User:OrphicBot/Proposed Wider Latin Equivalences Changes 0

'afa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

'alf: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

'ava: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

'hem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

'ner: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-LAA: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-able: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ables: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ace: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-acia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-acé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ade: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-aes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-aeth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ass: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-asse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ava: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ax: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ašce: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-beli: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-boer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-bra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-brae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-cen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-craft: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

-cræft: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

-dad: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ded: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-dék: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-eble: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ece: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ede: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ef: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

-egi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-eht: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-eil: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-enda: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-enn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-enne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-eno: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-eren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-eria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ern: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ería: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-esc: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-esce: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-eti: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ett: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-etta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-evi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ex: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-eño: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ešce: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-fala: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-fald: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-fer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-fera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ferdig: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-fest: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

-féle: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-graf: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-haft: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-henda: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-het: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-håra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-idea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ietà: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-igar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|igar|igår|i går}}
  {{also|igar|igår|i går|í gær}}

-ina: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ine: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-isar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-iser: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ið: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.
  {{also|ið|íð|Appendix:Variations of "id"}}
  {{also|ið|iþ|íð|ith|Appendix:Variations of "id"}}

-iþa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

-iņa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-kati: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-kel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-kál: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-kél: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-lag: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-lari: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-leg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-lege: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-less: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-let: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

-lith: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

-lithe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-læcan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

-mager: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-mane: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-meh: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-mere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

-mine: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-more: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ner-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-nes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-oil: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ono: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|ono|òno|ʻono|oh no|ɔnɔ}}
  {{also|ono|òno|ʻono|oh no|œno-|ɔnɔ}}

-oth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

-oþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

-path: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-pela: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-phobia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-phobie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-poeia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item removed.

-pœia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

-raþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 8 items added.

-red: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-sae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-sama: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-sap: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-sel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-sphere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

-sphère: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

-ster: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-tal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-tama: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-tem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|ter|TER|tér|têr|ţer|ter-|Appendix:Variations of "ter"}}
  {{also|ter|TER|tér|têr|ţer|tær|ter-|Appendix:Variations of "ter"}}

-tha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

-thon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-toma: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-tál: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-uve: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-val: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-vel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-wad: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ware: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-weg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-wet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-worth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

-èdre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-éria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ért: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ína: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-þro: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

-ăreț: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

-ēja: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

.NET: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

.ax: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

.gh: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

.museum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

.net: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

A.N. Other: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|another|A. N. Other|AN Other}}
  {{also|another|anoþer|A. N. Other|AN Other}}

A. N. Other: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|another|A.N. Other|AN Other}}
  {{also|another|anoþer|A.N. Other|AN Other}}

ACE: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ADE: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

AED: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

AES: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

AGIs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

AHO: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ALF: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

AN Other: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|another|A.N. Other|A. N. Other}}
  {{also|another|anoþer|A.N. Other|A. N. Other}}

AON: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ARIN: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ARN: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|arn|ar n-|Arn.}}
  {{also|arn|ærn|ar n-|Arn.}}

ARS: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ARs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ASC: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ASCE: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ASK: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ASSET: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

AT&T: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

AX: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ablässen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Abriss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Abriß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Ace: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Acer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Acete: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Achæa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Acœten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Acœtes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

AdE: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ade: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Adha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Aeolian: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Aequi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Aether: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Aethiops: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Afen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Affäre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

After: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Agra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ags: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ags.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Aho: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Akel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Aki: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Alan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|alan|ałan|alaŋ|a lán}}
  {{also|alan|ałan|alaŋ|ælan|a lán}}

Alf: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Alge: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Alt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Alt-A: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Alt.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Alta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Alta.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Alte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Alter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Althea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Altpreußisch: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Amnesie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Amoeba: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Amphisbaena: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Andre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

André: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Anna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Anne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Antenne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Appel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Aramean: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Aramæan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Archaean: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Archaebacteria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Arche: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Archebacteria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Archæan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Arena: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Arer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Arin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Arme: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Armes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Arn.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|arn|ARN|ar n-}}
  {{also|arn|ARN|ærn|ar n-}}

Arten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ask: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Aske: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Asker: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ass: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Asse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Assen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Atta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Aula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Aule: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Aura: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Aure: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Aureole: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Außerirdischen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ava: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Awan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ax: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ağer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

B.Ed.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

B.L.A.S.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

BAE: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|bae|Bae|BAe|baé|båe|ba'e|Appendix:Variations of "bae"}}
  {{also|bae|Bae|BAe|baé|båe|ba'e|bæ|Appendix:Variations of "bae"}}

BAe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|bae|Bae|BAE|baé|båe|ba'e|Appendix:Variations of "bae"}}
  {{also|bae|Bae|BAE|baé|båe|ba'e|bæ|Appendix:Variations of "bae"}}

BED: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

BEL: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

BER: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

BET: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

BOE: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

BRA: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

BRE: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ba'th: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Bad: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Bae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|bae|BAE|BAe|baé|båe|ba'e|Appendix:Variations of "bae"}}
  {{also|bae|BAE|BAe|baé|båe|ba'e|bæ|Appendix:Variations of "bae"}}

Baer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Bager: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Balg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Bali: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ballista: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Balte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Bank: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Bara: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Barbar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Baron: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Bast: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Baster: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Bastet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Bath: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Bear: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Been: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Beer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Beere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Beet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Bel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Belg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Belg.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Belte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Beotian: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Bera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Beschiss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Beschiß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Best: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Bet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Beta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Beth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Beč: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Biss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Blas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Blase: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Blossem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Blößen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

BoE: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Boa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Boer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Boss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Bosse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Bossen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Both: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Bou: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

BrE: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Brak: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Brand: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Brandt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Brenna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Brennschluss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Brennschluß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Bret: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Bretter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Brother: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Brá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Brände: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Bursa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Busse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Bussen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Buße: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Bußen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Báli: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Bánk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Bára: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Bänk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Bærum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Böe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Bālí: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Běta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Bœotian: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Bœotie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

CAG: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Caca: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Caesarean: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Caesars: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Caesium: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Carica: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Carice: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Cassia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Cassie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Celeste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Celestial: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Celia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Cement: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Cesarea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Cesarean: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Chaldaea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Chaldea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Chaldæa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

Chamaeleon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Chimera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Chiméra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Colom: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Colom.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Colosseum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Concha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Confederacy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Confederate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Confederates: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Confederation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Corona: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Craft: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Crista: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Cássia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Cäsar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|casar|căsar|cas ar}}
  {{also|casar|căsar|Cæsar|cas ar}}

Cæpio: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Cæsarea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Cæsarean: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Cæsars: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Cæsarée: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Cèsar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Céleste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Célia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

César: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Césarée: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Cœur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

DAD: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

DAG: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

DAMP: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

DEG: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

DH: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.
  {{also|dh|dH|dh'|d. h.}}
  {{also|dh|dH|dh'|ð|þ|d. h.|-þ}}

DHA: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

DIET: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Dad: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Dag: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Dall: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Dall.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Damon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Damp: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Danegeld: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Dağ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Death: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Dell: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Demi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Diet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Diät: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Dáša: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Dämon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Dämons: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Dèdal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Dëll: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ECE: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

EF: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

EFA: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ELF: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ELT: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

EON: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ERAs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ERN: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ERS: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ERT: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ESC: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ETI: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ETLA: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ETT: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ece: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ecumenopolis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ecumenopolitan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ede: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Edelgas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Edelweiß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Edelweißes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Efa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Eger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Egge: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Eggen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ehe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Eil: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ekel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ekvator: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Elan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Elf: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Elfen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Enda: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ender: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Enders: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Endre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Engin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Enigma: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Enn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Eno: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Eolian: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Equal.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Equator: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Equilibrium: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Equipoise: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Eren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Erer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ergi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ermes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ern: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Esc: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Estuary: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ethel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Ether: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Ethers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ethiops: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Eti: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Etta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

European: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Europæan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Ex: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

F&E: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

FAC: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

FAE: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

FAL: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

FAST: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

FE: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|fe|Fe|F&E|fé|fè|fê|Appendix:Variations of "fe"}}
  {{also|fe|Fe|F&E|fé|fè|fê|fæ|Appendix:Variations of "fe"}}

FEC: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

FEM: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

FERA: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

FET: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

FLOSS: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

FOSS: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

FRA: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Fader: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Faderen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Fal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Fala: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Fall: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Falles: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Fam: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Fam.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Far: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Fari: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Faries: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Faroese: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Fass: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Fasten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Father: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Fatt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Faune: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Faß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Fe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|fe|FE|F&E|fé|fè|fê|Appendix:Variations of "fe"}}
  {{also|fe|FE|F&E|fé|fè|fê|fæ|Appendix:Variations of "fe"}}

Feder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Feld: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Fell: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Felles: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Feri: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Fes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Fest: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Festen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Fet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Fett: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Firth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Fliessen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Fließ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Fließe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Floss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Flossen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Floß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Floßes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Flösser: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Flössers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Flößen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Flößer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Flößers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Forth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

Foss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Foß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Fra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Frae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Frass: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Frasses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Fraßen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Fraßes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Fráňa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Fusses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Futhark: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Futharks: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Fuß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Fuße: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Fußes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Fuþark: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Færoese: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Fès: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Föhn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Fötus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Füsse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Füssen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Füße: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Füßen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

G. E. A.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

GAA: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

GER: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

GH: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

GLAM: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

GRAT: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

GREs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Gala: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Galla: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Galle: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Gallen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Galler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Galles: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Galo: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Gal·les: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Gara: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Gars: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Garth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Gast: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Gasts: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Gatha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Gea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|gea|ge'a|G. E. A.}}
  {{also|gea|Gæa|ge'a|G. E. A.}}

Gei: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Gela: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Geld: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Geller: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Genoss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ger.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Gera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Gers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Gesten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Gewissen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Gießen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Glades: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Glas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Glasen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Goss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Goth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Goth.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Gotha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Goths: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Grace: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Graco: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Grad: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Grade: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Graeco-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Graf: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Grat: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Grec: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Grece: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Grecisms: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Greco-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Grecque: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Grecques: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Grecs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Gres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Greta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Gross: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Großes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Grâce: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Græc: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

Græcian: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Græcism: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Græcisms: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Græco-Latin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Græcque: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Græcques: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Græcs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Grèce: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Grêce: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Grösse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Grössen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Guss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Guß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Guð: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Gáren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Gästen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

HAV: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

HEV: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

HOMO: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hader: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Haft: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hakka: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hale: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hall: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Halla: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hals: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hamal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hamato: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hana: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Handa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Haná: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Har: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|har|hár|Hár|hār|här|hår|Appendix:Variations of "har"}}
  {{also|har|hár|Hár|hār|här|hår|hær|Appendix:Variations of "har"}}

Hara: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hare: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Harn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hast: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hatt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Havn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

HeLa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hebrean: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hebræan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Hef: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Heft: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hefte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hefter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hehe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Heita: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hela: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hele: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Helen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hell: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Helle: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Helén: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Herculean: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Herculæan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Here: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hering: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hester: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hete: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Home: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Homo: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Honorar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Honorare: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hora: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Horae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hrafn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hyaena: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hydra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hydrae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hydre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hylaeosaurus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hylæosaurus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Hysterie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hythe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hà Lan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hár: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|har|Har|hár|hār|här|hår|Appendix:Variations of "har"}}
  {{also|har|Har|hár|hār|här|hår|hær|Appendix:Variations of "har"}}

Häll: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hände: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Héiss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hélán: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Héra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hëft: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hô-me: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Hāna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

IATA: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

INA: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Idee: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ina: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ine: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Islander: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Isländer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Iða: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Jette: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Judeophobe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Judeophobes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Judæophobe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Judæophobes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

Judæus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Jája: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Jâja: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

KED: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

KERA: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kaden: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kader: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kaders: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kadeš: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kaede: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kale: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kamba: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kameleon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kamp: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kanna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kappe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kappen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kappes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kaps: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kare: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Karte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Karten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kati: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kela: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kele: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kemp: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kempen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kemper: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kerr: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Keña: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Keňa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kloß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Klæbu: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Klößen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kompromiss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kompromiß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Kongress: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kongreß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Kraft: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kranke: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kranker: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kräften: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kuss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kuß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

KÉK: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Káre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kâle: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kämpe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kämpen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Känguru: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kär: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kåre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Kënn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

LAG: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

LASERs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

LEA: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

LER: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

LINEAR: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Labe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Labia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Lacedæmonia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item removed.

Laden: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Lader: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Lag: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Lage: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Lagen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Lager: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Lana: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Lange: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Laren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Lari: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Larve: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Lasa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Lasers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Lassa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Last: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Lasten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Laster: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Lasters: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Lea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Leben: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Leder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Legen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Legge: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Leith: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Len: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Lena: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Leser: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Lesers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Lester: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Let: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Lett: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Letter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Levi's: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Levis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Linear: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Lith.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Lâse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Läbe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Läden: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Läger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Länge: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Läti: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Lærke: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added and 1 item removed.

