
Ukrainian database is based on Index:Ukrainian on 23 December 2013 and contains 256,618 lemmas with full inflection. Breakdown by parts of speech:

Part of speech Number of entries
Noun, masculine, animate 14505
Noun, masculine, inanimate 31649
Noun, feminine, animate 6621
Noun, feminine, inanimate 37928
Noun, neuter, animate 706
Noun, neuter, inanimate 23156
Noun, plural, animate 303
Noun, plural, inanimate 5467
Noun, masculine or neuter, animate 53
Noun, masculine or neuter, inanimate, 23
Noun, masculine or feminine, animate 499
Noun, masculine or feminine, inanimate 9
Noun, feminine or masculine, animate 18
Noun, feminine or masculine, inanimate 8
Noun, feminine or neuter, animate 5
Noun, feminine or neuter, inanimate 9
Noun with preposition 33
Nouns, total 120,992
Adjective, positive 52030
Adjective, comparative 639
Adjective, superlative 1705
Adjectives, total 54,374
Verb, imperfective 21522
Verb, perfective 26510
Verb, imperfective and perfective 1199
Participle 13664
Gerund 188
Verbs, total 63,083
Adverb 10314
Conjunction 141
Particle 145
Preposition 165
Interjection 570
Pronoun 161
Proper noun 432
Surname 5357
Predicative 205
Abbreviation 301
Numeral 2
Numeral, ordinal 35
Numeral, quantity 94
Compound 54
Parenthetic word 33
Conjunction and particle 9
Participle with adverb 32
Invariant dictionary unit 48
Adjective with adverb 29
Pronoun with preposition 11
Adverb and particle 3
Pronoun with particle 5
Numeral, type two 3
Uninflected word 14
Adverb with particles 2
Numeral with preposition 1
Gerund with particle 3