented immigrant
en	unlocked differential	limited-slip differential	locking differential	open differential
en	variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease	Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease	bovine spongiform encephalopathy	disease
en	vas efferens	efferent duct	vas	vaso-
en	vehicular language	lingua franca	vehicular	vernacular
en	ventilation shaft	airshaft	lightwell	عمود
en	vern	Plodia interpunctella	modraczek	mousepese
en	vicarious atonement	atonement	penal substitution	vicarious