Léa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Lévis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Léňa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Lāsà: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

MAD: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

MAST: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

MAW: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

MEH: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

MERS: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Mae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Mag.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Magen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Magha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Maki: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Male: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Malti: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Malé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Mane: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Mare: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Maren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Mareš: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Marne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Maré: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Marþa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.
  {{also|mardha|Martha|mar thà}}

Marē: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Masse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Massen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Masses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Mast: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Matha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|matha|ma tha|ma-thà}}
  {{also|matha|maþa|ma tha|ma-thà}}

Mather: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Maßes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Maè: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Medusa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Meißel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Meißeln: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Melk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Melker: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Mera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Mere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Meri: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Messe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Messen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Mest: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Methan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Militär: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Milliardär: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Millionär: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Mine: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Minæan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added and 1 item removed.

Missbrauch: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Missbräuche: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Misstrauen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Moler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Monden: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Mora: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

More: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|more|moré|môre|moře|-more|Appendix:Variations of "mor"}}
  {{also|more|moré|môre|moře|Mœræ|-more|Appendix:Variations of "mor"}}

Museum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Museums: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Muss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Musse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Muße: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

Myggenæs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Máel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Mägen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Mäki: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Mèki: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Mèngdé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Méduse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Móra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Māe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

NAB: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|nab|nǟb|na b'}}
  {{also|nab|nǟb|næb|na b'}}

NASA: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

NEB: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

NER: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

NEST: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Na'vi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Nagel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Nala: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Nanne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Napa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Nasa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Nase: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Nasen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Nass: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Nath: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Natter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Natur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Neb.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Nela: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Nenne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Nera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Nest: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Nester: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Net: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

New Zealander: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Neæra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.
  {{also|neara|neera|ne'er a|néara-}}

Neşe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Neşe'n: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Night: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

North: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Nova: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Novelle: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Nymphaea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Nymphe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Nägel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Oestrus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

PRATT: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Paeonia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Palaestra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Palas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Paleolithic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Pales: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Palestina: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Palæstina: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

Panacea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Pane: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Pass: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Paß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Pedagogik: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Penis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Pere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Perineum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Petroleum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Phaeton: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Pharisean: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Pharisæan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Pharisæans: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item removed.

Phaëton: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Phebe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Phenix: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Phloem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Phloëm: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Phlöem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Phobie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Phoebe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Phoenicia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Phoenix: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Phæton: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

Phénix: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Phœbë: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Phœnicia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

Phœnicie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Piper: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Platt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Pratt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Preface: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

President: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Presidents: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Prestige: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Prestiges: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Pretorian: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Prett: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Præmunire: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Prætorian: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

Pupa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Pædion: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Pæonia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

Père: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

RAE: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

RAK: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

RAR: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

RED: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

REER: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

RER: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Rae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Rak: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Rapa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Rat: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Rath: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Raven: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Red: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Rede: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Reden: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Rekta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Renã: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Res: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Res.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ret.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Retina: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Rev: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Rev.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Rhea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Rhéa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Riss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Ross: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Roth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Roß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Russ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Russ.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Russe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Russen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Russes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Rußes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Rák: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Räer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Rælingen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

SAB: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

SAD: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

SAP: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

SATA: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

SAX: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

SEB: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

SED: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

SEDs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

SEP: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

SERT: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

SETI: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

SEX: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

SEbE: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

SOS's: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

SWATH: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sab.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sabæans: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item removed.

Sae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sagen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sall: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sanda: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sap.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sasse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sati: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Satta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Satã: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sax.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Scheiss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item removed.

Scheisse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Scheiß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Schiss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Schiß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Schloss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Schuss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Schuß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Schöne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Schößen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Seb: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sebat: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Segen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sein: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sekretär: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sela: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Selan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sele: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Selen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Selens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sep: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sep.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sete: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Setta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Setter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sex: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sex.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sirið: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Skara: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Smith: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Snær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

South: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sparren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sperre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sperren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sphaeroides: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sphære: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

Spænska: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Staf: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Star: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Stare: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Staren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Steg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Stela: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Stele: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Stenen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Stengel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Stoß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Strat: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Strauß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Stress: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Streß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Stäf: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ständer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ständers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Stär: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Stèr: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Stöße: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Stößen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Supernova: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Säer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Sägen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sälen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sædis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added and 1 item removed.

Sète: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Sêrt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

TACAN: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

TAP: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

TATT: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

TEM: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

TER: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|ter|tér|têr|ţer|-ter|ter-|Appendix:Variations of "ter"}}
  {{also|ter|tér|têr|ţer|tær|-ter|ter-|Appendix:Variations of "ter"}}

THA: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

THY: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

TV-ar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Taenia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Taft: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Tal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Tala: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Talia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Tallen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Tamme: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Tanger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Tania: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Tank: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Task: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Taske: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

TeV: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Teer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Teers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Telle: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Teller: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Tellers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Tema: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Tenda: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Tera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Teste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Teven: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Thai: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Thai.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Thane: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Thar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

That: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Thaï: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Thema: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Theo: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Theo.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Theos: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Thera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Therapeutæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

Theta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Thing: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Thon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Thone: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Thorn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Thorp: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Thou: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Thái: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Thân: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Théo: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Thìn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Tinea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Toga: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Toma: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Trachea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Trad: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Trage: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Treg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Trek: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Træna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

Tunga: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Tunge: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Tver: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Tyrannidæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Tália: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Tánger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Tânger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Tânia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Tævan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Tóga: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Tóth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Tôma: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

UVA: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Urð: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Uvula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Vader: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Vagina: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|vagina|vágina|vagína|vagīnā|vagīna|vaġina|Appendix:Variations of "vagina"}}
  {{also|vagina|vágina|vagína|vagīnā|vagīna|vaġina|vaginæ|Appendix:Variations of "vagina"}}

Val: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Vanda: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Varma: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Velcro: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Venda: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Vera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Verdi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Vere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Vergießen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added and 1 item removed.

Verma: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Vou: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Vulva: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Vågen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Vægten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Vænir: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Væren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

Věra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Vǟnta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

WAG: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

WAL: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

WAR: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

WASP: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

WAT: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

WEG: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

WER: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Wage: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Wal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

War: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Ware: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Wat: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Water: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Wed: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Wed.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Weg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Wege: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Weißbier: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Weißbiers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Weißwurst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Wen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Wes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Winter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Worth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

Wät: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ZETA: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Zeta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Zone: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

Zou: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

a'sir: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

a**es: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

a-on: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

a lán: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ab messen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abbeissen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abbeissend: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abbeißen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abbeißend: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abfliessen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abfliessend: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abfließen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abfließend: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abgelassen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abgelaßen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abgemessen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abgemeßen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abgestossen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abgestoßen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ablassen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ablassend: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ablaßen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

ablaßend: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

able: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ables: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ablet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ablets: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abmessen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|ab messen}}
  {{also|abmeßen|ab messen}}

abmessend: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abmeßen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.
  {{also|abmessen|ab messen}}

abmeßend: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abreissen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abreissend: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abreißen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abreißend: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abriss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abschliessen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abschließen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abscissa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abscissae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abscisse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abscissæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

abstossen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abstossend: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abstoßen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

abstoßend: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ace: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aced: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

acer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aceta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

acete: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

acetonaemia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

acetonemia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

acetonæmia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

acetà: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

achea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

achtunddreissig: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

achtunddreißig: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

acia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

acota: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

acote: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.
  {{also|acoté|à-côté|à côté}}
  {{also|acoté|Acœtæ|Acœte|à-côté|à côté}}

acoten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

acotes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

acotá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

acoté: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.
  {{also|acote|à-côté|à côté}}
  {{also|acote|Acœtæ|Acœte|à-côté|à côté}}

acotés: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adaequate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adaquate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ade: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adelsmand: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adelsmands: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adelsmænd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adelsmænds: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adequate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adequately: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

adhaere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

adhaererent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adhaeres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

adhal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

adhere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

adherence: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adherent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adherents: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adherer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adhererent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adheres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

adhesion: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adhesions: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adhesive: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adhesión: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adhi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adhære: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

adhærence: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

adhærent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

adhærents: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

adhærer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

adhæres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

adhærèrent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

adhæré: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

adhærés: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

adhæsion: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

adhæsions: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

adhæsive: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

adhère: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

adhèrent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adhères: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

adhérence: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adhérent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adhérents: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adhérer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adhérèrent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adhéré: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

adhérés: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

adhésion: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adhésions: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adhésive: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adru: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adäquate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adæquate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

adæquately: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

adéquate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeciospore: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeciospores: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aecium: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeciums: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aed: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aede: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aedicule: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aedicules: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aedifice: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aedifices: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aedile: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aediles: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aedileship: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aedileships: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aedility: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

aeger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aegi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aegida: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aegidas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aegide: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aegidem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aegides: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item removed.

aegidi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aegidibus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aegidis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aegidos: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aegidum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aegirite: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aegis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aegises: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aegophony: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aegra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aegre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aegres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aegritude: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aegrum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ael: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aelan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aelurophobe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aemulate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aenigma: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aenigmata: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aenigmatite: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aenigmatites: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aenna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeolian: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeolipile: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeolipyle: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeolotropic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeolotropy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeonian: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeonic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeons: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aequate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aequator: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aequi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aequidistant: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aequilibre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aequilibres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aequilibria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aequilibrium: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aequivalent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aera-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aerarian: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aerarían: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeras: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aerer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeroplanes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeruginous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aerugo: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aerumnous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aerá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aerás: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aerã: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeré: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aerés: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aesc: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeschynite: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeschynites: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aesculin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aesthesia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aesthesiogenic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aesthesiometers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aesthesis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aesthesodic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aesthete: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aesthetes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aesthetician: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestheticians: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestheticise: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestheticised: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestheticises: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestheticising: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestheticism: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestheticisms: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestheticist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestheticization: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestheticize: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestheticized: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestheticizes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestheticizing: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aesthetics: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestiferous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestima: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestimant: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestimas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestimasse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestimassent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestimasses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestimat: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestimate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestiment: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestimer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestimes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

aestival: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestivate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestivated: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestivates: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestivating: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestivation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestivations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aestuate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aether: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aethere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aethereal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aetherial: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aetheric: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aethers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aethiops: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aethra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aethrioscope: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aethrioscopes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aetiologic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aetiological: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aetiologically: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aetiologics: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aetiologie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aetiologies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aetiologist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aetiologists: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aetiology: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeva: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aevi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aeviternity: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aevum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

afa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

afen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

afeta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

affare: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

affarer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

afferar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

affere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

afferen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

affärer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

affærar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

affære: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

affæren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

affærer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

afhange: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

afholdsmand: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

afholdsmands: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

afholdsmænd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

afholdsmænds: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

afhænge: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

after: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

after-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

afur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

afã: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

afæta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

agatur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ager: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

agetur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

agget: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aggets: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

agha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aghà: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

agida: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

agidas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

agidos: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

agir: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

agis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

agoa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

agra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

agre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

agres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

agru: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

agrum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

agrès: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

agrā: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ags: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ags.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

agte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ahe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aho: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aht: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aidha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aithis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aiþa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aiþis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

akel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

akir: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aklar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

akí: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

alan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|Alan|ałan|alaŋ|a lán}}
  {{also|Alan|ałan|alaŋ|ælan|a lán}}

alc: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

alde: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aldé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

alf: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

alfen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

algae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item removed.

alge: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

algâ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

algæcides: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

algă: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

almesse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

alt-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

alta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

alte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

alter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

alter-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

althaea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added and 1 item removed.

althaeas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

althea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

altheas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

althæa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

althæas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

altmuligmand: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

altmuligmands: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

altmuligmænd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

altmuligmænds: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

altpreussisch: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added and 1 item removed.

altpreussische: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

altpreussischem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

altpreussischen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

altpreussischer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

altpreussisches: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

altpreußisch: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

altpreußische: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

altpreußischem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

altpreußischen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

altpreußischer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

altpreußisches: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

altă: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ambilaevous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ambilevous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ambilævous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

ameba: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

amebae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amebas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amebe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

amebean: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amebic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amebicidal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amebicide: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amebiforme: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amebiformes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amebocyte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amebocytes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ameboid: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ameboide: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ameboides: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amebóide: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amebóides: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amenities: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amenity: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amenorrhea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

amenorrheae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amenorrheal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amenorrheas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amenorrheic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amenorrhoea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

amenorrhoeal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amenorrhoeas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amenorrhœa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

amenorrhœal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amenorrhœas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

amenorrhœic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amené: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amnesia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amnesie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amnesiæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

amnésia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amnésie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amoeba: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

amoebaean: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amoebas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amoebe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amoebean: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amoebes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amoebic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amoebicide: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amoebocytes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amoeboid: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amoene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amone: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amonite: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amonites: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amoné: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amphisbaena: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amphisbaenas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amphisbæna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

amphisbænæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item removed.

amène: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

améba: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

amœbas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

amœbe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

amœbes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amœbic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amœbicidal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amœbicide: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

amœbiforme: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amœbiformes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amœbocyte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amœbocytes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

amœboid: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

amœboïde: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

amœboïdes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

amœbula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item removed.

