User:Matthias Buchmeier/fi-en-q

q {letter} :: letter: kuu
Q {letter} :: letter: kuu
QAM-modulointi {n} :: quadrature amplitude modulation
Qatar {prop} :: Qatar
qatarilainen {adj} :: Qatari
qatarilainen {n} :: Qatari person
Q-kuume {n} [pathology] :: Q fever (infectious disease caused by the bacterium Coxiella burnetii)
qof {n} :: qoph (nineteenth letter of the Hebrew and Phoenician scripts and the Northwest Semitic abjad)
quadriga {n} [rare] :: quadriga (Roman racing chariot)
Quebec {prop} :: Quebec (province)
Quebec {prop} :: Quebec (capital city)
quebeciläinen {adj} :: Quebecois (of or pertaining to the Canadian province of Quebec and its inhabitants)
quebeciläinen {n} :: Quebecois, Quebecer (person)
Queensland {prop} :: Queensland (state)
queer-teoria {n} :: queer theory
quisling {n} :: quisling