User:John Cross/orders and decorations

Orders and Decorations



Office Post-nominal
Victoria Cross VC
George Cross GC
Knight of the Order of the Garter KG
Lady of the Order of the Garter LG
Knight of the Order of the Thistle KT
Lady of the Order of the Thistle LT
Knight of the Order of Saint Patrick KP
Great Master of the Order of the Bath GM
Knight/Dame Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath GCB
Order of Merit OM
Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Star of India GCSI
Knight/Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George GCMG
Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Indian Empire GCIE
Knight/Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order GCVO
Knight/Dame Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire GBE
Companion of Honour CH
Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath KCB
Dame Commander of the Order of the Bath DCB
Knight Commander of the Order of the Star of India KCSI
Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George KCMG
Dame Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George DCMG
Knight Commander of the Order of the Indian Empire KCIE
Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order KCVO
Dame Commander of the Royal Victorian Order DCVO
Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire KBE
Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire DBE
Companion of the Order of the Bath CB
Companion of the Order of the Star of India CSI
Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George CMG
Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire CIE
Commander of the Royal Victorian Order CVO
Commander of the Order of the British Empire CBE
Distinguished Service Order DSO
Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order LVO
Officer of the Order of the British Empire OBE
Imperial Service Order ISO
Member of the Royal Victorian Order MVO
Member of the Order of the British Empire MBE
Indian Order of Merit (Military) IOM
Conspicuous Gallantry Cross CGC
Royal Red Cross RRC
Distinguished Service Cross DSC
Military Cross MC
Distinguished Flying Cross DFC
Air Force Cross AFC
Associate, Royal Red Cross ARRC
Order of British India OBI
Distinguished Conduct Medal DCM
Conspicuous Gallantry Medal CGM
George Medal GM
Indian Distinguished Service Medal IDSM
Distinguished Service Medal DSM
Military Medal MM
Distinguished Flying Medal DFM
Air Force Medal AFM
Medal for Saving Life at Sea SGM
Indian Order of Merit (Civil) IOM
Colonial Police Medal for Gallantry CPM
Queen's Gallantry Medal QGM
Royal Victorian Medal RVM
British Empire Medal BEM
Queen's Police Medal QPM
Queen's Fire Service Medal QFSM
Queen's Ambulance Service Medal QAM
Colonial Police Medal for Merit CPM
Meritorious Service Medal MSM
Army Emergency Reserve Decoration ERD
Volunteer Officers' Decoration VD
Territorial Decoration TD
Ulster Defence Regiment Medal UD
Efficiency Decoration ED
Decoration for Officers of the Royal Naval Reserve RD
Decoration for Officers of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve VD / VRD
Air Efficiency Award AE
Volunteer Reserves Service Medal VR
Queen's Volunteer Reserves Medal QVRM

When listing the honours and awards enjoyed by any person it is not customary to include the Order of St John, as this is a Royal Order and not a State Order, and so confers no precedence. The statutes of the order state (statute 32(2)) The letters specified ... may be used ... but admission or promotion to any Grade of the Order ... shall not confer any rank, style, title, dignity, appellation or social precedence whatsoever.

The Grades of the Order of St John are:

Grade I Bailiffs or Dames Grand Cross (GCStJ)
Grade II Knights or Dames of Justice or Grace (KStJ or DStJ)
Grade III (a) Chaplains (ChStJ)
Grade III (b) Commanders (Brothers or Sisters) (CStJ)
Grade IV Officers (Brothers or Sisters) (OStJ)
Grade V Member (since 2008)
Serving Brothers or Serving Sisters (before 2008)
(SBStJ) or (SSStJ)
Grade VI Esquires (EsqStJ)