amœbæan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

amœnities: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amœnity: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

amœnité: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

amœnités: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

anaemically: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anaesthetically: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anaesthetise: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anaesthetization: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anaesthetizations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anaesthetized: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anaesthetizing: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anapaest: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anapaests: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anapest: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anapests: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anapæst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

anapæsts: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

andre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

androecious: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

andrœcious: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anemia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

anemiae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anemial: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anemias: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anemic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anemically: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anemie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

anestesi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anestesien: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anestesier: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anesthesia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anesthesias: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anesthesie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

anesthesiology: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anesthesize: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anesthetic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anesthetically: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anesthetics: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anesthetisation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anesthetist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anesthetization: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anesthetizations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anesthetize: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anesthetized: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anesthetizer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anesthetizes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anesthetizing: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anesthésia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anesthésias: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anesthésie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

anesthésié: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

anestrus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

angepasst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

angepaßt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

angin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anné: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

annë: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

another: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|A.N. Other|A. N. Other|AN Other}}
  {{also|anoþer|A.N. Other|A. N. Other|AN Other}}

anoxaemia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anoxemia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anoxæmia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

anoþer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.
  {{also|another|A. N. Other|A.N. Other|AN Other}}

anteci: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

antenna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

antenne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

antennæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

anthropeia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anthropoeia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anthropopeia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anthropopoeia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anthropopœia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

anthropœia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

anti-hæmorrhagic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

antidiarrheal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

antidiarrheic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

antidiarrhœal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

antidiarrhœic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

antihaemorrhagic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

antihemorrhagic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

antihæmorrhagic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

antoeci: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

antœci: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anæmia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

anæmial: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anæmias: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

anæmic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anæmically: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anæmie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

anæmiæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

anæstesi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anæstesien: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anæstesier: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anæsthesia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

anæsthesias: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added and 1 item removed.

anæsthesiology: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

anæsthesize: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added and 1 item removed.

anæsthesiæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added and 1 item removed.

anæsthetic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

anæsthetically: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anæsthetics: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anæsthetisation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added and 1 item removed.

anæsthetist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anæsthetization: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anæsthetizations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anæsthetize: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anæsthetized: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anæsthetizer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added and 1 item removed.

anæsthetizes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anæsthetizing: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anæsthésie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

anémia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

anémias: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anémie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

anémié: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

anña: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

anœstrus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aon-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aon.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aphaereses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aphaeresis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aphaeretic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aphereses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

apheresis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

apheretic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aphæreses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

aphæresis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

aphæretic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

aphérèses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

apnea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

apneic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

apnœa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

apnœic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

appel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

appèl: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

apte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aquaduct: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aquate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aquated: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aquation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aquations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aquator: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aqueduct: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aqueducts: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aqueous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aqui: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aqui-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aquæduct: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

aquæducts: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aquæous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aquí: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ar n-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

araen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

araer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

araerne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aramean: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arandi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arbitrar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arbitrer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arbiträr: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arbitrær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

archa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archaean: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archaeastronomy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archaebacteria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archaebacterium: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archaeo: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archaeo-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archaeologically: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archaeologist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archaeology: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arche: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archebacteria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archebacterium: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archelogical: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archeo: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archeo-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archeoastronomy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archeologic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archeologically: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archeologie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archeologies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archeologist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archeologists: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archeology: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archeopteryx: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added and 1 item removed.

archicoenobi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archicoenobia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archicoenobii: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archicoenobiis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archicoenobio: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archicoenobiorum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archicoenobium: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archicœnobi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archicœnobia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archicœnobii: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archicœnobiis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archicœnobio: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archicœnobiorum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archicœnobium: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archæ-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

archæbacteria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

archæbacterium: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

archælogical: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archæo-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

archæoastronomy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

archæologic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archæological: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archæologically: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

archæologie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

archæologies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added and 1 item removed.

archæologist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archæologists: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archæology: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archæopteryx: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added and 1 item removed.

archè: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archéo-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

archéologie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

area: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aree: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arena: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arenae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

areola: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

areole: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

areolæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

areometer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

areometers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

areometry: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arest: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aret: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

areña: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

argi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

argr: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arinn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item removed.

arme: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

armer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

armes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

armet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

armets: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

armé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

armés: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

armë: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|ARN|ar n-|Arn.}}
  {{also|ARN|ærn|ar n-|Arn.}}

arose: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ars: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

artens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arterne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arternes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arters: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

artista: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

artiste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

artistæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

arts: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arts.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arytaenoid: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arytenoid: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arytænoid: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

aræometer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added and 1 item removed.

aræometers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aræometry: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added and 1 item removed.

arène: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aréna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aréola: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aréole: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

arẽa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

asc: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

asce: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

asing: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

asir: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ask: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aska: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aske: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

askebeger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

askebegeret: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

askebegre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

askebegrene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

askebæger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

askebægeret: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

askebægre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

askebægrene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

askede: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

asken: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

askens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

asker: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

askerne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

askernes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

askers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

askes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

asket: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aspe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

asse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

assen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

asset: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ath: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

ath-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

athalcunni: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

athalkunni: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

athel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

atheling: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

athenaeum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

athenaeums: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

atheneum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

atheneums: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

athenæum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

athenæums: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

athi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

athénée: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item removed.

atmosfere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

atmosferen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

atmosferes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

atmosferë: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

atmosfære: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

atmosfæren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

atmosfæres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

atmosphere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

atmospheres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

atmospheric: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

atmosphære: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

atmosphæres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

atmosphæric: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

atmosphère: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

atmosphères: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

atmósferes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

atren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

att: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

atta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

attan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

attar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

atten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

attingi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

attá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

attæn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

attā: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

attą̊: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

atur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aule: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aulæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

aura: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aurae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item removed.

aure: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aureola: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aureolae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aureole: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

auréola: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

auréole: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

auréolé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aură: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

auss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

aussen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

ausser: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

ausserdem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

auß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

auß-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

außen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

außen-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

außerdem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

außerirdischen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ava: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

avum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

avá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

awan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ax: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

axla: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ax̱: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

azotaemia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

azotemia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

azotæmia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

aßt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aède: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aère: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aères: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aèria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aéra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aéras: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aérer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aéroplanes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aéré: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aérés: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aëroplanes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aðal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

aðal-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

aðalcunni: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aðalkunni: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aðall: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aòn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aĉe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ače: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aĝis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aļģe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aşk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ašs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

aṭhí: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ba'e: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|bae|Bae|BAE|BAe|baé|båe|Appendix:Variations of "bae"}}
  {{also|bae|Bae|BAE|BAe|baé|båe|bæ|Appendix:Variations of "bae"}}

bacteremia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bacteræmia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bad: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

badan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

badha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|Bae|BAE|BAe|baé|båe|ba'e|Appendix:Variations of "bae"}}
  {{also|Bae|BAE|BAe|baé|båe|ba'e|bæ|Appendix:Variations of "bae"}}

baed: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bael: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item removed.

baer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

baere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

baes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

baeta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bager: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bagere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bageres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bagers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bagmand: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bagmands: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bagmænd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bagmænds: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bagre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bagres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bakke: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bakken: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bakkene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bakkens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bakkes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

baks: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bakur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

balg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bali: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ballista: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ballistæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

balte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

balì: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

banda: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

banemand: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

banemands: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

banemænd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

banemænds: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bank: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bara: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bara-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

barbar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

barbare: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

barbaré: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

barbár: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

barene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

barer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

barere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

barerne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

baret: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

barfuss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

barfuß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

baria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added and 1 item removed.

baron: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

barret: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

barón: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

basa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

basa-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

baster: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

basterne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bastet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

basá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bath: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

bathar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bathi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bati: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bati-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

batí: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

baver: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bavur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

baé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|bae|Bae|BAE|BAe|båe|ba'e|Appendix:Variations of "bae"}}
  {{also|bae|Bae|BAE|BAe|båe|ba'e|bæ|Appendix:Variations of "bae"}}

baða: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

baþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 8 items added.

başa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

be'u: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

be-er: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bear: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beare: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bearer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beares: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bearet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bec: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

becere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bed: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bedan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beddel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bedemand: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bedemands: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bedemænd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bedemænds: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beeinflusst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beeinflußt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

been: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

beera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beerà: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

befasst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

befaßt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

begere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

begretan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

begrætan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

behendig: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

behændig: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beisse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beissen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beissend: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beissest: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beisset: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beisst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beiße: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beißen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

beißend: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beißest: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beißet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beißt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bek: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bek.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bekke: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bekken: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bekkene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bekkens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bekrefte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bekræfte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beks: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bel-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

belg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beli: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

belte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

belté: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

belí: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

benda: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

benk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beotian: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ber: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

ber-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

berbar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

berbare: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

berbart: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

beret: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

berlic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beron: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

berserk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

berserker: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

berserkers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

berserks: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bersærk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bersærker: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bersærkers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bersærks: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

berum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

besa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

besat: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

besatte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beschiss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beschloss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beschloß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beset: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

besetter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

best: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bester: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

besà: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

besá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

besæt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

besætte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

besætter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bet.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

beti: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|bé tí|bé tị}}
  {{also|bæti|bé tị|bé tí}}

beu: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beuf: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beufz: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bevegelse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bever: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bevægelse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewusst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewusste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewusstem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewussten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewusster: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewusstere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewussterem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewussteren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewussterer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewussteres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewusstes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewussteste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewusstestem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewusstesten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewusstester: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewusstestes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewußt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewußte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewußtem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewußten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewußter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewußtere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewußterem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewußteren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewußterer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewußteres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewußtes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewußteste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewußtestem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewußtesten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewußtester: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bewußtestes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beæra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

beære: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

beærer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beæres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beæret: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beç: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

beð: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

beü: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bidh: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bidhe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

binar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

binare: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

biner: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

binär: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

binäre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

binær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

binære: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

biosfere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

biosferen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

biosfære: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

biosfæren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bipolar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bipolär: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bipolær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

biss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bisschen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bith: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bith-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bißchen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

biþe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

blac: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blaes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blak: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blare: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blaren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blares: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blase: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blaser: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blaste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blasé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blað: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item removed.

bled: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blege: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blek: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bleks: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blennorrhea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

blennorrhoea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blennorrhœa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

blennorrhϾ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

bler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bles: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blese: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blest: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blewen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blithe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blithi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bliði: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bliþe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bloss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blosse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

blossem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blossen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

blosser: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blossere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blosserem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blosseren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blosserer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blosseres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blosses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blosseste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blossestem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blossesten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blossester: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blossestes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bloß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bloßem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bloßen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bloßer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bloßere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bloßerem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bloßeren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bloßerer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bloßeres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bloßes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bloßeste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bloßestem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bloßesten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bloßester: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bloßestes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bluferdig: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blås: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blåse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blåser: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blåste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blæc: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blæd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added and 1 item removed.

blæge: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blæk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

blæks: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

blære: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

blæren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

blæres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blæser: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

blæst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 7 items added.

blæste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

blæwen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blèse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blés: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blésé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

blósse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bløða: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item removed.

blēḑ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bo'a: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bo'e: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bo'u: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

boa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

boae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

boe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

boer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

boeuf: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

boeufs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bonda: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bonde: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bondá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bondæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

bondé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bootie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

boss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bosse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bossen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bosset: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bossé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bothe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bou: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

boß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

boßen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

boßet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

boð: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bradypnea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bradypnoea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bradypnœa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brak: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brakke: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bramel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brand: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brande: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brandende: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brander: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brandet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brandt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brath: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

bratha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brats: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bratš: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brav: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bredder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bredderne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

breddernes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bredders: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brek: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brekke: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brekker: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bremel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brende: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brenna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brennschluss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bret: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bret.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brether: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bretter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brettet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brev: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

breþer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bromber: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brombær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bronchorrhea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bronchorrhœa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

broth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brothar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

brother: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

broðar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

broþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

broþar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

broþer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bruth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bruth-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brutha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bruþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

brà: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bráð: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

bräk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bränd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brände: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bränder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bråk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brædder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brædderne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bræddernes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brædders: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bræk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

brække: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brækker: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bræmel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

brænd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

brænde: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

brændende: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brænder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

brændet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brændt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

brænna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

bræts: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

brætter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

brættet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bræv: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bræða: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

brómber: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brøth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brøþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

brúða: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bupaeda: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bupaedae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bupaedam: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bupaedarum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bupaedas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bupaede: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bupaedes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bupaedi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bupaedibus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bupaedis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bupaedos: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bupaedum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bupaes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bupæda: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

bupædam: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bupædarum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bupædas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bupæde: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

bupædes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bupædi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bupædibus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bupædis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bupædos: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bupædum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bupædæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

bupæs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bursa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

burse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bursæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

buss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|Appendix:Variations of "bus"}}
  {{also|büß|Appendix:Variations of "bus"}}

busse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bussemand: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bussemands: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bussemænd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bussemænds: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bussen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bussend: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

butha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

buþa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

byth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

byþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bàrbar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bàth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

bád: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

báli: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bára: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

báron: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

báðar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bâron: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bâti: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bäl: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bälte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bänk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bära: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bäres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bäret: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bäst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bäver: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

båd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

båe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|bae|Bae|BAE|BAe|baé|ba'e|Appendix:Variations of "bae"}}
  {{also|bae|Bae|BAE|BAe|baé|ba'e|bæ|Appendix:Variations of "bae"}}

bånda: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bårer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bårerne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

båres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

båret: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bæcere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bædan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bæddel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bæen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

bæers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bæet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

bæger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

bægere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bægeres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bægers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bægre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bægres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bække: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bækken: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bækkene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bækkens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bækkes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bæks: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bækur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bælg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

bænda: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

bænk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

bærbar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

bærbare: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

bærbart: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bærene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

bærer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bærere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bærerne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bæres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 7 items added.

