Wiktionary:About Ashkun

Ashkun (Aṣkuňu) is a Nuristani language spoken in Afghanistan.

Sound changes


Ashkun is defined primarily by the unconditioned change of Proto-Nuristani *c (*ts) to s (but *sc (*sts) > ć (ts)) and > ć (ts), compared to all other Nuristani languages, and secondarily by the change of Proto-Nuristani to .



Ashkun has four dialects: Badzaigal (Baźaigël), Kolatan (Kolatã), Masegal (Masēgël), and Sanu (Sëňu). The Masegal dialect is defined by the change of to l after a consonant.



In Ashkun, words are generally stressed at the end of the syllable, reflecting common Nuristani penultimate stress (per Strand 2007 and Halfmann 2023). Stress is not marked.

Orthographic notation


When notating Ashkun, a unified orthography system by Jakob Halfmann is used. Transcription conventions compared to Richard Strand include (V = any vowel):

  • a > ë
  • â > a
  • >
  • >
  • Vi > Vy
  • Vu, Vv > Vw
  • ǰ > j
  • > ḍẓ
  • ŋ >


  • Jakob Halfmann (2022) Advances in the historical phonology of the Nuristani languages, in International Journal of Diachronic Linguistics and Linguistic Reconstruction
  • Jakob Halfmann (2023) Lād "law": a Bactrian loanword in the Nuristani languages, in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London, United Kingdom
  • Richard Strand (1973) Notes on the Nūristāni and Dardic Languages, Brown University
  • Richard Strand (2007) Transcription and Pronunciation of the Nûristânî Languages
  • Richard Strand (2011) Saňu-vi:ri Lexicon
  • Richard Strand (2012) Nuristâni Etymological Lexicon