bæret: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

bæria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bærlic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bæron: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

bærret: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bæst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

bæster: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

bæsterne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bæstet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bæver: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

bævur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bæði: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bèar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bèc: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bèk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bèl: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bèr: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bèt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bèu: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bé tí: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|beti|bé tị}}
  {{also|beti|bæti|bé tị}}

bé tị: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|beti|bé tí}}
  {{also|beti|bæti|bé tí}}

béer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

béera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

béissen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bél: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bér: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

béra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

béret: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

béta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bêc: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bêr: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bêta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bëc: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bël: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bìdh: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bìth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bídh: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bóer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bôer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bøhmand: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bøhmands: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bøhmænd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bøhmænds: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bølgelengde: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bølgelengden: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bølgelengder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bølgelængde: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bølgelængden: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bølgelængder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bùtha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bürşe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

büssen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

büß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

büße: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

büßen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

büßend: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bādhā: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bāli: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bāra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bārene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bārenē: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bāres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bārēs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bēra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bērā: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bėk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

běd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bō-á: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

bœuf: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

bœufz: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caca: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cacodaemon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cacodaemonic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cacodaemons: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cacodemon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cacodemonic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cacodemons: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cacodæmon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cacodæmonic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cacodæmons: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cacum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caecal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caecity: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caeleste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caelestes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caementum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caenogeneses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caenogenesis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caenogenetic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caenulenta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caenulentae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caenulentam: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caenulentarum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caenulentas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caenulente: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caenulenti: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caenulentis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caenulento: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caenulentorum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caenulentos: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caenulentum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caerulean: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caesarean: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caesars: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caesious: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caesium: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caesura: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caesural: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cag: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cament: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

camera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

camerae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

camere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cameră: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caméra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cannula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cannulae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cannule: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cannulæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

capsula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

capsule: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

capsulá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

capsulé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

carica: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caricae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

carice: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cas ar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

casar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|căsar|Cäsar|cas ar}}
  {{also|căsar|Cäsar|Cæsar|cas ar}}

cassia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cassiae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cassie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

casura: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

catapulta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

catapulte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

catapultà: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

catapultá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

catapulté: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cathedra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cathedræ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caça: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

caçà: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ceca: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cecal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cecale: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cecity: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cecum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ceg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

celeste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

celestes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

celestial: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

celestiall: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

celia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

celiac: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

celibacy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

celibat: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

celibate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

celibats: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

celibát: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

celie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

celioscopie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

celiotomies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

celiotomy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

celom: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

celoma: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

celomic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cement: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cementum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cemeterial: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cemeteries: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cemetery: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cemetiere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cen-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cenesthesia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cenesthesis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ceno: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ceno-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cenobi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cenobia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cenobiarch: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cenobiarches: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cenobio: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cenobite: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added and 1 item removed.

cenobites: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cenobitic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cenobitical: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cenobitism: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cenobium: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cenobiums: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cenogamy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cenogenesis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cenogenetic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cenulenta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cenulentae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cenulentam: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cenulentarum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cenulentas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cenulente: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

cenulenti: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cenulentis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cenulento: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cenulentorum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cenulentos: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cenulentum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cenulentus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cenò: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cenó: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cephalaea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cephalea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cephalæa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ceremonial: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ceremonies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ceremony: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cerulean: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cesar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cesarea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cesarean: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cesaree: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cesium: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cesura: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cesural: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cesárea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ceño: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

chaetognaths: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

chaetophorous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

chaldaea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

chaldea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

chamaeleon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

chamaeleons: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

chameleon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

chameleons: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

chameleón: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

chamæleons: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

chamæléons: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

chaméléon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

chaméléons: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

chimera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

chimere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

chimeric: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

chimæra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

chimæric: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

chimæræ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added and 2 items removed.

chimère: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

chiméra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

chloremia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

chloræmia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

choenix: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

choeur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

chour: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

chœur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

chœurs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ciao: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cieo: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

citae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cite: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cith: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cité: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

citë: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ciæo: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

ciþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cladh: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

clag: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

clane: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

clavicula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

clavicule: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

claviculæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

clavícula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

claþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cleg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

clene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

clothes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cloþes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

clæg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

clæne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cnawe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cnæwe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coaeval: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coelacanth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coelacanths: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coelia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

coeliac: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coeliae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coeliaque: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coeliaques: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coelioscopie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coelioscopies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coeliotomies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coelom: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coeloma: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coelomata: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coelomate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coelomates: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coelomic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coemeteria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coemeterium: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenaesthesis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenesthesis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added and 1 item removed.

coenesthetic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenobi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenobiarch: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenobiarches: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenobii: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenobiis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenobio: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenobiorum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenobites: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenobitic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenobitical: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenobiums: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenosarc: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenulenta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

coenulentae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenulentam: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenulentarum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenulentas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenulente: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

coenulenti: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenulentis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenulento: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenulentorum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenulentos: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenulentum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coenures: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coequal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coetaneous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coeval: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cohaere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cohaerent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cohaeres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cohere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cohered: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coherence: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coherent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coheres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cohering: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cohesion: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cohesions: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cohesión: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cohære: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cohæred: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cohærence: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cohærent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cohæres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cohæring: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cohæsion: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cohæsions: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cohérence: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cohérent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cohésion: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cohésions: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

colom: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coloscope: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

colosseum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

colosseums: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

colossæum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

colossæums: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

comedic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

comedie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

comedies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

comedy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cometeria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cometería: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cometiere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cometieres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

comoedie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

comèdies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

comédie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

comédies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

comœdic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

comœdie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

comœdies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

comœdy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

concha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

conchae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

conche: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

conchæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

confederacy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

confederate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

confederated: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

confederates: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

confederating: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

confederation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

confederations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

confédération: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

confédérations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

confédérâtes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

confœderacy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

confœderate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

confœderated: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

confœderates: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

confœderating: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

confœderation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

confœderations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

confœdération: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

confœdérations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cono: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

consoeur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

consoeurs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

consœur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

consœurs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

conure: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

conures: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

copraemia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

copremia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

copræmia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cornea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cornee: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

corneá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

corneé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cornée: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

corolla: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

corollae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

corolle: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

corollæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

corol·la: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

corona: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

corone: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coronà: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coroná: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coroné: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coryza: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coryzae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coryzæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cour: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cours: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coæqual: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coætaneous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coæval: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

coëval: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

coño: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

craft: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

creäte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

crico-arytænoid: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cricoarytenoid: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

crista: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cristã: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cristæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

cryptomenorrhea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cryptomenorrhœa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cræft: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cuth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cuð: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cuþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cyclopaedia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cyclopaedias: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cyclopedia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cyclopedias: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cyclopædia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cyclopædias: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cyma: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cyme: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cymæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

càmera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

càpsula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cápsula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

câmera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cæcal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cæcale: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cæcity: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cæcum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cæleste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

cælestes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cælestial: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cælestiall: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cælibacy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cælibat: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cælibate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cælibats: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cæment: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cæmentum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cænogenesis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cænogenetic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cænulenta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

cænulentam: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cænulentarum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cænulentas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cænulente: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

cænulenti: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cænulentis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cænulento: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cænulentorum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cænulentos: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cænulentum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cænulentus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cænulentæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

cæremonial: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cæremonies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cæremony: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cærulean: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cæsious: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cæsium: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

cæsura: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cæsural: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cæsuræ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cég: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

céleste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

célestes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

célibat: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

célom: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cémétérial: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cén: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cérémonial: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cérémonies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

césar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

césium: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

césure: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item removed.

córnea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

căca: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

căsar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|casar|Cäsar|cas ar}}
  {{also|casar|Cäsar|Cæsar|cas ar}}

cēn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœlacanth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœlestial: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cœlia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 7 items added.

cœliac: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cœliaque: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœliaques: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœlioscopie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cœlioscopies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœliotomies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cœliotomy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cœloma: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cœlomates: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœlomic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cœloscope: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added and 1 item removed.

cœmeteria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cœmeterial: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cœmeteries: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœmeterium: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœmetery: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœmetiere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cœmetieres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœmetière: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cœmetières: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœnobi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cœnobia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœnobiarch: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœnobiarches: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cœnobii: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœnobiis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœnobio: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cœnobiorum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœnobite: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœnobites: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cœnobitic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœnobitical: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœnobitism: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœnobium: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœnobiums: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cœnogamy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœnosarc: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœnulenta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

cœnulentam: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cœnulentarum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cœnulentas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cœnulente: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 7 items added.

cœnulenti: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cœnulentis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cœnulento: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cœnulentorum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cœnulentos: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cœnulentum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cœnulentus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cœnure: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cœnures: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

cœnæsthesia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœnæsthesis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

cœnæsthetic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœnœcia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item removed.

cœur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

cœurs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

d. h.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

dEG: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dH: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.
  {{also|dh|DH|d. h.|dh'}}
  {{also|dh|DH|dh'|ð|þ|d. h.|-þ}}

daK: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dad: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

daedal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

daemon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

daemonism: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

daemonize: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

daemonomancy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

daemons: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dag: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dage: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dages: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dak: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dala: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dalan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dall': {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dami: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

damma: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

damon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

damons: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

damp: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dampe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dampede: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

damper: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dampet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

danegeld: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

danegæld: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

dasa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dasă: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dath: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

daß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.
  {{also|Appendix:Variations of "das"}}
  {{also|dass|dass.|Appendix:Variations of "das"}}

dağ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

daļa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

daļā: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

de la: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

de sa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

death: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

deaþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

ded: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dedal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dedh: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dedâl: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

defaecate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

defaecated: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

defaecates: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

defaecating: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

defaecation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

defaecations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

defecate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

defecated: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

defecates: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

defecating: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

defecation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

defecations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

defedation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

defte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

defæcate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

defæcated: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

defæcates: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

defæcating: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

defæcation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

defæcations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

defœdation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added and 1 item removed.

deg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

deg.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dege: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

deges: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

degë: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dek: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dekkene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dekket: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dela: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|delà|dēlā|dēla|de la}}
  {{also|delà|dēla|dæla|de la|dēlā}}

dell: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dell': {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

delà: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|dela|dēlā|dēla|de la}}
  {{also|dela|dēla|dæla|de la|dēlā}}

dema: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

demi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

demi-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

demon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

demonen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

demoner: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

demoniacal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

demonic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

demonical: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

demonism: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

demonize: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

demonized: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

demonizes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

demonizing: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

demonolatry: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

demonomancy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

demonomania: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

demons: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

demp: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dempe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

demper: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dempet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

demà: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

demön: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

desa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|desà|desā|de sa}}
  {{also|desà|desā|dæsa|de sa}}

dess: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dess.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

desà: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|desa|desā|de sa}}
  {{also|desa|desā|dæsa|de sa}}

desā: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|desa|desà|de sa}}
  {{also|desa|desà|dæsa|de sa}}

deß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

deþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dh: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.
  {{also|DH|dH|dh'|d. h.}}
  {{also|DH|dH|dh'|ð|þ|d. h.|-þ}}

dh': {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.
  {{also|dh|DH|dH|d. h.}}
  {{also|dh|DH|dH|ð|þ|d. h.|-þ}}

dha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

dhac: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dhak: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dham: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

dhamma: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dhammā: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dhan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

dhana: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dhania: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dharna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dhau: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dhe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dhing: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dhinn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

dhis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dhol: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dhone: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dhrim: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

dhrop: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dhà: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

diaerese: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diaereses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diaeresis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diaetae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diaetam: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diaetari: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diaetarii: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diaetariis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diaetario: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diaetariorum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diaetarios: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diaetarium: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diaetarum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diaetas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diaetis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diareses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diaresis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diarrea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diarrhea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

diarrheal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diarrheas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diarrheic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diarrhetic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diarrhoea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diarrhoeas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diarrhœa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

diarrhœal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diarrhœas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diarrhœic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diarrhœtic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diarrœa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diat: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diecious: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diereses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dieresis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dieretic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diestrus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dieta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dietam: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dietari: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dietarii: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dietariis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dietario: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dietariorum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dietarios: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dietarium: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dietarius: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dietarum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dietas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diete: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

dietes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dietetic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dietetics: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dietis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dietá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dietás: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dieté: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

dietés: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dieťa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diocesan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diocese: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dioceses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diocèse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diocèses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dioecese: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dioeceses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dioecious: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diuritha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diuriða: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diãte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diærese: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

diæreses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

diæresis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

diæretic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diæta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

diætam: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

diætari: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

diætarii: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

diætariis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

diætario: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

diætariorum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

diætarios: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

diætarium: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

diætarius: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diætarum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

diætas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

diæte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

diætes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

diætetic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diætetics: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diætis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

diætæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

dièresis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diète: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

diètes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diéresis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diérèses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diéta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diétás: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diët: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diœcesan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diœcese: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

diœceses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

diœcious: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

diœstrus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

diệt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

djevel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

djevelen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

djevelsk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

djevlene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

djævel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

djævelen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

djævelsk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

djævlene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

drab: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

draen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dran: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

drapa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

draussen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

draußen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

drań: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dreißig: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

drenc: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

drepa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dromaeognathous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dromaeosaur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dromaeosaurid: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dromaeosaurids: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dromaeosaurs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dromeosaur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dromeosaurs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dromæognathous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dromæosaur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

dromæosaurid: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dromæosaurids: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dromæosaurs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dráb: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dräpa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dråbe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item removed.

dræb: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

drænc: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dræpa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

drên: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

duthe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

duþe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dverg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dvergen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dvergene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dværg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dværgen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dværgene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dysaesthesia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dysesthesia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dysmenorrhea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dysmenorrheal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dysmenorrheic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dysmenorrhoea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dysmenorrhoeic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dysmenorrhœa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dysmenorrhœal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dysmenorrhœic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dyspnea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dyspneal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dyspneic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dyspnoea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dyspnoeic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dyspnoic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dyspnœa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dyspnœal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dyspnœic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

dysæsthesia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

dysæsthesiæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item removed.

dàgē: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dàmǐ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dála: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dáð: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dãsã: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dåd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dædal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

dæfte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dæge: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

dæges: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

dæk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

dækkene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dækket: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dælan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dæmi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

dæmma: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

dæmonen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

dæmoner: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dæmoniacal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dæmonic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dæmonical: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dæmonism: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

dæmonize: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dæmonized: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dæmonizes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dæmonizing: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dæmonolatry: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added and 1 item removed.

dæmonomancy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

dæmonomania: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dæmp: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

dæmpe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dæmpede: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dæmper: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

dæmpet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

dèdal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

défécation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

défécations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dég: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

démon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

démons: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dêmon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dêmons: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dørmand: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dørmands: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dørmænd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dørmænds: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dēla: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|dela|delà|dēlā|de la}}
  {{also|dela|delà|dæla|de la|dēlā}}

dēlā: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|dela|delà|dēla|de la}}
  {{also|dela|delà|dēla|dæla|de la}}

dēmon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dēmons: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

děd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dřeň: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

dǎgé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

e-conomy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

e-on: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eath: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eaþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eble: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ece: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ecologic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ecological: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ecologically: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ecologie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ecologies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ecologist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ecologists: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ecology: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ecològic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

economic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

economical: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

economically: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

economick: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

economics: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

economie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

economies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

economique: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

economise: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

economiser: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

economises: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

economist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

economiste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

economistes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

economists: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

economize: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

economized: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

economizes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

economizing: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

economy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

economíes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

econòmic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

econòmics: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ecophobia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ecumene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ecumenic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ecumenical: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ecumenicity: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ecumenism: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ecumenist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ecumenists: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ecumenopolis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ecumenopolitan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ede: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

edelgas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

edelsten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

edelweisses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

edema: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

edemas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

edemata: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

edemateous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

edematic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

edematous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

edification: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

edifications: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

edifice: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

edifices: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

edifier: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

edifies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

edify: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

edile: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ediles: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

edileship: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

edileships: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

edre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

edru: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

edrú: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ef: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

ef-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

efa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

efen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

efen-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

efnan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

efter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

eger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

egge: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eggen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eggene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eggens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

egges: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

egget: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

egha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

egi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

egida: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

egide: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

egis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

egises: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

egoa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

egophonic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

egophony: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

egra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

egre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

egres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

egritude: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

egs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

egér: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

egër: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ehe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eho: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eil: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eil.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eils: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

einschliessen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

einschließen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

einunddreissig: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

einunddreißig: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eith: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

either: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eið: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eiþer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ejā: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ekel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eki: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ekvator: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

elan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

elde: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eldst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eldste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

elementar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

elementare: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

elementer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

elementær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

elementære: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

elf: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

elfen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eliter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

elitær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

ellivu: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

elska: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

elt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

elta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eltheodig: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

elán: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

elän: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

elþeodig: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

embedsmand: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

embedsmands: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

embedsmænd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

embedsmænds: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

emette: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

emulate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

emulated: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

emulates: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

emulating: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

emulation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

emulations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

emulous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

en'o: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enanthic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopaedias: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopaedically: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopaedies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopaedist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopaedists: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopedia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

encyclopediac: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopediacal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopedial: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopedian: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopedias: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopedic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopedical: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopedically: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopedie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

encyclopedies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopedism: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopedist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopedists: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopædia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

encyclopædiac: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopædiacal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopædial: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopædian: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopædias: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

encyclopædic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopædical: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopædically: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopædie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

encyclopædies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

encyclopædism: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopædist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopædists: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyclopædiæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

encyclopédie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

encyclopédies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyklopedi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyklopedien: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyklopedier: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyklopediers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyklopedis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyklopædi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyklopædien: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyklopædier: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyklopædiers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

encyklopædis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enda: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ender: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enderne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

endernes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enders: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

endotesta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

endotestae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

endotestæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

endre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

endring: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

endringen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

endringer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

endå: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

engin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

engin.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

engîn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enig: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enigma: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enigmas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enigmata: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enigmatic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enigmatical: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enigmatically: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enigmatick: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enigmatist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enigmes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enigmàtic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enigmă: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enkemand: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enkemands: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enkemænd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enkemænds: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eno: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eno-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enological: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enologie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enologist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enologists: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enology: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enophile: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

enophiles: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eogihwethar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eogihweðar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eolian: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eolienne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eolipile: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eolotropic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eolotropy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eonian: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eonic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eons: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eorthe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

eorðe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

eorþe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

epaenetic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

epicene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

epicenes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

epicoele: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

epicoene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

epicœne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

epicœnes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

epiphenomena: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

epiphenomenon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

epiphænomena: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

epiphænomenon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

epopeia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

epopeias: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

epopoeia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

epopoeias: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

epopéia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

epopéias: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

epopœia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

epopœias: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

epænetic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equability: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equable: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equalities: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equality: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equalize: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equall: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equalled: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equalling: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equally: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equals: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equanimities: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equanimity: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equanimous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equated: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equating: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equative: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equator: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equatorial: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equators: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equi-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equiangular: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equidistance: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equidistances: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equidistant: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equilateral: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equilaterale: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equilaterals: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equilibre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equilibres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equilibria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equilibrium: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equilibré: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equilibrés: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equinoctes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equinoctial: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equinoctials: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equinox: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equinoxe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equinoxes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equipoise: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equipoises: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equiponderant: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equipotential: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equison: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equisonant: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equisons: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equitable: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equite: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equites: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equity: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equivalencies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equivalency: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equivalent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equivalents: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equivocal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equivocate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equivocation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equivócate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

equí: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eras: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

erer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

erfasst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

erfaßt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ergi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eric: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

erin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eringi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eriä: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

erme: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ermer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ermes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ermet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ern: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

erose: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

erschiesse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

erschiessen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

erschiessend: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

erschiessest: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

erschiesset: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

erschiesst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

erschieße: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

erschießen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

erschießend: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

erschießest: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

erschießet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

erschießt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

erschloss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ert: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

erten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

erter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ertha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

erthe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

erts: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eruginous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eräs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

erða: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

erþe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esc: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

escas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esce: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eschynite: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eschynites: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esculin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

escàs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eselet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esir: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eska: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eske: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esken: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esker: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eskers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eskja: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

esler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eslet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esophagal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esophageal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esophagean: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esophagectomies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esophagi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esophagic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esophagical: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esophagitis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esophagospasm: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esophagotomies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esophagotomy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esophagus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esteem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esteems: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esthesia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esthesiometer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esthesiometers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esthesis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esthete: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esthetes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esthetic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esthetical: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esthetically: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esthetician: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estheticians: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estheticise: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estheticised: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estheticises: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estheticising: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estheticism: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estheticisms: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estheticize: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estheticized: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estheticizes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estheticizing: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esthetics: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esthète: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

esthètes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estiferous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estima: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimai: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimaient: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimais: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimait: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimant: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimasse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimassent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimasses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimassiez: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimassions: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimat: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimates: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estime: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

estiment: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimerai: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimeraient: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimerais: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimerait: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimeras: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimerez: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimeriez: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimerions: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimerons: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimeront: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimerà: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

estimez: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimiez: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimions: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimons: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimà: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimáis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimás: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimât: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimâtes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estimé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

estimés: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

estival: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estivate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estivated: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estivates: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estivating: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estivation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estivations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estivâtes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estral: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estrale: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estrales: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estri: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estrogen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estrogene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estrogenic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estrogens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estromania: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estroprogestative: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estruate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estrus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estruses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estuary: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estuate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

estuating: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

et cetera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|etcetera|etcétera|etcètera|et cétéra}}
  {{also|etcetera|etcétera|etcètera|et ceteræ|et cétéra}}

et ceteræ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.
  {{also|etcetera|etcétera|etcètera|et cetera|et cétéra}}

et cétéra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|etcetera|etcétera|etcètera|et cetera}}
  {{also|etcetera|etcétera|etcètera|et cetera|et ceteræ}}

etcetera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|etcétera|etcètera|et cetera|et cétéra}}
  {{also|etcétera|etcètera|et cetera|et ceteræ|et cétéra}}

etcètera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|etcetera|etcétera|et cetera|et cétéra}}
  {{also|etcetera|etcétera|et cetera|et ceteræ|et cétéra}}

etcétera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|etcetera|etcètera|et cetera|et cétéra}}
  {{also|etcetera|etcètera|et cetera|et ceteræ|et cétéra}}

eternal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eternall: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eternally: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eternel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eternities: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eternity: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ethel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

ether: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

ethereal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

etherial: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

etheric: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ethers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ethili: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ethiops: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eti: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

etiologic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

etiological: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

etiologically: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

etiologics: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

etiologie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

etiologies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

etiologist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

etiologists: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

etiology: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

etla: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ett: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

etta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

etta-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

että: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

etur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eudaemonia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eudaemonic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eudemonia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added and 1 item removed.

eudæmonia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eudæmonic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eupnea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eupneic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eupnoeic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eupnœa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eupnœic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

european: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

europeer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

europeere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

europeeren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

europeerne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

europeisk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

europæer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

europæere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

europæeren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

europæerne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

europæisk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

européer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

evi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eviternity: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

evolusjonar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

evolusjoner: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

evolusjonær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

ex: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ex-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ex-æquo: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.
  {{also|ex æquo}}
  {{also|exaequo|ex æquo|ex aequo|ex-aequo}}

ex.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ex æquo: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.
  {{also|exaequo|ex-æquo|ex aequo|ex-aequo}}

exocoelomic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

exocœlomic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

exuvia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

exuviae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

exuviæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eðili: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eón: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eþel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

eþer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

eĥo: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

eşler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

f***er: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fa'e: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fac: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

facal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faces: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

facula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fader: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fadera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faderen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faecal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faecally: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faeculence: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faele: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faenes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faené: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faenés: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

faerie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faeries: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fagan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fage: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fager: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fagter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fala: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fald: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

falde: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

falder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faldes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fale: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fall: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

falla: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

falled: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

falles: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fallá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fallés: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

falá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

falé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fală: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

falę: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fam: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fam.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

famti: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

far-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fara: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

farbu: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

farg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

farge: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fargede: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fargen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

farger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

farges: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

farget: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fari: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faries: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faring: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

farings: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

farmand: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

farmands: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

farmend: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

farmænd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

farmænds: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faroese: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

farre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fart: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

farvel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

farvæl: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

farwerthan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

farwerðan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

farà: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fará: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faría: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fass: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fasst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fast: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fastaidh: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fastaiþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fastan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fasten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fastän: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fatHa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fatal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fatha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

father: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fathom: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fathær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fatt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fatter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fatus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fatḥa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fauna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faunae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faune: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faunæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

faßt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

faç: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

faþom: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|Fe|FE|F&E|fé|fè|fê|Appendix:Variations of "fe"}}
  {{also|Fe|FE|F&E|fé|fè|fê|fæ|Appendix:Variations of "fe"}}

fec: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fecal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fecally: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fecaloid: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

feces: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fecula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

feculence: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

feculent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fecund: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fecundity: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

feder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

federa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

federal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

federalism: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

federalist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

federalists: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

federally: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

federate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

federation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

federations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

federative: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

federen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

federá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fedha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fedifragous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fedity: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fedre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fedrene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

feene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

feet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

feets: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fegan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fege: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fegen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fel-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fela: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fela-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

feld: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fele: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fell: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fella: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

felled: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

felles: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

felé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fem.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

feminin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

feminine: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

feminines: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

femne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

femten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

femti: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fengsel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fengselet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fengsler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fengslet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fer-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ferdig: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ferdige: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ferge: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fergen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ferger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

feri: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

feria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ferie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

feries: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fering: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ferraste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ferre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ferré: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fert: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ferì: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ferí: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ferî: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ferī: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fest: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

festan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

festen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

festning: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

festningen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

festninger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fetal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fetale: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fetales: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fetheres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

feti: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

feticide: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fetid: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fetor: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fetors: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fetoscopie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fetoscopies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fett: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fetter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fetteren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fetters: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fetus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fetuses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

feþer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

feþeres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fibula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fibulae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fibule: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fibulæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

fibulă: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fimbria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fimbriae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fimbriæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

firth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

firð: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added and 1 item removed.

fistula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fistule: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fistulæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

fistulă: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fither: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fiþer-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fjara: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fjart: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fjas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fjer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fjeren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fjerene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fjert: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fjerte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fjerten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fjertene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fjertenes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fjertens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fjertes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fjerts: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fjärt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fjær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fjæra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fjæren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fjærene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fjært: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

fjærte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fjærten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fjærtene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fjærtenes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fjærtens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fjærtes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fjærts: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fjæs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fjæs': {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fją̊s: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

flask: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

flasket: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

flatha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

flatta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

flekja: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

flesk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fletta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fliessen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fließ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fließe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

floss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

flossen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

flosser: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

flossers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

flosses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

flyttemand: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

flyttemands: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

flyttemænd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

flyttemænds: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fläsk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fläsket: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

flækja: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

flæsket: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

flætta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

flæða: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

flétta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

flössen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foderate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fodha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fodite: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foederate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foetale: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foetales: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foeti: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foeticide: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foetid: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foetor: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foetors: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foetoscopies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foetuses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fohn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foregangsmand: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foregangsmands: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foregangsmænd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foregangsmænds: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forelder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forelderen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foreldre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foreldrene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foretrekke: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foretrække: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forklar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forkler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forklær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

forleng: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forlenge: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forlengelse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forlenger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forlenget: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forlæng: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

forlænge: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forlængelse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forlænger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

forlænget: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

formula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

formule: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

formulá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

formulé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forrader: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forretningsmand: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forretningsmands: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forretningsmænd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forretningsmænds: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forråder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forræder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

forsterke: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forstærke: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fortel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fortelle: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forteller: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

forth-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

forthi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fortæl: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fortælle: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fortæller: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forælder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

forælderen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forældre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forældrene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

forði: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fossa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fosse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fossula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fossulae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fossulæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fossá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fossé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fother: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foti: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fotus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fotí: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fovea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foveae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foveolæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foveæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fovéa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

foþer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fra-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fra.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fraena: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fraenula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fraenulum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fraenum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frak: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frana: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frani: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

franskmand: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

franskmands: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

franskmænd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

franskmænds: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frass: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

frasses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fratta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fraßen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fregn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fregur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frelsi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frena: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frende: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frendi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

freni: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frenula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frenulum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frenulums: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frenum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frenà: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frená: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frení: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fretta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frimerke: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frimærke: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

frithu: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

friðu: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

friþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

froth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

froths: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

froþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

froþs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frukttre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frukttræ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frâna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frână: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fräßen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frå: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frægn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frægur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fræk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frælsi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frænde: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frændi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fræni: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

frænula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frænulum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

frænulums: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added and 1 item removed.

frænum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

frætta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

frè: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fré: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frétta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frømand: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frømands: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frømænd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

frømænds: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fugleskremsel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fugleskremselet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fugleskremsler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fugleskremslet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fugleskræmsel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fugleskræmselet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fugleskræmsler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fugleskræmslet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

furcula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

furculæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fusse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fussen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fusses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

futhark: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

futharks: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

futhorc: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

futhorcs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fuþark: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fuþarks: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fuþorc: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fuþorcs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fyrverkeri: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fyrværkeri: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fàl: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fál: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fám: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fár: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fára: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fást: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fátt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fãrã: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fäder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fäl: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fäll: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fälla: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fälles: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

färg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

färgen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

färger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

färre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fässt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fäst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fästen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fåe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fåes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fået: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

får: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fått: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fæc: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

fæcal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

fæcally: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fæcaloid: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fæces: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

fæcula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

fæculence: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fæculent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fæculæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added and 1 item removed.

fædera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

fæderen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

fæderen-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

fædre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fædrene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fæene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

fæenes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fæet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

fæets: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fægan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fæge: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fægen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fæger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fægter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fæld: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

fælde: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fælder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fældes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fæll: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

fælla: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

fælled: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fælles: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

fæmne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fæmti: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fæmtæn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fængsel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fængselet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fængsler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fængslet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

færbu: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

færdig: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

færdige: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

færg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

færge: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

færgede: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

færgen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

færger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

færges: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

færget: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

færia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

færie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

færing: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

færings: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

færraste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

færre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

fært: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

fæstan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

fæsten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

fæstning: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fæstningen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fæstninger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fætal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

fætt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

fætter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fætteren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fætters: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fætus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

fætuses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fæða: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

fè: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|fé|fê|fe|Fe|FE|F&E|Appendix:Variations of "fe"}}
  {{also|fé|fê|fæ|fe|Fe|FE|F&E|Appendix:Variations of "fe"}}

fèces: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fèr: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fèrre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fèt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fètid: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|fè|fê|fe|Fe|FE|F&E|Appendix:Variations of "fe"}}
  {{also|fè|fê|fæ|fe|Fe|FE|F&E|Appendix:Variations of "fe"}}

fécal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fécula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

féculent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fédéra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fédéral: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fédération: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fédérations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fédérative: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fél: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fém: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

féminin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

féminine: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

féminines: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

féminîn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

féria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

férie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

féries: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

férié: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fériés: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fétal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fétus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fê: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|fé|fè|fe|Fe|FE|F&E|Appendix:Variations of "fe"}}
  {{also|fé|fè|fæ|fe|Fe|FE|F&E|Appendix:Variations of "fe"}}

fêl: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fêla: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fêle: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fêlé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fêra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fêst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fíbula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fístula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fòsse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fórmula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fôsse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

föhn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

förråder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fúrcula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fără: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fœcund: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fœcundity: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fœderal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

fœderalism: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fœderalist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fœderalists: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fœderally: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fœderate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fœderation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

fœderations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fœderative: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

fœdifragous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fœdity: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fœdité: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fœdération: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

fœdérations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fœhn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

fœminin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

fœminine: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fœminines: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fœtal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

fœtale: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

fœtales: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

fœti: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

fœticide: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fœtid: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

fœtor: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fœtors: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fœtoscopie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

fœtoscopies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fœtuses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

fœða: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

fạla: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

g'ler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ga'a: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gaa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gaer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gaesa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gafa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gafá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gagn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gala: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

galactorrhea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

galactorrhœa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

galan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

galden: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

galla: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

galle: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gallen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

galler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gallers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

galles: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gallér: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

galo: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gal·lès: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gal·lés: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

galán: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

galā: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gangraena: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gangren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gangrena: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gangrene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gangrenen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gangrenes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gangrená: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gangrené: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gangrenés: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gangræn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

gangræna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

gangræne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

gangrænen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

gangrænes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

gangrène: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gangrènes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gangréna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gangréné: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gangrénés: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gara: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gardh: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

garen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gars: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

garth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

garā: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

garš: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gasa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gassene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gast: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gastan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gasten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gastens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gaster: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gasters: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gastro-œsophageal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gastroesophageal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gasts: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gata: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gaten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gatha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gaá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gaļa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gaļā: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ge'a: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|gea|Gea|G. E. A.}}
  {{also|gea|Gea|Gæa|G. E. A.}}

ge-tà: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|Gea|ge'a|G. E. A.}}
  {{also|Gea|Gæa|ge'a|G. E. A.}}

gefa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefasst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefasste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefasstem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefassten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefasster: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefasstere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefassterem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefassteren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefassterer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefassteres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefasstes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefassteste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefasstestem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefasstesten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefasstester: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefasstestes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefaßt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefaßte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefaßtem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefaßten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefaßter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefaßtere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefaßterem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefaßteren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefaßterer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefaßteres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefaßtes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefaßteste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefaßtestem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefaßtesten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefaßtester: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefaßtestes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefed: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gefæd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gegn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gegn-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

geheissen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

geheißen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gei: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gela: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gelan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gelaran: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gelasten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

geld: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gelden: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gella: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gellen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

geller: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gelo: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gelà: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gelæran: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gelæsten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gelò: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gemene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gemessen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gemetan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gemette: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gemeßen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gemæne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gemætan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gemætte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

geniesse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

geniessen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

geniessend: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

geniessest: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

geniesset: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

geniesst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

genieße: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

genießen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

genießend: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

genießest: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

genießet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

genießt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

genoss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

genoß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

geoarchaeology: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

geodesy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

geodetical: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

geodæsy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

geodætical: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gerad: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gered: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

geren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gerningsmand: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gerningsmænd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

geræd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

gesith: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gesiþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gest: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gestan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gesten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gestens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gester: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gesters: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gests: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

geta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

geten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

getą: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gever: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gevær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

gewiss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gewisse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gewissem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gewissen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gewisser: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gewisses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gewiß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gewiße: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gewißem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gewißen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

gewißer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gewißes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gewusst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gewußt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gh: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ghe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

ghè: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

ghế: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

gielda: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

giessen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gießen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gingiva: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gingive: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gingivæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

girthing: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

girðing: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gisith: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gisið: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

giwerthan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

giwerðan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

giælda: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gjer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gjera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gjere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gjerer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gjetar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gjetarane: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gjetarar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gjetaren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gjær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

gjæra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gjære: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

gjærer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gjætar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gjætarane: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gjætarar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gjætaren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gjër: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

glad: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

glade: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gladen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gladens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

glades: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

glam: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

glas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

glas': {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

glasen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gled: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

glede: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gleden: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gledes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

glem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gles: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

glucemia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

glucæmia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

glutaeal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

glutaei: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

glutaeus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gluteal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

glutei: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gluteus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

glutæal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

glutæi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

glutæus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

glás: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gläd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

glädes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

glæd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

glæde: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

glæden: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

glædens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

glædes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

glæm: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

glær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

glæs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

glæsen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

glêd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gonorrhea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

gonorrheal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gonorrheic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gonorrhoea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gonorrhoeae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gonorrhœa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

gonorrhœal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gonorrhœic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

goss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

goth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

gotha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

goths: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

goß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

goð: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

goþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 7 items added.

goþs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

grace: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gracian: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

graco: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grad: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grade: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grader: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gradé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

graece: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

graecism: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

graecisms: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

graeco: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

graecolatin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

graf: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grag: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

graja: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grają: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grann: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grans: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grasser: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grassers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grat: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grata: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gratan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gratà: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grec: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grece: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grecisms: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

greco: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

greco-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grecque: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grecques: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grecs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gref: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

greja: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

greker: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grenn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

grens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grense: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grensen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grenser: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grenset: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

gresk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gresset: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gret: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

greta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gretan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grith: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

grið: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

griþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

gross: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grossartig: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grosse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

grossem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grossen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

grosses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

großartig: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

großem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

großes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gráf: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gráta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grâce: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grãde: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gräns: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grät: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gråd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gråt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gråta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

græco-latin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

græd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

græde: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

græder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

græf: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

græg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

græja: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

græker: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grænn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

græns: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

grænse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grænsen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

grænser: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

grænset: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

græsk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

græsser: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

græssers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

græsset: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

græta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

grætan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

grèc: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grès: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

gréco-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gréja: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grés: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

grêf: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grêt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grønlender: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grønlendere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grønlenderen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grønlenderne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grønlænder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grønlændere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grønlænderen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grønlænderne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

grœnn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

guss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

guth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

gutha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

guð: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

guþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

guþa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynaecea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynaecocracy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynaecological: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynaecologist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynaecologists: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynaecology: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynaeconitis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynaeconome: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynecea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gyneceum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynecocracy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynecocratic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynecologic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynecological: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynecologist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynecologists: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynecology: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gyneconome: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gyneconomes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynekologi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynekologien: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynæcea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

gynæceum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynæcocracy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

gynæcocratic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added and 1 item removed.

gynæcologic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynæcological: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynæcologist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

gynæcologists: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynæcology: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

gynæconome: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

gynæconomes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

gynækologi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynækologien: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

gynéconome: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gynéconomes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gáa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gáfa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gála: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gárð: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

gárþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

gáta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gâa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gâta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gälden: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gälla: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gälle: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gällen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gäller: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gälles: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gären: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gäst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gästen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gästens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gäster: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gästers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gästs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gåsa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gåta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gæfa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

gægn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

gælan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

gæld: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

gælden: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

gælla: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

gælle: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

gællen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

gæller: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

gællers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

gælles: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

gælo: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

gæra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

gæren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

gærs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

gæsa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

gæssene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gæst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

gæstan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

gæsten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

gæstens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

gæster: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

gæsters: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

gæsts: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

gæten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

gæða: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

gèr: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gèrén: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

géi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gér: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

géra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

géì: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gêlo: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gëllen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

góð: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

góða: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

gāthā: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gėla: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gęta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

gěi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ha'f: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ha-ha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|ha ha|há há|haha|hāhā|нана}}
  {{also|haha|ha ha|нана|hāhā|hæhæ|há há}}

ha ha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|há há|ha-ha|haha|hāhā|нана}}
  {{also|haha|ha-ha|нана|hāhā|hæhæ|há há}}

habenula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

habenulae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

habenulæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hadd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hader: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haecceities: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haecceity: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haem-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haemal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haemapodous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haematine: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haematite: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haematological: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haematologist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haematologists: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haematomata: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haematophobia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haematopoesis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haematopoetic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haematoporphyrin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haematothorax: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haematoxylin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haematozoa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haematozoon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haemic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haemo: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haemo-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haemochromatoses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haemophilia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haemophiliac: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haemoptyses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haemorrhagic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haemorrhoidal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haemostasis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haemostatic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haena: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haerens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haeres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haeresie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haeresies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haeretice: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haesi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haesita: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haesitant: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haesitas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haesitasse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haesitassent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haesitasses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haesitat: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haesitate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haesitent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haesiter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haesites: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

haet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haetan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haettaa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|hætta á}}

haf: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hafa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haft: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hafte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hafter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hafters: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haftet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hafur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hagl: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hagur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|ha ha|há há|ha-ha|hāhā|нана}}
  {{also|ha ha|ha-ha|нана|hāhā|hæhæ|há há}}

haita: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haka: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hakka: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hakke: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hakken: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hakkene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hakker: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hakkes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hala: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

halan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|hålan|Hà Lan}}
  {{also|hålan|hælan|Hà Lan}}

halane: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

halar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hale: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

halede: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

halen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

halene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

halenes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

halens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

halené: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

halenés: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hales: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

halet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haleth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

haling: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hall: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hallá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hallå: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hals: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hals': {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

halu: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

halur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

halá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

halé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

halés: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haléř: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

halë: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

halę: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hamal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hamato: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hamo: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hana: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

handa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hande: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hander: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

handers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

har: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|Har|hár|Hár|hār|här|hår|Appendix:Variations of "har"}}
  {{also|Har|hár|Hár|hār|här|hår|hær|Appendix:Variations of "har"}}

hara: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

harane: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

harar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hare: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

harene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

harenes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

harens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

harer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hares: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haring: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

harn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hars: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hará: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haré: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

harén: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

has't: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hasi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|hâsi|hạ sĩ}}
  {{also|hâsi|hæsi|hạ sĩ}}

hast: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haster: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hat an: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hatan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|hátán|hat an}}
  {{also|hátán|hætan|hat an}}

hate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hath: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hathe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hathen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hatt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hatta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hav: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

havar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

havd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

have't: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haver: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

havet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

havn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

havnen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

havěť: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haðe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

haþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

he'll: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

he've: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

he-man: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hebbende: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hebraisk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hebraiske: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hebrean: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hebræisk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hebræiske: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hedd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hedh: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hef: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heft: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heftan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hefte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hefter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heftet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heftê: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hefur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hegri: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hegt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hehe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heimr: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heiss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heisse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heissem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heissen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heissend: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heisser: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heissere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heisserem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heisseren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heisserer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heisseres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heisses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heissest: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heisseste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heissestem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heissesten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heissester: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heissestes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heisset: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heisst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heita: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heitä: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heiß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

heiße: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heißem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heißen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

heißend: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heißer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heißere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heißerem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heißeren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heißerer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heißeres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heißes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heißest: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heißeste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heißestem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heißesten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heißester: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heißestes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heißet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heißt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hek: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hekka: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hekke: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hekken: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hekkene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hekker: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heks: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hela: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

helan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

helar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

helast: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hele: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

helen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

helenes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heles: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

helet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heleth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

heling: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hell: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

helle: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hels: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

helth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

helu: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

helá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

helé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

helés: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hem: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hem-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heman: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hematemesis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hematin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hematine: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hematite: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hematologic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hematological: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hematologist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hematologists: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hematology: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hematològic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hematoma: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hematomata: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hematophagous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hematopoetic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hematoporphyrin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hematoxylin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hematozoa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hematozoon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hematuria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hematurie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hematúria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemerythrin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemianaesthesia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemianesthesia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemianæsthesia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemisphere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemispheres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemispheric: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemisphære: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hemisphæres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hemisphæric: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemo: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemo-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemochromatoses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemochromatosis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemoglobin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemolysis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemophilia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemophiliac: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemophiliacs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemophobia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemopoietic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemoptyses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemoptysis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemorrhage: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemorrhages: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemorrhagia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemorrhagic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemorrhagically: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemorrhoid: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemorrhoidal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemorrhoids: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemosiderosis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemostasis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hemostatic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hena: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

henda: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hende: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hender: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hendé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hengebro: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

her'n: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

her's: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

herane: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

herar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

herculean: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

here: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

here's: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

herens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heresie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heresies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heresy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heretic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heretical: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heretice: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heretick: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heretics: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hering: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heritage: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heritages: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hern: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hernad: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hernia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hernie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

herniæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

hernié: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

herskare: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

herètic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

herètics: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

herén: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

herë: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hesi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hesita: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hesitai: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hesitais: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hesitancies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hesitancy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hesitant: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hesitas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hesitasse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hesitasses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hesitat: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hesitate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hesitated: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hesitates: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hesitating: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hesitation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hesitations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hesite: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hesites: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hesità: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hesitá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hesitás: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hesités: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hest: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hester: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

het: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

het.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hetaera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hetan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hete: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hetere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heterecious: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heteroecious: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heteroecism: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heterœcious: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

heth.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hett: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hetta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hetæra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hetæræ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hev: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hevd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heve: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hever: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hevet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hevn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

heşt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hiess: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hiesse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hiessen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hiessest: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hiesset: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hiesst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hieß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hieße: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hießen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hießest: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hießet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hießt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hindber: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hindbers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hindbær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hindbærs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjalp: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjarte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjelm: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjelp: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjelpe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjelpeløs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjelpeløse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjelpeløst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjelpen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjerne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjernen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjernens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjerner: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjernerne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjernernes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjerners: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjernes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjerte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjálp: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjälp: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjælm: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hjælp: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

hjælpe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjælpeløs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjælpeløse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjælpeløst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjælpen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hjærne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjærnen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjærnens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjærner: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjærnerne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjærnernes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjærners: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjærnes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hjærte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hollender: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hollænder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

home: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

home-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeoblastic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeograph: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeographs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeoid: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeoidal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeomeric: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeomerous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeomery: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeomorph: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeomorphic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeomorphism: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeomorphous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeomorphy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeopath: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeopathic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeopathical: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeopathically: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeopathie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeopathist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeopathists: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeopathy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeophone: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeophones: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeophony: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeoplastic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeoplasty: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeosis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeostasis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homeothermic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homo: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homo-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homoeogenesis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homoeograph: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homoeographs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homoeoid: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homoeomerous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homoeomery: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homoeomorphous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homoeopath: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homoeopathist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homoeopathists: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homoeopathy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homoeophone: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homoeophones: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homoeophony: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homoeostasis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homoeothermal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homoeothermic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homéopathie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homœoblastic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homœodont: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homœogenesis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homœograph: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

homœographs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homœoid: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

homœoidal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homœomeric: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homœomerous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

homœomery: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homœomorph: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homœomorphic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homœomorphism: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homœomorphous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homœomorphy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added and 1 item removed.

homœopath: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

homœopathe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item removed.

homœopathic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homœopathical: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homœopathically: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homœopathie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

homœopathist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homœopathists: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homœopathy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

homœophone: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homœophones: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homœophony: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

homœoplastic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homœoplasty: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homœosis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homœostasis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homœothermic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

homẽ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hona: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

honorar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

honorare: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

honoraré: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

honorer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

honorere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

honorær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

honorære: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

hora: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

horae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hore: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hors-d'œuvre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items removed.
  {{also|[[hors d'oeuvre|hors d’oeuvre]]}}

horë: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

horă: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hovedsteder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hovedstæder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hrad: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hrafn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hran: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hrekja: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hræ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hræd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hrækja: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hræn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

humanitar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

humaniter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

humanitär: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

humanitær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

husmand: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

husmands: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

husmænd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

husmænds: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hval: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hvas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hvel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hvæl: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hvæs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hwal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hwam: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hwanne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hwar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hwat: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hweg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hwæg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hwæl: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hwæm: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hwænne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hwær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hwæt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyaena: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hydra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hydrae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hydraemia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hydre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hydremia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hydræmia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyena: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hyenas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hyenen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyener: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hylaeosaurus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hymenaeal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hymeneal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hymenæal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hypaethral: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hypalbuminemia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hypalbuminæmia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyperaemic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyperaesthesia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyperaesthetic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyperbola: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyperbolae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyperbole: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyperbolæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hyperemic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyperesthesia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyperesthetic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hypergammaglobulinemia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hypergammaglobulinæmia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyperglycaemia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyperglycaemic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyperglycemia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyperglycemic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyperglycæmia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyperglycæmic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hypermenorrhea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hypermenorrhœa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyperpnea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyperpneic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyperpnoea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyperpnoeic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyperpnœa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyperpnœic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hyperæmic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyperæsthesia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hyperæsthesiæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item removed.

hyperæsthetic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hypethral: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hypnopedia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hypnopædia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hypoglycaemia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hypoglycaemic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hypoglycemia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hypoglycemic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hypoglycæmia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hypoglycæmic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyponatraemia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyponatremia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyponatræmia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hypopnea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hypopnoea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hypopnœa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hypæthral: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hysteria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hysterie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hysteriæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added and 1 item removed.

hystéria: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hystérie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hythe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyæna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

hyænas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyæne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

hyænen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hyæner: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hyænæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

hyène: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hyþe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

há há: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|ha ha|ha-ha|haha|hāhā|нана}}
  {{also|hæhæ|haha|нана|hāhā|ha ha|ha-ha}}

háfur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

háitǎ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hák: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hála: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

háll: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

háls: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hárs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hást: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hátt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hátán: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|hatan|hat an}}
  {{also|hatan|hætan|hat an}}

hávær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

háð: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 7 items added.

hâla: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hâle: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hâler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hâles: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hâlâ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hâlé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hâlés: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hâsi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|hasi|hạ sĩ}}
  {{also|hasi|hæsi|hạ sĩ}}

hâte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hâté: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hâve: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

häfte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

häftet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

häitä: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

häkä: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hälar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hälen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hälens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

häll: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hälla: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

häls: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hända: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hände: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

händer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

händers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

här: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|har|Har|hár|Hár|hār|hår|Appendix:Variations of "har"}}
  {{also|har|Har|hár|Hár|hār|hår|hær|Appendix:Variations of "har"}}

härar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hären: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

härene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

härenes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

härens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

härs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

häst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hätt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

häv: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hävd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

häver: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

håla: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hålan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|halan|Hà Lan}}
  {{also|halan|hælan|Hà Lan}}

hålar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hålen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hålens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hålet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

håll: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hålla: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

håls: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hånda: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hår: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|har|Har|hár|Hár|hār|här|Appendix:Variations of "har"}}
  {{also|har|Har|hár|Hár|hār|här|hær|Appendix:Variations of "har"}}

håra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

håren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hårene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hårens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hårs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

håv: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

håvar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæbbende: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæcceities: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæcceity: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hædd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hæf: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

hæfa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæft: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

hæftan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæfte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

hæfter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hæfters: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæftet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hæfur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hægl: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hægri: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hægt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hægur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæimr: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæka: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hækka: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hække: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hækken: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hækkene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hækker: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hækkes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæks: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hælan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.
  {{also|halan|helan|Hélán|hålan|Hà Lan}}

hælane: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hælar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

hælast: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hælede: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hælen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

hælene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

hælenes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hælens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

hæler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

hælet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hæleð: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 8 items added.

hæleþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 8 items added.

hæling: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hælu: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hælur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item removed.

hælþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

hæman: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæmapodous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmatemesis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmatin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmatine: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmatite: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hæmato-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

hæmatologic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæmatological: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmatologist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmatologists: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmatology: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmatoma: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmatomata: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmatophagous: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmatophobia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmatoporphyrin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmatopœtic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmatoxylin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæmatozoa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæmatozoon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæmaturia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hæmaturie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hæmaturiæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

hæmerythrin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæmic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmo-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

hæmochromatoses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæmochromatosis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmoglobin: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæmolysis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmophilia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæmophiliac: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmophiliacs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmophobia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmopoietic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmoptyses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmoptysis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmorrhage: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæmorrhages: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmorrhagia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæmorrhagic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmorrhagically: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmorrhoid: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmorrhoidal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmorrhoids: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmosiderosis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmostasis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæmostatic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hænda: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

hænde: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

hænder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hænders: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hængebro: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hærane: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hærar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hærene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hærenes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hærens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

hærer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

hæresie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

hæresies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hæresy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæretic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæretical: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæretick: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæretics: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæreticè: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæring: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hæritage: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæritages: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hærn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

hærnad: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hærs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

hærskare: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæsi: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.
  {{also|haesi|hasi|hesi|hâsi|hạ sĩ}}

hæsita: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

hæsitai: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæsitais: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæsitancies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæsitancy: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæsitant: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hæsitas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

hæsitasse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hæsitassent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæsitasses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hæsitate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæsitated: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæsitates: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæsitating: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæsitation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæsitations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæsite: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hæsitent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæsiter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæsitât: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hæsitâtes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hæsité: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hæster: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hætan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.
  {{also|haetan|hatan|hetan|hátán|hat an}}

hæte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

hætt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

hætta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hætta á: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hævd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hæve: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

hæver: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

hævet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

hævn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

hævnen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hæþen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hèle: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hèles: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hère: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hères: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hèt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

héhé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

héissen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

héla: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

héler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hélé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hélés: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hématite: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hématurie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hémisphère: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hémisphères: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

héritage: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

héritages: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hérnia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hérésie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hérésies: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hésita: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hésitai: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hésitais: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hésitant: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hésitas: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hésitasse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hésitasses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hésitation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hésitations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hésite: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hésites: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hésitât: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hésitâtes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hésité: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hésités: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hét: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hév: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hêk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hóra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hóre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

höna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

höra: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

höre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hýena: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

hāhā: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|ha ha|há há|ha-ha|haha|нана}}
  {{also|haha|нана|hæhæ|ha ha|ha-ha|há há}}

hāna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hār: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|har|Har|hár|Hár|här|hår|Appendix:Variations of "har"}}
  {{also|har|Har|hár|Hár|här|hår|hær|Appendix:Variations of "har"}}

hœna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

hǎitǎ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hạ sĩ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hẻm: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

hết: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

i går: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|igar|igår|-igar|í gær}}

iata: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

iată: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

idea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

idea-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ideasthesia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

idee: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ideá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ideæsthesia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ideé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

idha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

idretten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

idretter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

idrætten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

idrætter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

idée: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ieta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ietā: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

igar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|igår|-igar|i går}}
  {{also|igår|-igar|i går|í gær}}

igår: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|igar|-igar|i går}}
  {{also|igar|-igar|i går|í gær}}

imprescriptible: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

impræscriptible: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ina: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inadequate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inadæquate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

inadéquate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

incoharent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

incoherent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

incohærent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

incohérent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

indoeuropeisk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

indoeuropæisk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ine: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inequal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inequality: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inertia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inertiae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inertie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inertiæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

inesthetic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inestimable: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inhaere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inhaerent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inhaeres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inhere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inhered: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inherent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inheres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inhering: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inhesion: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inhære: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

inhæred: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inhærent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

inhæres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

inhæring: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inhæsion: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inhérent: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

innebar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

innebär: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

innebær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

inæqual: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inæquality: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

inæsthetic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

inæstimable: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

iné: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ionosfere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ionosferen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ionosferes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ionosfære: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ionosfæren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ionosfæres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

iorth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

iorþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

irregular: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

irregulare: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

irregulär: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

irreguläre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

irregulær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

irregulære: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

isar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ischaemia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ischaemic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ischemia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ischemic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ischemie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ischæmia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

ischæmic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

ischæmiæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added and 1 item removed.

ischémie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

iser: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

islander: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

islanding: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

islending: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

islendingen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

islendingene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

islænder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

islænding: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

islændingen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

islændingene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

isst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

isär: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

især: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

ith: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

ißt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

iätä: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ið: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.
  {{also|-ið|íð|Appendix:Variations of "id"}}
  {{also|iþ|-ið|íð|ith|Appendix:Variations of "id"}}

iða: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

iþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 7 items added.

işer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

iṇa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jaja: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jajá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jarn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jatte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jatten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jattes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jeger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items removed.

jern: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jerv: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jette: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jetten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jetter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jetters: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jettes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jevn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jodh: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

jordskalvet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jordskalvets: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jordskalvs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jordskælvet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jordskælvets: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jordskælvs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

joð: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jubileer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jubileet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jubileum: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jubilæer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jubilæet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

judeophobe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

judeophobes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

judeus: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

judéophobe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

judéophobes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

juletre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

juletreet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

juletræ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

juletræet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

járn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

järn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jätte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jätten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jättes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jæger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items removed.

jæja: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

jærn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

jærv: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

jætte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

jætten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

jætter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jætters: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jættes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

jævn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jóð: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

jȧ̃jä: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kabe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kad: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kade: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kaden: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kader: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kaders: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kades: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kadet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kaede: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kael: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kaer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kafa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kak: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kal: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kalder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kale: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kaler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kalë: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kalė: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kamba: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kameleon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kamp: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kampe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kampen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kampens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kamper: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kampers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kamæleon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

kaméleon: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kanguru: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kann: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kanna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kanska: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kapa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kappe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kappen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kappene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kappens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kappes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kaps: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kapā: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

karantene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

karantenen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

karantener: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

karantæne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

karantænen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

karantæner: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

karasta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kare: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

karte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

karten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

karter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

karters: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kartes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kartë: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kartē: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kartēs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kasa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kati: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

katter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ka·p̓: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kaļ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kaŝa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kaša: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ke-mbá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ked: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

keder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kefa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kek: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kela: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kelder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kele: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

keler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kelet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kelling: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kemba: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kemp: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kempe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kempen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kemper: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kempers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kena: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kenguru: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kenguruen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kenguruer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kenn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kenna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

keps: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ker-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ker.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kerr: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kerte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kerten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kertens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kerter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kerterne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kerternes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kerters: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kertes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kerté: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kerä: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kesa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kesä: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

keta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

keti: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ketter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ketä: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ketî: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

keď: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kinaestheses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kinaesthetic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kinestheses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kinesthesia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kinesthesis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kinesthetic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kinæstheses: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kinæsthesia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kinæsthesis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kinæsthetic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kith: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

kið: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

kiþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

kjær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item removed.

klabu: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

klad: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

klade: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kladt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

klar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

klede: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kledt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kledte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

klimaendring: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

klimaændring: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kloss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

klossen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

klár: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kläd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

klär: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

klæd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

klæde: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

klædt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

klædte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

klær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

knar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kneet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

knepa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

knár: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

knæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

knæet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

knæpa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

knær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

kné: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kompromiss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kongress: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

konsular: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

konsuler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

konsulær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

kostar: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

koster: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kostær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

kraft: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kraften: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kraftens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

krafter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

krafters: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

krafts: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

krank: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kranke: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kranker: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kras: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kravs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kreft: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kreften: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

krefter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kreiss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kreissen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kreiß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kreißen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

krese: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kränke: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kränker: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

krävs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kræft: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

kræften: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

kræftens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kræfter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

kræfters: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kræfts: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

krænk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

krænke: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

krænker: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

kræs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

kræse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

krævs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

krêft: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kuss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kuth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

kuð: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

kuþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

kvad: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kvadet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kvak: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kvark: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kvarker: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kvarn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kveld: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kvelden: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kvelder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kvæd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kvædet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kvæk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kvæld: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kvælden: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kvælder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kværk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kværker: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kværn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kád: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

káfa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kál: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kápa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kár: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kása: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

káď: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kâfa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kâr: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

käden: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kädet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

käk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kämpen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

känguru: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

känn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

känna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

käppen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

käppens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kär: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

käre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kåk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kål: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kåpa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kår: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kæbe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kæd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

kæde: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

kæden: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

kæder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

kæders: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

kædes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

kædet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

kæfa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

kælder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

kæler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

kælet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

kælling: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

kæmba: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

kæmp: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

kæmpe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

kæmpen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

kæmpens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kæmper: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

kæmpers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

kænguru: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

kænguruen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kænguruer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

kænn: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

kænna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

kænska: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kæp: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

kæpa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

kæppe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

kæppen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

kæppene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kæppens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

kæppes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

kæps: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

kærasta: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kærr: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

kærten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

kærtens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kærter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

kærterne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kærternes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kærters: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

kærtes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

kæti: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 6 items added.

kætter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

kèk: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kèlā: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kètí: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kék: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kép: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kérte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kër: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

købmand: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

købmands: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

købmænd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

købmænds: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kāre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kārte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kārtes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kārtē: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kārtēs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kāsa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kāsā: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kāša: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ką̊l: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kēlā: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kēnā: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kēļ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kę́rr: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

kělè: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

l'en: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

l-ați: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

la'a: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

labe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

labens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laber: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

labes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

labia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

labie: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

labiæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

lacan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

lace: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

lacé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

ladan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laden: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lader: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laederet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laeg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laena: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laesa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laese: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laesere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laessa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laet: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

laeti: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laevigated: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laevigates: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laevigating: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laevis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laevorotation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laevorotations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lag: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lage: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lagen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lagena: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lagene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lagenæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

lager: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lagerne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laggen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laggens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lagger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lagget: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laggets: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lagre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lags: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lagst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lakker: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lakna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lakur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lana: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lanan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

landa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

landmand: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

landmands: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

landmænd: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

landmænds: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lange: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

langere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

langst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

langste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

langé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lapa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lapā: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lare: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lari: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laringa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

larinġa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

larva: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

larve: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

larvé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

larvă: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lasa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lase: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lasere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laseren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laserens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laseres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laserne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lasernes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lasers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lass: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lassa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lasset: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lasst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lassà: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lassâ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

last: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lastan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lasten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lastene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lastens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laster: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lasterne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lasternes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lasters: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lastes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lasts: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

latan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added and 1 item removed.

lath: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

latha: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

lati: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

latna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

latt: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

latter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

latí: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lavis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lavo: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lavò: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lavó: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lawed: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laß: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

laþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

lačan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

laša: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

le'a: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lebe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leben: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lebes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leccan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ledan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.
  {{also|lê dan}}
  {{also|lædan|lê dan}}

leden: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ledér: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lefan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leg-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leg.: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lege: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

legge: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leggen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leggene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leggens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

legger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

legges: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

legget: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leggets: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leghe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leghæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

legs: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

legst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

legë: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leith: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leið: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

lekker: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lekur: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lemology: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

len: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lena: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lenda: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lenestol: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lenestolen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lenestolene: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lengde: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lengden: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lengder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lenge: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lengsel: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lengsler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lengst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lengste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lepe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ler: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leran: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leraren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leret: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leri: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lerke: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lerte: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lerá: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lerán: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lerë: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lesa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lese: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leser: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lesere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leseren: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leserne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lesers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lesion: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lesions: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lesión: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

less: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lessa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lessâ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lest: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leste: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lesten: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lester: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lestes: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lests: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lesté: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lestés: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lesť: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

let: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

letan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

leth-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

leti: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lett: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

letter: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leucaemia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leucemia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leucorrhea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

leucorrhoea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

leucorrhœa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

leucorrhϾ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

leucæmia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

leukaemia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leukemia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leukorrhea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leukorrhœa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leukæmia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

leukémia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

levigate: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

levigated: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

levigates: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

levigating: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

levis: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

levo: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

levo-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

levogyration: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

levogyre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

levorotation: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

levorotations: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

levorotatory: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

levulose: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

levò: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

levő: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lewed: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leâ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leð: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

leña: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leþ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

leń: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

leśe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lidh: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

liesse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

ließe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

limnemic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

limnæmic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

limou: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

limϞ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

linear: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lineare: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

linearé: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lineer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lineere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lineär: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lineäre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lineær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 5 items added.

lineære: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

lith: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

lith-: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

lithan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

lithe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

littera: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

litterae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

litterer: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

litteræ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

litterær: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

liðan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

liþan: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 3 items added.

liþe: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

lodh: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

logaoedic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

logaoedics: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

logodaedalist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

logodædalist: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

logorrhea: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

logorrheic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

logorrhoeic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

logorrhœa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

logorrhœic: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

loss: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

losse: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

loth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

loße: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

lunula: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lunulae: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lunule: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lunulæ: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

lyddemper: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lyddempere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lyddemperen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lyddemperne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lyddæmper: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lyddæmpere: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lyddæmperen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lyddæmperne: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lymphedema: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lymphodema: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lymphoedema: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lymphœdema: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

làg: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

làna: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

làsers: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

láa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lábia: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

láce: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 2 items added.

lána: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lárva: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

láseres: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lássa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

láth: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

láð: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 4 items added.

lână: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lãa: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lãnã: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

läder: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

läge: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lägen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lägena: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

läger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

läggen: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

läggens: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lägger: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lägget: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

läggets: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lägre: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

lägst: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.

länge: {{also|...}} template updated (using basic and Wider Latin equivalence tables); 1 item added.